2003.4-2003.5: 英國University of East Anglia (Norwich)參加退化土地評估研討班,並赴西班牙Murcia地區考察
2004.3-2004.12: 美國加州大學聖.巴巴拉分校(University of California, Santa Barbara)訪問學者
2007.7-2007.8: 美國佛羅里達州坦帕市(Tampa, Florida)參加美國2007年水土保持學會年會,會後參觀訪問了位於喬治亞州蒂夫頓市(Tifton, Georgia)的美國農業部東南流域研究實驗室(USDA-ARS, Southeast Watershed Research Laboratory),位於喬治亞州阿森斯市(Athens, Georgia)的美國農業部自然資源保持中心(USDA-ARS, J Phil Campbell Sr. Natural Resource Conservation Center at Watkinsville),位於密西西比州牛津市(Oxford, Mississippi)的美國農業部國家沉積實驗室(USDA-ARS, National Sedimentation Laboratory)以及位於亞利桑那州圖森市(Tucson, Arizona)的美國農業部西南流域研究中心(USDA-ARS, Southwest Watershed Research Center),與同行進行了交流
Dong Yifan, Wu Yongqiu*, Yin Jiayi, 2008, Investigation the shear strength parameters and predict soil collapse on gully wall in black soil region in China. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. submitted
Wu Yongqiu, Zheng Qiuhong, Zhang Yongguang, Liu Baoyuan, Cheng Hong, Wang Yanzai, 2008, Development and sediment production of gullies in black soil region of Northeast China, Geomorphology. in press
Zhang Yongguang, Wu Yongqiu*, Liu Baoyuan, Yin Jiayi. 2007, Characteristics and factors controlling the development of ephemeral gullies in cultivated catchments in northeastern China with black soils. Soil & Tillage Research, 96: 28-41
Hu Gang, Wu Yongqiu*, Liu Baoyuan, Yu Zhangtao, You Zhimin, Zhang Yongguang Hong, 2007. Short-term gully retreat rates in rolling hills with black soil in Northeast China. Catena, 71: 321-329
Cheng Hong, Zou Xueyong, Wu Yongqiu* et al., 2007. Morphology parameters of ephemeral gully in characteristics hillslopes on the Loess Plateau of China. Soil & Tillage Research, 94(1): 4-14
Liu Gengnian, Zhang Xiaoyong, Cui Zhijiu, Wu Yongqiu, Ju Yuanjiang, 2006, A review of glacial sequences of the Kunlun Pass, northern Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary International, 154-155: 63-72
Cheng Hong, Wu Yongqiu*, Zou Xueyong, Zhao Yanzhi, Ha Si, 2006. Study of ephemeral gully erosion in the small catchment of upland on the Inn-Mongolia Plateau. Soil & Tillage Research, 90: 184-193
Zhao Yan-Zhi, Zou Xue-Yong, Hong Cheng, Jia Hai-Kun, Wu Yong-Qiu, Wang Gui-Yong, Zhang Chun-Lai, Gao Shang-Yu, 2006. Assessing the Ecological Security of the Tibetan Plateau: Methodology and a Case Study for Lhaze County. Journal of Environmental Management. 80: 120-131
Wu Yongqiu, Cheng Hong, 2005. Monitoring of gully erosion on the Loess Plateau of China using a global positioning system. Catena. 63(2-3):154-166
Wu Yongqiu, Xie Kunqing, Zhang Qingchun, Zhang Yan, Xie Yun and C.J. Ritsema, 2003. Plant characteristics and their temporal change on the Loess plateau of China. Catena, 54: 7-16
Xie Kunqing, Wu Yongqiu, Ma Xiujun, Liu Yu, Liu Baoyuan and R. Hessel, 2003. Using Contour lines to Generate Digital Elevation Models for Steep Slope Areas: A case study of the Loess Plateau in North China. Catena, 54: 161-171
Erik van den Elsen, Xie Yun, Liu Baoyuan, Jannes Stolte, Wu Yongqiu, Kim Trouwborst and Coen J. Ritsema, 2003. Intensive water content and discharge measurement system in a hillslope gully in China. Catena, 54: 93-115
Wu Yongqiu, Cui Zhijiu, Liu Gengnian, Ge Daokai, Yin Jiaru, Xu Qinghai, and Pang Qiqing, 2001. Quaternary geomorphological evolution of Kunlun Pass area and uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet) Plateau. Geomorphology, 36: 203-216
Liu Gengnian, Cui Zhijiu, Ge Daokai, Wu Yongqiu, 1999. The stratified slope deposits at Kunlunshan Pass, Tibet Plateau, China. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 10(4): 369-375
CUI Zhijiu, LI Dewen, WU Yongqiu and LIU Gengnian, 1999. Comment on planation surface. Chinese Science Bulletin, 44(22), 2017-2022
CUI Zhijiu, WU Yongqiu, LIU Gengnian, Ge Daokai, Pang Qiqing and Xu Qinghai, 1998. On Kunlun-Yellow River tectonic Movement. Science in China (Series D), 41(6), 592-600
CUI Zhijiu, WU Yongqiu and LIU Gengnian, 1998. Discovery and character of the Kunlun-Yellow River Movement. Chinese Science Bulletin, 43(10), 833-836
CUI Zhijiu, WU Yongqiu, LIU Gengnian, 1995. Discovery and environmental significance of neolithic man's trace in Kunlun Mountains Pass Area, Chinese Science Bulletin. 40(17), 1451-1455
英文(International conferences papers, posters and abstracts)
Wu Yongqiu, Liu Baoyuan Xie Yun, Zhang Yongguang, 2007, Gully Erosion in the black soil region in Northeast China. Soil and Water Conservation Society's 2007 annual conference at the Saddlebrook Resort in Wesley Chapel, Florida, U.S.A.
Wu Yongqiu, Zheng Qiuhong, Hu Gang, Zhang Yongguang, Liu Baoyuan and Xie Yun, 2004, Gully erosion warning in black soil region of Northeastern China. Third International Symposium on Gully Erosion, April 28-May 1, 2004, Oxford, Mississippi. U.S.A.
Hu Gang, Wu Yongqiu*, Liu Baoyuan, Xie Yun, 2004, The characteristics, distributions of gully and its short-term retreat rates in black soil of Northeast China. Third International Symposium on Gully Erosion, April 28-May 1, 2004, Oxford, Mississippi. U.S.A.
Wu Yongqiu, Cheng Hong, 2002, Monitoring of gully erosion using global positioning system. 2nd International Symposium on Gully Erosion under Global Change. May 22-25, 2002. Chengdu, China (ISTP收錄)
Zhao Dengfeng, Wu Yongqiu and Zhang Yan, 2002, Analysis of gully erosion in black soil area in China. 2nd International Symposium on Gully Erosion under Global Change. May 22-25, 2002. Chengdu, China
Wu Yongqiu, Cui Zhijiu, Liu Gengnian and Ge Daokai. 2000. When the Tibet Plateau uplift to the present elevation. 15th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet(HKT) Workshop, April 21-24, 2000. Chengdu, China
Tang H.-P. & Wu Y.-Q., 2000, Comparative study on diversities of the forest communities of mountain area in Northeast China transect (NECT). Global Mountain Biodiversity Assessment (GMBA): First international conference on Mountain Biodiversity, 7.-10. Sept. 2000 in Rigi-Kaltbad, Switzerland
Cui Zhijiu, Liu Gengnian, Wu Yongqiu, 1996, Kunlun tectonic movement (1.1 Ma - 0.6 MaB.P.) and its significance in global change, In: 30th international Geological Congress, 30, Vol.1, 82. Beijing, China
Ge Daokai, Cui Zhijiu, Wu Yongqiu, Liu Gengnian, Yin Jiarun, 1996, The deposition and environmental evolution in the pass area of Kunlun Mountains (Pliocene to Pleistocene), northern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau, southwestern China, In: 30th international Geological Congress, 30, Vol.1, 85. Beijing, China
Wu Yongqiu,Cui Zhijiu,Ge Daokai and Liu Gengnian, 1996, Records and Significance of Humid-Cold Climate in Middle of Late Pleistocene in Kunlun Mountains Pass Area, Qinghai Province,China. China Postdoctors Contribution to the 30th International Geological Congress, China Petroleum Industry Press, 287-290. Beijing, China