



  • 中文名:任東濤
  • 畢業院校:蘭州大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:理學
  • 任職院校:中國農業大學


1985-1989:蘭州大學 生物系,本科,獲理學學士學位
1997-至今:歷任中國農業大學副教授、教授。 期間曾先後於2001和2005年到美國Noble Foundation和密蘇里大學生化系作博士後、高訪合作研究。









Xia K., Wang B., Zhang J., Li Y., Yang H., Ren D* (2017) Arabidopsis Phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase C 4 negatively regulates seedling salt tolerance. Plant Cell Environ. DOI:10.1111pce.12918. (*Corresponding author)
Wu J., Wang B., Xin X., Ren D* (2017) Protein Kinases in Shaping Plant Architecture. Curr Protein Pept Sci, DOI: 10.21741389203718666170209151651. (*Corresponding author)
Zhao F., Zheng Y., Zeng T., Sun R., Yang J., Li Y., Ren D., Ma H., Xu Z., Bai S (2017) Phosphorylation of SPOROCYTELESSNOZZLE by the MPK3/MPK6 is required for anther development. Plant Physiol, 173, 2265-2277.
Li K., Yang F., Zhang G., Song S., Li Y., Miao Y., Ren D.,Song C (2017) AIK1, A mitogen-activated protein Kinase, Modulates Abscisic Acid Responses through the MKK5-MPK6 kinase Cascade. Plant Physiol,173,1391-1408.
Guo H., Feng P., Chi W., Sun X., Xu X., Li Y., Ren D., Lu C., Rochaix J., Zhang L (2016) Plastid-nucleus communication involves calcium-modulated MAPK signalling. Nat Commun, 7, 12173.
Li Y., Chang Y., Zhao C., Yang H., Ren D* (2016) Expression of the inactive ZmMEK1 induces salicylic acid accumulation and salicylic acid-dependent leaf senescence. J Integr Plant Biol,58,724-736. (*Corresponding author)
Wang B., Qin X., Wu J., Deng H., Li Y., Yang H., Chen Z., Liu G., Ren D* (2016) Analysis of crystal structure of Arabidopsis MPK6 and generation of its mutants with higher activity. Sci Rep, 10.1038srep25646. (*Corresponding author)
Liu Z., Li Y., Cao H., Ren D* (2015)Comparative phospho-proteomics analysis of salt-responsive phosphoproteins regulated by the MKK9-MPK6 cascade in Arabidopsis. Plant Sci, 241,138-150. (*Corresponding author)
Lei L., Li Y., Wang Q., Xu J., Chen Y., Yang H., Ren D* (2014) Activation of MKK9-MPK3MPK6 enhances phosphate acquisition in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytol, 203,1146-1160.(*Corresponding author).
Xu J., Yang K., Yoo S., Liu Y., Ren D., Zhang S (2014). Reactive oxygen species in signaling the transcriptional activation of WIPK expression in tobacco. Plant Cell Environ, 37,1614-1625
Xu J., Xie J., Yan C., Zou X., Ren D., Zhang S (2014). A chemical genetic approach demonstrates that MPK3/MPK6 activation and NADPH oxidase-mediated oxidative burst are two independent signaling events in plant immunity. Plant J, 77, 222-234
Li L., Li Y., Zhang L., Xu C., Su T., Ren D., Yang H (2012) Sucrose induces rapid activation of CfSAPK, a mitogen-activated protein kinase, in Cephalostachyum fuchsianumGamble cells. Plant Cell Environ, 345, 1428-1439.
Su T., Xu J., Li Y., Lei L., Zhao L., Yang H., Feng J., Liu G., Ren D* (2011) Glutathione-Indole-3-Acetonitrile Is Required for Camalexin Biosynthesis inArabidopsisthaliana.Plant Cell. 23, 364-380 (*Corresponding author).
Yang X., Chen Z., Xu Tao., Qu Z., Pan X., Qin X., Ren D., Liu G (2011) The Arabidopsis Kinesin KP1 Specifically Interacts with VDAC3, a Mitochondrial Protein, and is Required for Respiratory Regulation during Seed Germination at Low Temperature. Plant Cell. 23,1093-1106.
Wang Y., Li J., Hou S., Wang X., Li Y., Ren D., Chen S., Tang X., Zhou J (2010) APseudomonas syringae ADP-Ribosyltransferase Inhibits Arabidopsis Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Kinases. Plant Cell. 22, 2033-2044.
Wang P., Du Y., Li Y., Ren D., Song C (2010) Hydrogen Peroxide–Mediated Activation of MAP Kinase 6 Modulates Nitric Oxide Biosynthesis and Signal Transduction inArabidopsis.Plant Cell.
Xie Y., Li W., Guo D., Dong J., Zhang Q., Ren D., Peng M., Xia Y (2010) Arabidopsis Sigma Factor-Binding protein 1 plays a role in salicylate- and jasmonate- mediated defense responses. Plant Cell Environ. 33, 828-838
Xu X., Zhou Y., Wei S., Ren D., Yang M., Bu H., Kang M., Wang J., Feng J. (2009) Molecular cloning and expression of a Cu/Zn containing superoxide dismutase fromThellungiella halophila. Mol. Cells. 27,423-428.
Xu T., Qu Z., Yang X., Qin X., Xiong J., Wang Y., Ren D*., Liu G*. (2009) A cotton kinesin GhKCH2 interacts with both microtubules and microfilaments. Biochem J. 421, 171-80. (*Corresponding author).
Xu J., Li Y., Wang Y., Liu H., Lei L., Yang H., Liu G., Ren D*. (2008) Activation of MAP kinase kinase 9 induces ethylene and camalexin biosynthesis, and enhances sensitivity to salt stress in Arabidopsis. J Biol Chem. 283, 26996-27006 (*Corresponding author)
Ren D., Liu Y., Yang K., Han L., Mao G., Glazebrook J., Zhang S. (2008) A fungal-responsive MAPK regulates phytoalexin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis. Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA. 105, 5638-5643.
Liu H., Wang Y., Xu J., Su T., Liu G., Ren,D.*(2008) Ethylene signalling is required for the acceleration of cell death induced by the activation of AtMEK5 in Arabidopsis.Cell Res, 18,422-432. (*Corresponding author)
Xu T., Sun X., Jiang S., Ren D., Liu G (2007) Cotton GhKCH2, a plant-specific kinesin, is low-affinitive and nucleotide-independent as binding to microtubule. J Biochem Mol Biol. 40, 723-730
Li X., Wang H., Xu T., Cao Q., Ren D., Liu G. (2007) Molecular cloning, expression and biochemical property analysis of AtKP1, a kinesin gene from Arabidopsis thaliana.Chinese Science Bulletin, 52,1338-1346.
Liu Y., Ren D., Pike S., Pallardy S., Gassmann W., Zhang S. (2007) Chloroplast-generated reactive oxygen species are involved in hypersensitive response-like cell death mediated by a mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade. Plant J, 51,941-954
Cao Z., Zhang J., Li Y., Xu X., Liu, G., Bhattacharrya M., Yang H*., Ren D* (2007) Preparation of polyclonal antibody specific for AtPLC4, an Arabidopsis phosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase C in rabbits. Protein Expression and purification. 52, 306-312. (*Corresponding author)
Jiang S., Li M., Xu T., Ren D., Liu, G (2007) Two Kinesins from Arabidopsis, KatB and KatC, Have a Second Microtubule-Binding Site in the Tail Domain. J Biochem Mol Biol. 40, 44-52.
Ren D., Yang K., Li G., Liu Y., Zhang S. (2006) Activation of Ntf4, a tobacco mitogen-activated protein kinase, during plant defense response and its involvement in hypersensitive response-like cell death. Plant Physiol. 141, 1482-1493.
Xu X., Cao Z., Liu G., Bhattacharrya Madan., Ren D.* (2004) Cloning and expression of AtPLC6, a gene encoding a phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C in Arabidopsis thaliana. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49, 567-573. (*Corresponding author)
Liu A., Zhang S., Xu X., Ren D., Liu G (2004) Soluble expression and characterization of a GFP-fused pea actin isoform (PEAc1). Cell Res. 14 , 407-414.
Liu H., Wang Y., Zhou T., Sun Y., Liu G., Ren D* (2004) Constitutive activation of AtMEK5, a MAPK kinase, induces salicylic acid-independent cell death in Arabidopsis thaliana. Chinese Science Bulletin, 49 , 2594-2600 (*Corresponding author)
Zhang S., Ren D., Xu X., Liu G (2004) Prokaryotic expression and characterization of a pea actin isoform (PEAc1) fused to GFP. Chinese Science Bulletin. 49, 915-926.
Guo H., Cao Q., Ren D., Liu G., Duan J., Li Z., Zhang D., Han X. (2003) Measurements of leucocyte membrane elasticity based on the optical tweezers. Chinese Science Bulletin. 48, 503-507
Ren D., Yang H., Zhang S. (2002) Cell death mediated by MAPK is associated with hydrogen peroxide production in Arabidopsis. J Biol Chem. 277, 559-565.


國家自然科學基金重點項目1項、國家自然科學基金面上項目7項、教育部霍英東教育基金會“高等院校青年教師基金項目”1項、教育部“優秀青年教師資助計畫項目”1項、 教育部“新世紀優秀人才支持計畫”1項、教育部博士點基金項目1項。


