- 中文名:任婧傑
- 畢業院校:大連理工大學
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 專業方向:工業介質流動與傳熱過程研究
- 任職院校:大連理工大學
2007.9 -- 2014.6化工過程機械 博士
2003.9 -- 2007.7大連理工大學 過程裝備與控制工程 學士
2014.6 -- 至今大連理工大學化機學院 講師
[1] 張海紅,胡曉明,任婧傑,畢明樹.輸送液化天然氣用不鏽鋼鋼管的中外標準分析[J],石油化工設備,2010,39(3):48-53
[2] Cong, Haiyong,Bi, Mingshu,Zhang, Shulin,Li, Bei,Ren, Jingjie,Gao, Wei.Experimental and theoretical studies on the heat extraction performance by natural ventilation with a board-coupled shaft during tunnel fires[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES,2019,141:96-102
[3] 閆興清,任婧傑,周一卉,喻健良,畢明樹.以化工安全為特色的安全工程實驗課程設定[A],2016,7-10
[4] Cao Xing-yan,Bi Ming-shu,Ren Jing-jie,Chen Biao.Experimental research on explosion suppression affected by ultrafine water mist containing different additives[J],Journal of hazardous materials,2019,368:613-620
[5] 閆興清,周一卉,任婧傑,喻健良,畢明樹.以化工安全為特色的安全工程實踐教學探討[J],實驗室科學,2018,21(6):78-80
[6] Sha, Wei,Ren, Jingjie,Wang, Cheng,Bi, Mingshu,Bo, Yaofen.Dynamic characteristics of the initial interface in stratified multi composition liquid tanks during rollover[J],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2018,145:396-406
[7] Sha, Wei,Ren, Jingjie,Zhang, Han,Bo, Yaofen,Bi, Mingshu.Analysis of the interfacial instability and the patterns of rollover in multi-component layered system[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2018,126:235-242
[8] 閆興清,周一卉,任婧傑,喻健良,畢明樹.壓力容器超壓泄放教學實驗裝置設計及套用[J],實驗室科學,2018,21(5):191-193,196
[9] 周一卉,閆興清,任婧傑,胡大鵬.化工安全工程專業實驗室建設與實踐[J],實驗技術與管理,2018,35(9):249-252
[10] 沙嵬,任婧傑,王成,畢明樹,薄耀芬.Dynamic characteristics of the initial interface in stratified multicomposition liquid tanks during rollover[J],Applied Thermal Engineering,2018
[11] 董文平,任婧傑,韓昌亮,杜丹,畢明樹.浸沒燃燒式氣化器換熱管內跨臨界液化天然氣的傳熱特性[J],化工進展,2017,36(12):4378-4384
[12] Ren, Jingjie,Han, Changliang,Dong, Wenping,Bi, Mingshu.The trans-critical heat transfer characteristics of LNG in a submerged combustion vaporizer under different operating pressures[J],CRYOGENICS,2017,88:51-56
[13] Sun, Shaochen,Liu, Gang,Liu, Junxuan,Ye, Chen,Ren, Jingjie,Bi, Mingshu.Effect of porosity and element thickness on flame quenching for in-line crimped-ribbon flame arresters[J],JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES,2017,50:221-228
[14] Ren, Jingjie,Zhang, Han,Bi, Mingshu,Yu, Jianliang,Sun, Shaochen.Numerical investigation of the coupled heat transfer of liquefied gas storage tanks[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2017,42(38):24222-24228
[15] Ren, Jingjie,Zhang, Han,Yu, Jianliang,Bi, Mingshu,Sun, Shaochen.Experimental research of heat-mass coupling response of liquid storage tanks[J],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2017,338:502-507
[16] 曹興岩,任婧傑,畢明樹,姜海鵬,李一鳴.水霧粒徑對超細水霧抑制甲烷/空氣爆炸過程的影響[J],煤炭學報,2017,42(9):2376-2384
[17] 曹興岩,任婧傑,畢明樹,姜海鵬,李一鳴.超細水霧霧化方式對甲烷爆炸過程影響的實驗研究[J],煤炭學報,2017,42(7):1795-1802
[18] Han, Chang-Liang,Ren, Jing-Jie,Wang, Yan-Qing,Dong, Wen-Ping,Bi, Ming-Shu.Experimental investigation on fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of a submerged combustion vaporizer[J],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2017,113:529-536
[19] Cao, Xingyan,Ren, Jingjie,Bi, Mingshu,Zhou, Yihui,Li, Yiming.Experimental research on the characteristics of methane/air explosion affected by ultrafine water mist[J],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2017,324(Pt B):489-497
[20] 任婧傑,畢明樹.SCV耦合傳熱特性實驗與數值模擬研究[J],化工學報,2017,68(3):854-863
[21] Ren, Jing-jie,Ye, Zhi-xuan,Fan, Si-qi,Bi, Ming-shu.Analysis of the explosive boiling process of liquefied gases due to rapid depressurization[J],Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries,2017,49:845-851
[22] Han, Chang-Liang,Ren, Jing-Jie,Wang, Yan-Qing,Dong, Wen-Ping,Bi, Ming-Shu.Numerical simulation of coupled fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics in a submerged combustion vaporizer[J],CRYOGENICS,2016,80:115-126
[23] 韓昌亮,任婧傑,王焱慶,董文平,畢明樹.SCV耦合傳熱特性實驗研究與數值模擬[J],化工學報,2016,68(3):854-863
[24] Han, Chang-Liang,Ren, Jing-Jie,Wang, Yan-Qing,Bi, Ming-Shu.Experimental studies of shell-side fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics in a submerged combustion vaporizer[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2016,101:436-444
[25] Han, Chang-Liang,Ren, Jing-Jie,Dong, Wen-Ping,Bi, Ming-Shu.Numerical investigation of supercritical LNG convective heat transfer in a horizontal serpentine tube[J],CRYOGENICS,2016,78:1-13
[26] Cao, Xingyan,Ren, Jingjie,Bi, Mingshu,Zhou, Yihui,Wang, Qiuju.Experimental research on methane/air explosion inhibition using ultrafine water mist containing additive[J],JOURNAL OF LOSS PREVENTION IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES,2016,43:352-360
[27] 曹興岩,任婧傑,周一卉,王秋菊,李一鳴,畢明樹.超細水霧增強與抑制甲烷/空氣爆炸的機理分析[J],煤炭學報,2016,41(7):1711-1719
[28] 韓昌亮,任婧傑,董文平,張康,畢明樹.沉浸式汽化器殼程流體傳熱實驗與數值模擬[J],化工學報,2016,67(10):4095-4103
[29] 蔡振,周一卉,畢明樹,任婧傑.水平管外降膜厚度分布規律的數值模擬研究[J],熱能動力工程,2016,31(5):22-28
[30] 任婧傑,畢明樹.Numerical simulation of coupled flow and heat transfer characterisictic in a submerged combustion vaporizer[J],Cryogenics,2016,80:115-126
[31] 張康,韓昌亮,任婧傑,周一卉,畢明樹.SCV蛇形換熱管內超臨界LNG傳熱特性數值模擬[J],化工學報,2015,66(12):4788-4795
[32] Ren, Jingjie,Zhou, Yihui,Bi, Mingshu.Suppression of methane/air explosion by ultrafine water mist containing sodium chloride additive[J],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2015,285:311-318
[33] 任婧傑,周一卉,畢明樹.The suppression effect of ultra-fine water mist on methane/air explosion in the closed Vessel[A],The suppression effect of ultra-fine water mist on methane/air explosion in the closed Vessel,2015
[34] 任婧傑,周一卉,畢明樹.液化氣體儲罐受熱的應力分析及失效預測[A],第26屆全國高校安全工程專業學術年會暨第8屆全國安全工程領域工程碩士研究生教育研討會,2014,438-441
[35] Shi, Jianyun,Ren, Jingjie,Liu, Peng,Bi, Mingshu.Experimental research on the effects of fluid and heater on thermal stratification of liquefied gas[J],EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE,2013,50:29-36
[36] Ren, Jing-Jie,Shi, Jian-Yun,Liu, Peng,Bi, Ming-Shu,Jia, Kai.Simulation on thermal stratification and de-stratification in liquefied gas tanks[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY,2013,38(10):4017-4023
[37] Bi, Ming-shu,Ren, Jing-jie,Zhao, Bo,Che, Wei.Effect of fire engulfment on thermal response of LPG tanks[J],JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS,2011,192(2):874-879
[38] 任婧傑,畢明樹.液化氣體分層翻滾現象分析及數值模擬[A],第十二屆全國高等學校過程裝備與控制工程專業教學與科研校際交流會,2011,229-231
[39] 畢明樹,任婧傑,車威.噴射火環境下液化氣儲罐熱回響行為數值模擬[J],熱科學與技術,2009,8(4):312-317
[40] Numerical investigation of supercritical LNG convective heat transfer in a horizontal serpentine tube,Cryogenics,2016,78:1-13
[41] Analysis of the explosive boiling process of liquefied gases due to rapid depressurization,Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries,2017,In Press
[42] Experimental research of heat-mass coupling response of liquid storage tanks[J],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2017,338:502-507
[43] Simulation on thermal stratification and de-stratification in liquefied gas tanks,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2013,38:4017-4023
[44] Numerical simulation of coupled flow and heat transfer characterisictic in a submerged combustion vaporizer,Cryogenics,2016,80:115-126
[45] Ren Jingjie, Shaochen Sun, Mingshu Bi, Jianliang Yu, Han Zhang,Jingjie Ren.Experimental research of heat-mass coupling response of liquid storage tanks[J],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2017,338:502-507
[46] Ren Jingjie, Bi Mingshu, Yu Jianliang, Fan Siqi, Ye Zhixuan,Ren Jingjie.Analysis of the Explosive Boiling Process of Liquefied Gases Due to Rapid Depressurization[J],Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries,2016
[47] Sun Shaochen, Yu Jianliang, Bi Mingshu, Zhang Han,Ren Jingjie.Numerical investigation of the coupled heat transfer of liquefied gas storage tanks[J],International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2017
[48] Experimental studies of shell-side fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics in a submerged combustion vaporizer,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2016,101:436-444
[49] Experimental research on methane/air explosion inhibition using ultrafine water mist containing additive,Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries,2016,43:352-360
[50] Experimental research on the characteristics of methane/air explosionaffected by ultrafine water mist[J],Journal of Hazardous Materials,2017,324:489-497
[51] Experimental research on the effects of fluid and heater on thermal stratification of liquefied gas,Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,2013,50:29-36
[52] Suppression of methane/air explosion by ultrafine water mist,Journal of Hazardous Materials,2015,285:311-318
[53] Effect of Fire Engulfment on Thermal Response of LPG Tanks,Journal of hazardous materials,2011,192:874-879
[54] Numerical investigation of the coupled heat transfer of liquefied gas storage tanks,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2017,In Press
[55] Experimental investigation on fluid flow and heat transfer characterisitics of a submerged combustion vaporizer,Applied Thermal Engineering,2017,113:529-536
[1]火災環境下石化儲罐承載失效及破壞過程研究, 一般縱向, 2018/03/15, 進行
[2]液化氣體沸騰爆炸機理與防治技術研究, 一般縱向, 2017/03/01, 進行
[3]基於去層化效應分析的密度分層演化過程研究, 國家自然科學基金, 2015/08/18, 完成
[4]快速降壓致蒸氣爆炸的非均勻過熱暴沸機理研究, 中國博士後科學基金, 2015/05/27-2017/12/22, 完成
[5]狹長受限空間液化石油氣爆炸安全泄放動力學機理研究, 國家自然科學基金, 2018/08/16, 進行
[6]易燃易爆危險源抑爆隔爆防護關鍵技術研究, 國家重點研發計畫, 2017/07/01, 進行
[7]水平管道內不同氣流特徵鋁粉爆炸火焰傳播特性及數值計算模型研究, 一般縱向, 2017/06/01, 進行
[8]2016年大連科技之星項目(2015年稱號)-循環超音速冷凝分離技術裝備研製, 大連市青年科技之星項目, 2016/10/11, 進行
[9]主燃高空點火試驗器低溫系統, 2016/02/25-2017/02/25, 進行
[10]浸沒燃燒型LNG汽化器耦合傳熱特性研究, 2016/01/01-2019/03/25