- 中文名:代朝猛
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:中國河南
- 畢業院校:同濟大學
- 職業:教師
- 學位學歷:博士
- 職稱:研究員
主要從事地下水污染修復技術及新型環境功能材料在地下水污染修復中的套用、濱海區域地下水滲流數值模擬、濱海區域地下水污染物遷移擴散規律及模擬、海綿城市雨水蓄滲過程中地下水的回響耦合機制研究。在國內外核心期刊上發表論文100餘篇。主編專著2部,參編專著1部。申請國家專利30餘項,其中授權20餘項。擔任國際期刊Jacobs Journalof Hydrology編委,國際期刊Journal ofChemistry特刊客座編輯,中國水利學會第六屆青年科技工作委員會委員,中國大壩工程學會數值模擬專業委員會委員,十二五技部科技規劃綱要城鎮化與城市發展領域專題評估組成員,上海市水利學會專業委員會委員等。主持國家重點研發計畫政府間項目、國家自然科學基金項目、科技部科學家交流計畫項目、上海市科技創新行動計畫項目等多項國家級及省部級項目。獲上海市技術發明一等獎2項(R4、R9)、上海市科技進步一等獎1項(R9)、獲全國水利類專業青年教師講課競賽二等獎、獲同濟大學青年英才計畫-優青計畫等。
2008/09– 2010/10,德國柏林工業大學,環境過程工程系,聯合培養博士
2007/09– 2011/01,同濟大學,環境科學與工程學院,博士
2004/09– 2007/06,鄭州大學,水利與環境學院,碩士
2000/09– 2004/06,河南工業大學,化學化工學院,學士
2016年7月-8月 澳大利亞墨爾本大學做訪問學者
2014年6月-7月 紐西蘭奧克蘭大學做訪問學者
2011年1月-至今 同濟大學土木工程學院水利工程系做師資博士後、講師、副教授、研究員
[1] 榮獲上海市科技進步獎一等獎(9/15),2021;
[2] 榮獲上海市技術發明獎一等獎(4/13),2020;
[3] 榮獲上海市技術發明獎一等獎(9/15),2013;
[4] 入選科技部“中新(中國-紐西蘭)科學家交流計畫”2014;
[5] 榮獲全國水利類專業青年教師講課競賽二等獎,中國水利教育協會、教育部高等學校水利類專業教學指導委員會,2020;
[6] 榮獲上海市重點課程建設《工程水文學》(R4),2019。
[7] 榮獲2021年同濟大學優秀共產黨員,2021;
[8] 榮獲2020年同濟大學社會捐贈教育獎勵金,2021;
[9] 榮獲2018級同濟大學新生院“我最喜愛的老師”,2019;
[10] 榮獲同濟大學青年英才計畫-優青計畫,2016。
[1] 國家重點研發計畫政府間項目,濱海區域低滲透區地下水中多環芳烴污染原位強化增溶-活化過硫酸鹽氧化耦合靶向修復技術研究,2020.12-2023.11, 主持。
[2] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,羰基化生物炭@MIP活化過氧乙酸靶向修復地下水中典型PhACs污染的機理研究,2021.01-2024.12,主持。
[3] 國家自然科學基金面上項目,包氣帶中典型PhACs的遷移轉化機理及污染修復研究,2015.01-2018.12,主持。
[4] 國家自然科學基金青年項目,地下水中典型PPCPs的賦存特徵和去除技術研究。2012.01-2014.12,主持。
[5] 科技部中澳(中國-澳大利亞)青年科學家交流計畫項目,地表地下水互動帶變滲透係數環境下污染物的運移特徵研究,2016.07-2016.08,主持。
[6] 上海市“科技創新行動計畫”政府間國際合作領域項目,基於PAA的濱海區域地下水典型PPCPs污染原位修復機理及效能評估研究,2021.07.01-2024.06.30,主持。
[7] 上海市“科技創新行動計畫”自然科學基金項目,近海岸區域非飽和土壤石油類污染過硫酸鹽氧化修復及強化調控機制研究,2019.01-2021.12,主持。
[8] 上海市“科技創新行動計畫”“一帶一路”青年科學家交流項目,河口海岸區域地下水複雜條件下多環芳烴污染物的遷移轉化機理研究,2019.11.01-2021.10.31,主持。
[9] 上海市教育委員會產學研項目,基於鐵基納米材料的重金屬水資源化去除技術。2013.11-2015.11,主持。
[10] 國家自然科學基金金磚國家國際合作項目,快速城鎮化影響下大河流域抗性基因的演化規律及多尺度控制技術研究,2020.01-2022.12,課題負責人。
[1] 中國水利學會第六屆青年科技工作委員會委員
[2] 上海市水利學會專業委員會委員
[3] 中國大壩工程學會數值模擬專業委員會委員
[4] 科技部十二五科技規劃綱要城鎮化與城市發展領域專題評估組成員
[5] Jacobs Journal of Hydrology編委(USA)
[6] 國際期刊Journal of Chemistry(SCI收錄)特刊編輯
[7] 中文核心期刊《南水北調與水利科技(中英文)》編委
[8] 國家自然科學基金委自然科學基金項目通訊評審專家
[9] 紐西蘭奧克蘭大學博士學位畢業論文海外評審專家委員會成員
[1] XJ You, SG Liu, CM Dai*, GHZhong, YPDuan*, YP Guo, Y Tu, KH Leong, F Zhou. Effects of EDTA on adsorptionof Cd(II) and Pb(II) by soil minerals in low-permeability layers: batchexperiments and microscopic characterization. Environmental Science andPollution Research, 2020, 27(33), 41623-41638.
[2] XJ You, SG Liu, CM Dai*, YP Guo,GH Zhong,YP Duan*. Contaminant occurrence and migration between high- andlow-permeability zones in groundwater systems: A review. Science of the TotalEnvironment, 2020, 743: 140703.
[3] W Liang, NQ Zhou, CM Dai*, YPDuan*, Y Tu. Zero-valent iron nanoparticles and its combined process fordiclofenac degradation under various experimental. Polish Journal ofEnvironmental Studies.
[4] YR Zheng, SG Liu, CM Dai*, YPDuan, AN Makhinov, LK Hon; JTA Júnior. Study on the influence mechanism ofunderground mineral element Fe(II) on Cr(VI) transformation under subsurfaceand groundwater interaction zones, Environmental Sciences Europe, 2020, 32: 62.
[5] SS Cao, YP Duan, Y Tu, Y Tang,J Liu, WD Zhi, CM Dai*. Pharmaceuticals and personal care products in adrinking water resource of Yangtze River Delta Ecology and Greenery IntegrationDevelopment Demonstration Zone in China: occurrence and human health riskassessment. Science of the Total Environment,2020,721: 137624.
[6] CM Dai, H Zhou, XJ You, YPDuan*, Y Tu, SG Liu, F Zhou, LK Hon. Silica colloids as non-carriers facilitatePb2+ transport in saturated porous media under a weak adsorption condition:effects of Pb2+ concentrations, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2020, 27 (13): 15188-15197.
[7] XJ You, SG Liu, CM Dai*, GHZhong, YP Duan*, Y Tu. Acceleration and centralization of a back-diffusionprocess: Effects of EDTA-2Na on cadmium migration in high- and low-permeabilitysystems. The Science of the total environment, 2020,706: 135708.
[8] CM Dai , H Shen, YP Duan, SGLiu, F Zhou, DL Wu,GH Zhong, A Javadi, Y Tu. TiO2 and SiO2 NanoparticlesCombined with Surfactants Mitigate the Toxicity of Cd2+ to Wheat Seedlings.Water Air and Soil Pollution, 2019, 230:232.
[9] XY Zhan, C Chen, QH Wang, FZhou, K Hayashi, XT Ju, SK Lam, YH Wang, YL Wu, J Fu, LP Zhang, SS Gao, XK Hou,Y Bo, D Zhang, KW Liu, QX Wu, RR Su, JQ Zhu, CL Yang, CM Dai, HB Liu. ImprovedJayaweera-Mikkelsen model to quantify ammonia volatilization from rice paddyfields in China, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26(8):8136-8147.
[10] YL Wu, Y Bo, F Zhoua, QH Tangb, M Guimberteauc, P Ciais,T Yang, SSPeng, SL Piao, JL Zheng, YJ Dong, CM Dai. Quantifying the unauthorized lakewater withdrawals and their impacts on the water budget of eutrophic lakeDianchi, China. Journal of Hydrology 565 (2018) 39–48,2018.
[11] B Tan, S Liu, CM Dai*, H Zhou, Z Hui, G Zhong, H Zhang. Modelling ofcolloidal particle and heavy metal transfer behaviours during seawater intrusionand refreshing processes,Hydrological Processes,2017, 31(22): 3920-3931.
[12] S Liu, A Tao, CM Dai* ; B Tan, H Shen, G Zhong, S Lou, S.Chalov, RChalov. Experimental Study of Tidal Effects on Coastal Groundwater andPollutant Migration. Water Air and Soil Pollution. 2017,288(4):163.
[13] YZ He, CM Dai*, XF Zhou*. Magnetic cobalt ferrite composite as anefficient catalyst for photocatalytic oxidation of carbamazepine,Environmental Science and PollutionResearch, 2017, 24(2):2065–2074.
[14] W Chen, YM Su, ZP Wen, YL Zhang, XF Zhou*, CM Dai*. Recovery ofindium ions by nanoscale zero-valent iron. JOURNAL OF NANOPARTICLERESEARCH.2017,19(3):97.
[15] BB Shao, YF Chen, DL Wu, CM Dai, YL Zhang. Mineral transformation ofstructural Fe(II) hydroxides with O-2, Cu(II), Cr (VI) and NO2- for enhancedarsenite sequestration. Chemical Engineering Jounal,2017,311:247-254.
[16] S Lou, SG Liu*, CM Dai, A Tao, B Tan, GF Ma,RS Chalov, SR Chalov.Heavy Metal Distribution and GroundwaterQuality Assessment for a Coastal Areaona Chinese Island,Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2017, 26(2): 733-745.
[17] YL Zhang, ZF Yin, CM Dai*, XF Zhou, W Chen. Interfacial thermodynamics and kinetics of sorption ofdiclofenac on prepared high performance flower-like MoS2,JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACESCIENCE, 2016, 481: 210-219.
[18] BB Shao, Y Chen, DL Wu, HPHe, CM Dai, YL Zhang. Aqueous nickel sequestration and release duringstructural Fe(II) hydroxide remediation: the roles of coprecipitation,reduction and substitution.RSC ADVANCES,2016,6(88):85347-85354.
[19] H He, D Wu, L Zhao, C Luo, CM Dai, Y Zhang. Sequestration ofchelated copper by structural Fe(II): Reductivedecomplexation andtransformation of CuII-EDTA.Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016,309: 116–125.
[20] Y Zhang, W Chen, CM Dai*, C Zhou, X Zhou. Structural Evolution ofNanoscale Zero-Valent Iron (nZVI) in Anoxic Co2+ Solution: InteractionalPerformance and Mechanism, Scientific reports, 5, 2015.
[21] Y Zhang, J Yan, CM Dai*, Y Li, Y Zhu, X Zhou. Sequestration of Ag(I)from aqueous solution as Ag(0) nanostructures by nanoscale zero valent iron(nZVI). Journal of nanoparticle research,2015,17(11),455.
[22] S LIU, B TAN, CM Dai*, S LOU, A TAO. Geochemical characterizationand heavy metal migration in a coastal polluted aquifer incorporating tidaleffects: field investigation in Chongming Island, China. Environmental Scienceand Pollution Research, 2015, 22(24), 20101-20113.
[23] Y Su, X Sun, X Zhou, CM Dai*, Y Zhang. Zero-valent Iron DopedCarbons Readily Developed from Sewage Sludge for Lead Removal from AqueousSolution, Journal of Environmental Sciences,2015, 36:1-8.
[24] Z Zhou, CM Dai*, X Zhou, JZhao, Y Zhang. The Removal of Antimony by Novel NZVI-Zeolite: the Role of IronTransformation. Water Air and Soil Pollution. 226(3):76-92, 2015.
[25] Z Wen, CM Dai, Y Zhu ,Y Zhang. Arsenate removal from aqueoussolutions using magnetic mesoporous iron manganese bimetal oxides. RSCAdvances, 5(6): 4058-4068, 2015.
[26] Z Wen, Y Zhang, CM Dai, ZSun. Nanocasted synthesis of magnetic mesoporous iron cerium bimetal oxides(MMIC) as an efficient heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst for oxidation ofarsenite. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 287:225-233,2015.
[27] Y Su, X Zhou, CM Dai, M Jiang, Y Zhang. Phosphate removal mechanismin an airlift-loop reactor under limited filamentous bulking conditions,Desalination and Water Treatment, 1299-1308, 2015.
[28] Q Zhang, J Chen, CM Dai, Y Zhang, X Zhou. Degradation ofcarbamazepine and toxicity evaluation using the UV/persulfate process inaqueous solution. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 90:701-708,2015.
[29] CM Dai, Z Zhou, X Zhou, Y Zhang. Removal of Sb(III) and Sb(V) fromaqueous solutions using nZVI. Water Air and Soil Pollution. 225:1799, 2014.
[30] W Liang, CM Dai*, X Zhou, Y Zhang. Application of zero-valent ironnanoparticles for the removal of aqueous zinc ions under various experimentalconditions. PLoS One, 9(1): e85686, 2014.
[31] Y Zhang, Y Liu, CM Dai*, X Zhou. Adsorption of Clofibric Acid fromAqueous Solution by Graphene Oxide and the Effect of Environmental Factors.Water Air Soil Pollut, 225: 2064, 2014.
[32] Z Wen, Y Zhang, CM Dai*. Removal of Phosphate from Aqueous SolutionUsing NanoscaleZerovalent Iron (nZVI). Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemicaland Engineering Aspects, 457: 433–440, 2014.
[33] Y Zhang, Z Shen, CM Dai*, X Zhou. Removal of selectedpharmaceuticals from aqueous solution using magnetic chitosan: sorptionbehavior and mechanism. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,21(22):12780-9, 2014.
[34] Y Zhang, S Lin, CM Dai*, L Shi, X Zhou*. Sorption-desorption andtransport of trimethoprim and sulfonamide antibiotics in agricultural soil:effect of soil type, dissolved organic matter and pH. Environmental Science andPollution Research. 21(9): 5827-5835, 2014.
[35] Y Zhang, Y Li, CM Dai*, X Zhou, W Zhang. Sequestration of Cd(II)with nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI): Characterization and test in atwo-stage system. Chemical Engineering Journal, 244: 218-226, 2014.
[36] Y Zhang, K Zhang, CM Dai*, X Zhou. Performance and mechanism ofpyrite for nitrobenzene removal in aqueous solution. Chemical EngineeringScience, 111:135-141, 2014.
[37] Y Zhang, K Zhang, CM Dai*, X Zhou, H Si. An enhanced Fenton reactioncatalyzed by natural heterogeneous pyrite for nitrobenzene degradation in anaqueous solution. Chemical Engineering Journal, 244: 438-445, 2014.
[38] Z Wen, Y Zhang, CM Dai, B Chen, S Guo, H Yu, D Wu. Synthesis ofOrdered Mesoporous Iron Manganese Bimetal Oxides for Arsenic Removal fromAqueous Solutions. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 200: 235–244, 2014.
[39] Y Su, AS Adeleye, X Zhou, CM Dai, W Zhang, AA Keller, Y Zhang.Effects of Nitrate on the Treatment of Lead Contaminated Groundwater byNanoscaleZerovalent Iron. J. Hazard. Matls., 280: 504-513, 2014.
[40] Y Su, A Adeleye, Y Huang, Z Sun, CM Dai, X Zhou, Y Zhang, AA. Keller(2014). Simultaneous Removal of Cadmium and Nitrate in Aqueous Media byNanoscaleZerovalent Iron (nZVI) and Au Doped nZVI Particles, Water Research,63: 102-111, 2014.
[41] CM Dai, J Zhang, Y Zhang, X Zhou, S Liu. Application of MolecularlyImprinted Polymers to Selective Removal of Clofibric Acid from Water. PlosOne.8(10): 78167(1-8), 2013.
[42] CM Dai, J Zhang, Y Zhang, X Zhou, YP Duan, SG Liu. Removal ofcarbamazepine and clofibric acid from water using double templates–molecularlyimprinted polymers. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20:5492-5501,2013.
[43] Y Duan, CM Dai*, Y.Zhang, L Chen. Selective trace enrichment ofacidic pharmaceuticals in real water and sediment samples based on solid-phaseextraction using multi-templates molecularly imprinted polymers.AnalyticaChimicaActa, 758: 93-100,2013.
[44] Y Zhang, J Zhang, CM Dai*, X Zhou, S Liu. Sorption of carbamazepinefrom water by magnetic molecularly imprinted polymers based on chitosan-Fe3O4.Carbohydrate Polymers, 97(2):809-816, 2013.
[45] Y Zhang*, Y Su, X Zhou, CM Dai, AK. Arturo. A new insight on thecore–shell structure of zerovalentironnanoparticles and its application forPb(II) sequestration. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 263: 685-693, 2013.
[46] CM Dai, J Zhang, Y Zhang, X Zhou, S Liu. Selective removal of acidicpharmaceuticals from contaminated lake water using multi-templates molecularlyimprinted polymer. Chemical Engineering Journal, 211-212: 302-309, 2012.
[47] CM Dai, X Zhou,Y Zhang, Z Qiang, TC Zhang. Comparative Study of theDegradation of Carbamazepine in Water by Advanced Oxidation Processes.Environmental Technology, 33(10-12): 1101-1109,2012.
[48] CM Dai, Y Zhang, X Zhou, S Liu, J Zhang. Synthesis by precipitationpolymerization of molecularly imprinted polymer microspheres for the selectiveextraction of diclofenac from water samples. Journal of Hazardous Materials.198:175-181,2011.
[49] CM Dai, S Geissen, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, X Zhou. Selective removal ofdiclofenac from contaminated water using molecularly imprinted polymermicrospheres. Environmental Pollution, 159: 1660-1666,2011.
[50] CM Dai, S Geissen, Y Zhang, Y Zhang, X Zhou. Performance evaluationand application of molecularly imprinted polymer for separation ofcarbamazepine in aqueous solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 184(1-3):156-163,2010.
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[1] 《濱海區域地下水中重金屬污染物的遷移與轉化》(R1)。科學出版社,2021.06。
[2] 《新興污染物的分析、遷移轉化與控制技術:以藥物活性化合物為例》(R3),科學出版社,2017.11。