


  • 中文名:任周正
  • 出生地:四川南充
  • 出生日期:1988年2月
  • 畢業院校:四川農業大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:營養與飼料科學
  • 任職院校:西北農林科技大學


2006至2010年就讀於四川農業大學動物科學專業,獲學士學位; 2010至2016年就讀於四川農業大學動物營養與飼料科學專業,獲博士學位;2014至2016年在美國威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校進行聯合培養學習;2017年在美國威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校作博士後研究。2018年1月任職於西北農林科技大學動物科技學院


擔任Poultry Science, Avian Pathology,British Journal of Nutrition,Biological Trace Element Research, The Journal of Poultry Science, Europe Poultry Science等雜誌審稿人;Vaccines and Immunology Open Access Journal雜誌編委。








[1] Zhouzheng Ren, Alexis J. Piepenburg, Daniel E. Bütz, James R. Claus and Mark E. Cook. 2018. Vaccine to fibroblast growth factor 23 peptides increases eggshell strength. Poultry Science. 97(3):882-889.
[2] Z. Z. Ren, Q. F. Zeng, J. P. Wang, X. M. Ding, S. P. Bai, Z. W. Su, Y. Xuan and K. Y. Zhang. 2018. Effects of maternal dietary canthaxanthin and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplementation on antioxidant status and calcium-phosphate metabolism of progeny ducks. Poultry Science. 97(4):1361-1367.
[3] Zhouzheng Ren, MarziyehEbrahimi, Daniel E. Bütz, Jordan M. Sand, Keying Zhang and Mark E. Cook. 2017. Antibody to fibroblast growth factor 23-peptide reduces excreta phosphorus of laying hens. Poultry Science. 96(1):127-134.
[4] Zhouzheng Ren, Daniel E. Bütz, Jordan M. Sand and Mark E. Cook. 2017. Maternally-derived anti-fibroblast growth factor 23 antibody as new tool to reduce phosphorus requirement of chicks. Poultry Science 96(4):878-885.
[5] Zhouzheng Ren, Daniel E. Bütz, Amanda N. Wahhab, Alexis J. Piepenburg and Mark E. Cook. 2017. Additive effects of fibroblast growth factor 23 neutralization and dietary phytase on chick calcium and phosphorus metabolism. Poultry Science. 96(5):1167–1173.
[6] Z. Z. Ren, S. Z. Jiang, Q. F. Zeng, X. M. Ding, S. P. Bai, J. P. Wang, Y. H. Luo, Z. W. Su, Y. Xuan and K. Y. Zhang. 2017. Effect of maternal canthaxanthin and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplementation on the performance of ducklings under two different vitamin regimens. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition. 101(2): 359-368.
[7] Zhouzheng Ren, Shizhen Jiang, Qiufeng Zeng, Xuemei Ding, Shiping Bai, Jianping Wang and Keying Zhang. 2018. Effect of maternal and progeny dietary vitamin regimens on the performance of ducklings. The Journal of Poultry Science. 55(2):103-111.
[8] Z. Z. Ren, J. P.Wang, Q. F. Zeng, X. M. Ding, S. P. Bai, Y. H. Luo, Z. W. Su, Y. Xuan and K. Y. Zhang. 2016. The effects of maternal dietary vitamin premixes, canthaxanthin, and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol on the performance of progeny ducklings. Poultry Science. 95(3):630-635.
[9] Z. Z. Ren, S. Z. Jiang, Q. F. Zeng, X. M. Ding, S. P. Bai, J. P. Wang, Y. H. Luo, Z. W. Su, Y. Xuan and K. Y. Zhang. 2016. Effects of dietary canthaxanthin and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplementation on the antioxidant status and tibia quality of duck breeders and newly hatched ducklings. Poultry Science. 95 (9): 2090-2096.
[10] Zhouzheng Ren, Shizhen Jiang, Qiufeng Zeng, Xuemei Ding, Shiping Bai, Jianping Wang, Yuheng Luo, Zhuowei Su, Yue Xuan, Bing Yao, Fernando Cisneros and Keying Zhang. 2016. Effect of dietary canthaxanthin and 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplementation on the performance of duck breeders under two different vitamin regimens. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology. 7:2.
[11] 黃學琴, 任周正, 曾秋鳳, 張克英, 丁雪梅, 白世平, 羅玉衡, 劉永剛. 2013. 液態複合酶製劑對肉鴨生長性能及鈣、磷代謝的影響. 動物營養學報 . 25(9):2082-2090.


[1] Mark E. Cook, Zhouzheng Ren and Alexis J. Piepenburg. 2017. Compositions and methods for improving resistance to breakage and eggshell strength. US Patent, filed.
[2] 曾秋鳳, 張克英, 丁雪梅, 任周正, 白世平, 羅玉衡, 王建萍. 2014. 種鴨用產蛋箱. 實用新型專利. ZL 2013 2 0335220.0.




