2017.10-2018.11 Visiting associate of California Institute of Technology (Caltech)
2017.3 - Associate Professor in Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2013.7 - 2017.2 Assistant Professor in Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2010.9 - 2013.6 Ph.D in Cognitive Neuroscience, Beijing Normal University
2007.9 - 2010.6 M.Ed.in Psychology, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang
2003.9 - 2007.6 B.Ed. in Preschool Education, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, Guangxi
Neural mechanism of social emotion and social decision
Liu, Q., Wu, H*, & Liu, A*. (2019). Modeling and Interpreting Real-world Human Risk Decision Making with Inverse Reinforcement Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:.05803.
Zhu, R., Liu, C., Li, T., Xu, Z., Fung, B., Wang, L*, Wu, H*, Luo, Y*, & Feng, C*. (2019). Intranasal oxytocin reduces reactive aggression in men but not in women: A computational approach. Psychoneuroendocrinology.
Shuguang Wei, Quanying Liu, Michael Harrington, Jinxiu Sun, Hao Yu, Jie Han, Ming Hao, Haiyan Wu*, and Xun Liu*. (2019) Nonconformist tendencies related to risky choices in female methamphetamine abstainers. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse.
Feng C, Cao J, Li Y, Wu H*, Dean Mobbs (2018) The pursuit of social acceptance: aberrant conformity in social anxiety disorder, Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 13(8): 809?17
柏子琳, 伍海燕, 方永超, 韓紅, & 牛盾 (2018). 方言對社會決策及情緒的影響——來自電生理的證據. 心理科學, 41, 1171-1177.
Sai, L., Wu, H., Hu, X., & Fu, G. (2018). Telling a truth to deceive: Examining executive control and reward-related processes underlying interpersonal deception. Brain and cognition, 125, 149-156.
Qi Y., Wu H*, Raiha S. Liu X*. Social value orientation modulates context-based social comparison preference in outcome evaluation: An ERP study. Neuropsychologia (2018)
Zhu, X., Zhang, H., Wu, L., Yang, S., Wu, H., Luo, W., Gu, R., & Luo, Y.-j. (2018). The influence of self-construals on the ERP response to the rewards for self and mother. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-9.
Xu, R., Yang, J., Feng, C., Wu, H., Huang, R., Yang, Q., Li, Z., Xu, P., Gu, R., & Luo, Y.-j. (2018). Time is nothing: emotional consistency of autobiographical memory and its neural basis. Brain imaging and behavior, 1-14.
Liao, C., Wu, H., Guan, Q., Luo, Y., & Cui, F. (2018). Predictability and probability modulate the neural responses to other's pain: An event-related potential investigation. Biological Psychology, 138, 11-18.
戚艷艷, 伍海燕*, & 劉勛* (2017). 社會價值取向對親社會行為的影響: 來自行為和神經影像學的證據. 科學通報, 62, 1136-1144.
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Cui, F., Wu, S., Wu, H., Wang, C., Jiao, C., & Luo, Y. (2017). Altruistic and self-serving goals modulate behavioral and neural responses in deception. Social cognitive and affective neuroscience, 13(1), 63-71.
Cao J, Liu Q, Li Y, Yang J, Gu R, Liang J, Qi Y, Wu H*, Liu X (2017). Cognitive behavioural therapy attenuates the enhanced early facial stimuli processing in social anxiety disorders: an ERP investigation. Behavioral and Brain Functions 13 (1), 12
Wu, H., Tang, H., Ge, Y., Yang, S., Mai, X., Luo, Y. J., & Liu, C. (2017). Object words modulate the activity of the mirror neuron system during action imitation. Brain and behavior, 7(11).
Zhu, R., Wu, H., Xu, Z., Tang, H., Shen, X., Mai, X., & Liu, C. (2017). Early distinction between shame and guilt processing in an interpersonal context. Social neuroscience, 1-14.
Fu, D., Qi, Y., Wu, H*., & Liu, X*. (2017). Integrative neurocognitive mechanism of empathy and counter-empathy. Chinese Science Bulletin.
Qi, Y., Gu, R., Cao, J., Bi, X., Wu, H *, & Liu, X*. (2017). Response bias-related impairment of early subjective face discrimination in social anxiety disorders: An event-related potential study. Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 47, 10-20.
Qi, Y., Wu, H*., & Liu, X*. (2017). The influences of social value orientation on prosocial behaviors: The evidences from behavioral and neuroimaging studies. Chinese Science Bulletin, 62(11), 1136-1144.
Wu, H., Luo, Y., & Feng, C. (2016). Neural signatures of social conformity: A coordinate-based activation likelihood estimation meta-analysis of functional brain imaging studies. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 71, 101-111.
Wu, H., Gui, D., Lin, W., Gu, R., Zhu, X., & Liu, X*. (2016). The procrastinators want it now: behavioral and event-related potential evidence of the procrastination of intertemporal choices. Brain and cognition, 107, 16-23.
Wu, H., Luo, L., Dai, J., Yang, S., Wang, N., & Luo, Y. J. (2016). Event-Related Potential Responses to Beloved and Familiar Faces in Different Marriage Styles: Evidence from Mosuo Subjects. Frontiers in psychology, 7.
朱湘茹, 張艷, 楊蘇勇, 伍海燕, 王麗麗, & 古若雷 (2015). 母親與自我具有相同的動機等級: 來自結果評價的 FRN 證據. 心理學報,47, 807-813.
Wu, H., Ge, Y., Tang, H., Luo, Y. J., Mai, X., & Liu, C. (2015). Language modulates brain activity underlying representation of kinship terms. Scientific reports, 5, 18473.
Zheng, Y., Li, Q., Wang, K., Wu, H., & Liu, X. (2015). Contextual valence modulates the neural dynamics of risk processing. Psychophysiology, 52(7), 895-904.
Dai, J., Zhai, H., Wu, H., Yang, S., Cacioppo, J. T., Cacioppo, S., & Luo, Y. J. (2014). Maternal face processing in Mosuo preschool children. Biological psychology, 99, 69-76.
Wu, H., Chen, C., Cheng, D., Yang, S., Huang, R., Cacioppo, S., & Luo, Y. J. (2014). The mediation effect of menstrual phase on negative emotion processing: Evidence from N2. Social neuroscience, 9(3), 278-288.
Wu, H., Mai, X., Tang, H., Ge, Y., Luo, Y. J., & Liu, C. (2013). Dissociable somatotopic representations of Chinese action verbs in the motor and premotor cortex. Scientific Reports, 3, 2049.
Wu, H., Yang, S., Sun, S., Liu, C., & Luo, Y. J. (2013). The male advantage in child facial resemblance detection: Behavioral and ERP evidence. Social neuroscience, 8(6), 555-567.
Liu, C., Tardif, T., Wu, H., Monk, C. S., Luo, Y. J., & Mai, X. (2013). The representation of category typicality in the frontal cortex and its cross-linguistic variations. Brain and language, 127(3), 415-427.
伍海燕, 王乃弋, & 羅躍嘉 (2012). 腦, 認知, 情緒與教育——情緒的神經科學研究進展及其教育意義. 教育學報.
Chen, C., Liu, C., Huang, R., Cheng, D., Wu, H., Xu, P., ... & Luo, Y. J. (2012). Suppression of aversive memories associates with changes in early and late stages of neurocognitive processing. Neuropsychologia, 50(12), 2839-2848.
Hu, X., Wu, H., & Fu, G. (2011). Temporal course of executive control when lying about self-and other-referential information: an ERP study. Brain Research, 1369, 149-157.
伍海燕, 傅根躍, & 臧燕紅 (2010). 欺騙與誠實的 P300 的動機準備效應. 心理科學.
Wu, H., Hu, X., & Fu, G. (2009). Does willingness affect the N2-P3 effect of deceptive and honest responses? Neuroscience letters, 467(2), 63-66.
伍海燕, 傅根躍, & 臧燕紅 (2009). 幽默加工的腦機制. 心理科學進展, 112-117.
伍海燕, 傅根躍, & 臧燕紅 (2009). 幽默加工的腦機制. 心理科學進展, 112-117.
Conference Proceedings(會議論文)
Liu, Q., Wu, H*. & Liu, A*. (2019). Modeling and Interpreting Real-world Human Risk Decision Making with Inverse Reinforcement Learning, International Conference on Machine Learning (機器學習國際頂級會議) Long Beach.
Liu, Q., H. Wu, J. Doyle, A. Wilson, J. Corlier, and A. Leuchter. "10 Hz rTMS-induced Neural Response of Gamma Oscillations in Subgenual Anterior Cingulate Cortex (sgACC) is Anti-correlated with Left Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex (DLPFC) in Major Depressive Disorder." Brain Stimulation 12, no. 2 (2019): 544.
Book chapter
Haiyan Wu. Lie Detection and Mind Reading. (2012) In Xiaowei Tang (Eds.) Mind Reading, Hangzhou: Zhejiang University Press.
- 項目來源: 中國科學院心理研究所青年人才啟動項目
項目名稱: 基於自我他人關係的社會決策的神經機制
起止時間: 2013年10到2016年10月 - 項目來源: 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目
項目名稱: 群體認同對共情影響的神經機制
起止時間: 2014年1月-2017年12月 - 項目來源: 國家自然科學基金聯合項目(67萬元)
項目名稱: 社會互動中動機性說謊的神經機制
起止時間: 2018年1月-2020年12月 - 項目來源: 中國科學院行為科學重點實驗室自主研究課題(重點課題)
項目名稱: 社會遵從偏向的神經機制和催產素的調節作用
起止時間: 2016年11月11-2018年11月11日