- 本科課程:
大學計算機基礎 - 科研方向:
2.Fang Ren,Hideaki Takashima, Yoshito Tanaka, Hideki Fujiwara, and Keiji Sasaki, "Two-photon excited fluorescence from a pseudoisocyanine-attached gold tip via a plasmonic-photonic hybrid system," Optics Express, Vol. 23, No. 17, 21730-21740, 2015.
3.Fang Ren, Ruizhi Tang, Juhao Li, Tao Hu, Jinyi Yu, Qi Mo, Yongqi He, Zhangyuan Chen, and Zhengbin Li, "Experimental demonstration of time- and mode-division multiplexed passive optical network," Optical Fiber Technology,Vol. 36, 92-97, 2017
4.Fang Ren, Juhao Li, Tao Hu, Zhongying Wu, Jinyi Yu, Qi Mo, Yongqi He, Zhangyuan Chen, and Zhengbin Li, "Three-mode mode-division-multiplexing passive optical network over 12-km low mode-crosstalk FMF using all-fiber mode MUX/DEMUX," Optics Communications, Vol. 383, 525-530, 2017.
5.Fang Ren, Dawei Ge, Juhao Li, Zhengbin Li, Yongqi He and Zhangyuan Chen, "An all-fiber mode converter assisted by coiled-fiber long-period grating", Optics Communications, Vol. 360, 15-19, 2016.
6.Fang Ren, Juhao Li, Tao Hu, Ruizhi Tang, Jinyi Yu, Qi Mo, Yongqi He, Zhangyuan Chen, and Zhengbin Li, "Experimental demonstration of 3-mode MDM-PON transmission over 7.4-km low-mode-crosstalk FMF," Proc. of OFC 2016, W2A. 58. pdf (2016)
7.Fang Ren, Hideaki Takashima, Yoshito Tanaka, Hideki Fujiwara, and Keiji Sasaki, ”Two-photon excited fluorescence from a pseudoisocyanine-attached gold-coated tip via a thin tapered fiber under a weak continuous wave excitation”, Optics Express, Vol. 21, Issue 23, pp. 27759-27769 (2013).