'Maybe Later' children(“以後再說”兒童)這個說法來源於那些忙碌的父母,當孩子要求爸爸或媽媽陪他們一起玩遊戲或給他們讀個故事,或者僅僅是跟他們一起圍著花園跑一圈時,爸爸媽媽們最常給出的就是這個回答“Maybe Later”(以後再說)。
- 中文名:以後再說兒童
- 外文名:Maybe Later' children
- 來源:忙碌的父母
- 類型:親職教育
你正忙著給一位重要客戶回郵件時,有個小朋友請你跟他一起玩遊戲,你會怎么回答?我猜多半是“一會兒再陪你玩”?這句話似乎是很多人在應對請求時會用到的託辭,而真正在過了一會兒之後履行諾言的人有幾個呢? Hectic work schedules are creating a generation of 'Maybe Later' children whose parents never have enough time to spend with them。
The phrase comes from the response dished out when Mummy or Daddy are asked to play a game or read a story or simply run around the garden。
Despite children being parents' 'absolute highest priority in life', 80 percent admit they don't devote enough time to them, researchers found。