

付乾,男,博士,重慶大學能源與動力工程學院研究員、博士生導師,重慶市“百人計畫”特聘專家。2013年日本東京大學工學部系統創新工程專業畢業,獲工學博士學位。2013年10月至2015年3月在東京大學生產技術研究所從事特任研究員工作。2014年12月,以重慶大學“百人計畫”學者身份引進加入重慶大學動力工程學院,2015年入選重慶市“百人計畫”,被聘為重慶市特聘專家。主要從事能源與環境技術中的關鍵工程熱物理問題、微生物電化學系統中能質傳輸問題的相關研究。作為負責人主持國家自然科學基金面上項目1項、青年項目1項,重慶市留學回國人員創新項目(重點)1項,重慶市自然科學基金面上項目1項;並作為主研人參與國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作與交流項目(中泰)1項(排名第二),國家重點研發計畫項目1項。近五年在Nano Energy (IF=13.1)等國內外權威刊物及學術會議上發表相關研究論文70余篇,其中SCI收錄共71篇、先後5篇論文入選ESI高被引論文。擔任國際學術組委會委員2次,國際學術會議分會主席4次;應邀在國際學術會議做微生物能源轉換相關主題報告5次,國內學術會議主題報告2次。 擔任國際期刊《Energy》、《Journal of Power Sources》、《Applied Energy》及《International Journal of Hydrogen Energy》等多個國際期刊審稿人。


  • 中文名:付乾
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:日本東京大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職務:重慶大學能源與動力工程學院博士生導師


2010.10 – 2013. 9,東京大學,工學系系統創新工程學院,系統創新工程專業,博士
2007.9 – 2010.6,重慶大學,動力工程學院,動力工程及工程熱物理專業,碩士
2003.9 – 2007.6,重慶大學,動力工程學院,熱能動力工程專業,學士






(1)Haixing Chang,Qian Fu*, Nianbing Zhong, Xin Yang, Xuejun Quan, Shuo Li, Jingwei Fu, Chao Xiao, Microalgal lipids production and nutrients recovery from landfill leachate using membrane photobioreactor,Bioresource Technology, 2019, 277:18-26. (IF=5.807)
(1)Chi-He Sun,Qian Fu*, Qiang Liao*, Ao Xia, Yun Huang, Xun Zhu, Alissara Reungsang,Hai-Xing Chang,Life-cycle assessment of biofuel production from microalgae via various bioenergy conversion systems,Energy, 2019, 171: 1033-1045. (IF=4.968)
(2)Chao Xiao, Qiang Liao*,Qian Fu*, Yun Huang, Hao Chen, Hong Zhang, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu, Alissara Reungsang, Zhidan Liu, A solar-driven continuous hydrothermal pretreatment system for biomethane production from microalgae biomass,Applied Energy, 2019, 236: 1011-1018. (IF=7.9)
(3)Yudong Zhang, Wei Yang,Qian Fu, Jun Li, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao, Performance optimization of microbial fuel cells using carbonaceous monolithic air-cathodes,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(6):3425-3431. (IF=4.229)
(4)Liyang Zhang, Meng Li, Anqi Zou, Shu Hearn Yu, Ting Xiong, Ling Wang, Junjie He,Qian Fu, Kuan Sun, Daniel H.C. Chua, Synergistically Configuring Intrinsic Activity and Fin-Tube-Like Architecture of Mn-Doped MoS2-Based Catalyst for Improved Hydrogen Evolution Reaction,ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2019, 2(1): 493-502.
(2)Qian Fu, Hao Chen, Qiang Liao*, Yun Huang, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu, Chao Xiao, Alissara Reungsang, Zhidan Liu, Drag reduction and shear-induced cells migration behavior of microalgae slurry in tube flow,Bioresource Technology, 2018, 270:38-45. (IF=5.807)
(3)Qian Fu*, Shuai Xiao, Zhuo Li, Yanbo Li, Hajime Kobayashi, Jun Li, Yang Yang, Qiang Liao*, Xun Zhu, Xuefeng He, Dingding Ye, Liang Zhang, Miao Zhong, Hybrid solar-to-methane conversion system with a Faradaic efficiency of up to 96%,Nano Energy, 2018, 53:232-239. (IF=13.120)
(4)Zhi Qu, Jianlin Zeng, Yuanhui Zhang, Qiang Liao, Brajendra K. Sharma,Qian Fu, Yun Huang, Zhidan Liu*, Hydrothermal cell disruption of Nannochloropsis sp and its influence on lipid extraction,Algal Research-Biomass Biofuels and Bioproducts, 2018, 35:407-415. (IF=3.745)
(5)Qian Fu, Hong Zhang, Hao Chen, Qiang Liao*, Ao Xia, Yun Huang, Xun Zhu, Alissara Reungsang, Zhidan Liu, Hydrothermal hydrolysis pretreatment of microalgae slurries in a continuous reactor under subcritical conditions for large-scale application,Bioresource Technology, 2018, 266:306-314. (IF=5.807)
(6)Chihe Sun, Ao Xia*, Qiang Liao*,Qian Fu, Yun Huang, Xun Zhu, Pengfei Wei, Richen Lin, Jerry D. Murphy, Improving production of volatile fatty acids and hydrogen from microalgae and rice residue: Effects of physicochemical characteristics and mix ratios,Applied Energy, 2018, 230:1082-1092. (IF=7.900)
(7)Juwu Xu, Jing Li*, Yudong Ding,Qian Fu, Min Cheng, Qiang Liao, Numerical simulation of the flow and heat-transfer characteristics of an aligned external three-dimensional rectangular-finned tube bank,Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 145:110-122. (IF=3.771)
(8)Yangli Ye, Yun Huang*, Ao Xia,Qian Fu, Qiang Liao, Weida Zeng, Yaping Zheng, Xun Zhu, Optimizing culture conditions for heterotrophic-assisted photoautotrophic biofilm growth of Chlorella vulgaris to simultaneously improve microalgae biomass and lipid productivity,Bioresource Technology, 2018, 270:80-87. (IF=5.807)
(9)Pengfei Wei, AoXia*,QiangLiao,ChiheSun,YunHuang,QianFu, XunZhu, X, RichenLin. Enhancing fermentative hydrogen production with the removal of volatile fatty acids by electrodialysis.Bioresource Technology, 2018, 263:437-443. (IF=5.807)
(10)Yun Huang, Yaping Zheng, Jun Li,Qiang Liao*, Qian Fu, Ao Xia, Jingwei Fu, Yahui Sun. Enhancing microalgae biofilm formation and growth by fabricating microgrooves onto the substrate surface.Bioresource Technology, 2018, 261:36-43. (IF=5.807)
(11)Hong Zhang, Qiang Liao,Qian Fu*, Hao Chen,Yun Huang, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu, AlissaraReungsang, Zhidan Liu, Jun Li. Rheological properties of microalgae slurry under subcritical conditions for hydrothermal hydrolysis systems.Algal Research, 2018, 33:78-83. (IF=3.745)
(12)Yahui Sun, Qiang Liao*, Yun Huang, Ao Xia,Qian Fu, Xun Zhu, Jingwei Fu, Jun Li.Application of growth-phase based light-feeding strategies to simultaneously enhance Chlorella vulgaris growth and lipid accumulation.Bioresource Technology, 2018, 256: 421-430. (IF=5.807)
(13)Yang Wei, Jun Li *, Linghan Lan,Qian Fu, Liang Zhang, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao. Poison tolerance of non-precious catalyst towards oxygen reduction reaction.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2018, 43(17): 8474-8479. (IF= 4.229)
(14)Qiang Liao*, Hai-Xing Chang,Qian Fu, Yun Huang, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu, Nianbing Zhong. Physiological-phased kinetic characteristics of microalge Chlorella vulgaris growth and lipid synthesis considering synergistic effects of light, carbon and nutrients.Bioresource Technology, 2018,250: 583-590. (IF=5.807)
(15)Hao Chen,Qian Fu*, Qiang Liao, Hong Zhang, Yun Huang, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu. Rheological properties of microalgae slurry for application in hydrothermal pretreatment systems.Bioresource Technology, 2018,249: 599-604. (IF=5.807)
(16)Chaoyang Wei, Yun Huang*, Qiang Liao,Qian Fu, Ao Xia, Yahui Sun. The kinetics of the polyacrylic superabsorbent polymers swelling in microalgae suspension to concentrate cells density.Bioresource Technology,2018,249: 713-719. (IF=5.807)
(17)Yahui Sun, Yun Huang*, Qiang Liao, Ao Xia,Qian Fu, Xun Zhu, Jingwei Fu. BoostingNannochloropsis oculatagrowth and lipid accumulation in a lab-scale open raceway pond characterized by improved light distributions employing built-in planar waveguide modules.Bioresource Technology,2018,249: 880-889. (IF=5.807)
(18)Dinging Ye, Pengqing Zhang, Xun Zhu, Yang Yang, Jun Li,Qian Fu, Rong Chen, Qiang Liao, Biao Zhang, Electricity generation of a laminar-flow microbial fuel cell without any additional power supply,RSC Advances, 2018, 8:33637-33641.
(19)Qian Fu*, Yishan Li, Nianbing Zhong, Qiang Liao*, Yun Huang, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu, Yunpeng Hou.A novel biofilm photobioreactor using light guide plate enhances the hydrogen production.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42 (45): 27523-31. (IF=4.229)
(20)Liang Zhang, Jun Li*, Xun Zhu, Ding-ding Ye,Qian Fu, Qiang Liao. Response of stacked microbial fuel cells with serpentine flow fields to variable operating conditions.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(45): 27641-27648. (IF=3.582)
(21)Jun Li, Hejing Li,Qian Fu*, Qiang Liao, Xun Zhu, Hajime Kobayashi.Voltage reversal causes bioanode corrosion in microbial fuel cell stacks.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2017, 42 (45): 27649-56. (IF=4.229)
(22)Zeyu Fan, Jun Li*, Yi Zhou,Qian Fu, Wei Yang, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao. A green, cheap, high-performance carbonaceous catalyst derived from Chlorella pyrenoidosa for oxygen reduction reaction in microbial fuel cells.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(45): 27657-27665. (IF=4.229)
(23)Wei Yang, Jun Li*,Qian Fu, Liang Zhang, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao. A simple method for preparing a binder-free paper-based air cathode for microbial fuel cells.Bioresource Technology, 2017, 241: 325-331. (IF=5.807)
(24)Liang Zhang, Xun Zhu, Jun Li *,Qian Fu, Qiang Liao, Yan Li, Yuanxin Li. A self-recirculation electrolyte system for unbuffered microbial fuel cells with an aerated cathode.Bioresource Technology, 2017, 241: 1173-1177. (IF=5.807)
(25)Hajime Kobayashi*, Ayano Nagashima, Miki Kouyama,Qian Fu, Masayuki Ikarashi, Haruo Maeda, Kozo Sato. High-pressure thermophilic electromethanogenic system producing methane at 5 MPa, 55 degrees C.Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering,2017, 124(3): 327-332. (IF=2.015)
(26)Jun Li, Hejing Li, Jili Zheng, Liang Zhang*,Qian Fu, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao. Response of anodic biofilm and the performance of microbial fuel cells to different discharging current densities.Bioresource Technology,2017, 233:1-6. (IF=5.807)
(27)Qiang Liao*, Yan-Xia Yang, Xun Zhu, Rong Chen,Qian Fu. A simulation on flow and mass transfer in a packed bed photobioreactor for hydrogen production.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2017, 109: 1132-1142 (IF=3.891)
(28)Liang Zhang, Jun Li*, Xun Zhu, Dingding Ye,Qian Fu, Qiang Liao. Startup Performance and Anodic Biofilnn Distribution in Continuous-Flow Microbial Fuel Cells with Serpentine Flow Fields: Effects of External Resistance.Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research,2017, 56(14): 3767-3774. (IF=3.141)
(29)Haixing Chang, Qiang Liao*,Qian Fu, Yun Huang, Ao Xia, Yaping Zheng, Yahui Sun, Xun Zhu. Phase-feeding strategy for Chlorella vulgaris to enhance biomass and lipid productivity.International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2017, 10(2): 205-215. (IF= 1.267)
(30)Qiang Liao*, Yan-Xia Yang, Xun Zhu, Rong Chen,Qian Fu. Pore-scale lattice Boltzmann simulation of flow and mass transfer in bioreactor with an immobilized granule for biohydrogen production.Science Bulletin, 2017, 62(1):22-30. (IF= 4.136)
(31)Hai-Xing Chang,Qian Fu*, Yun Huang, Ao Xia, Qiang Liao, Xun Zhu. Improvement of microalgae lipid productivity and quality in an ion-exchange-membrane photobioreactor using real municipal wastewater.International Journal of Agriculture and Biological Engineering,2017; 10(1): 97-106. (IF=1.267)
(32)Qiang Liao*, Yahui Sun, Yun Huang, Ao Xia,Qian Fu, Xun Zhu. Simultaneous enhancement of Chlorella vulgaris growth and lipid accumulation through the synergy effect between light and nitrate in a planar waveguide flat-plate photobioreactor.Bioresource Technology. 2017, 243: 528-538. (IF=5.807)
(33)Yishan Li,Nianbing Zhong*,Qiang Liao*,Qian Fu,Yun Huang,Xun Zhu,Qiaoliang Li. A biomaterial doped with LaB6 nanoparticles as photothermal media for enhancing biofilm growth and hydrogen production in photosynthetic bacteria.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy2017, 42:5793-5803. (IF=4.229)
(34)Yaping Zheng, Yun Huang*, Qiang Liao,Qian Fu, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu. Impact of the accumulation and adhesion of released oxygen during Scenedesmus obliquus photosynthesis on biofilm formation and growth. 2017,Bioresource Technology,244(1): 198-205. (IF=5.807)
(35)Xiao-jian Ding, Yun Huang*, Qiang Liao,Qian Fu, Ao Xia, Chao Xiao. Medium-low temperature hydrothermal hydrolysis kinetic characteristics of concentrated wet microalgae biomass Chlorella vulgaris.International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2017, 10:154-162. (IF=1.267)
(36)Yong Huang, Yun Huang*, Qiang Liao,Qian Fu, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu. Improving phosphorus removal efficiency and Chlorella vulgaris growth in high-phosphate MFC wastewater by frequent addition of small amounts of nitrate.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42 (45), 27749-58. (IF=4.229)
(37)Hajime Kobayashi, Xiaohan Sun, Qian Fu, Haruo Maeda, Kozo Sato, Draft Genome Sequence of Methanothermobacter sp. Strain EMTCatA1, Reconstructed from the Metagenome of a Thermophilic Electromethanogenesis-Catalyzing Biocathode,Genome announcements, 2017 5.
(38)Hajime Kobayashi,Qian Fu, Haruo Maeda, Kozo Sato, Draft Genome Sequence of a Novel Coriobacteriaceae sp. Strain, EMTCatB1, Reconstructed from the Metagenome of a Thermophilic Electromethanogenic Biocathode,Genome announcements, 2017 5.
(39)Hai-Xing Chang,Qian Fu*, Yun Huang, Ao Xia, Qiang Liao*, Xun Zhu, Ya-Ping Zheng, Chi-He Sun.An annular photobioreactor with ion-exchange-membrane for non-touch microalgae cultivation with wastewater.Bioresource Technology,2016, 219: 668-676. (IF=5.807).
(40)Yaping Zheng, Yun Huang, Qiang Liao*, Xun Zhu,Qian Fu, Ao Xia,Effects of wettability on the growth of Scenedesmus obliquus biofilm attached on glass surface coated with polytetrafluoroethylene emulsion,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(46), 21728-21735. (IF=4.968)
(41)Qian Fu,Yasuki Kansha, Chunfeng Song, Yuping Liu, Masanori Ishizuka, Atsushi Tsutsumi*,An elevated-pressure cryogenic air separation unit based on self-heat recuperation technology for integrated gasification combined cycle systems,Energy,2016, 103: 440-446. (IF=4.520)
(42)Qian Fu, Hai-Xing Chang, Yun Huang, Qiang Liao*, Xun Zhu, Ao Xia, Ya-Hui Sun.A novel self-adaptive microalgae photobioreactor using anion exchange membranes for continuous supply of nutrients.Bioresource Technology,2016, 214: 629-636. (IF=5.807)
(43)Chunfeng Song, Yasuki Kansha,Qian Fu, Masanori Ishizuka, Atsushi Tsutsumi*. Reducing energy consumption of advanced PTSA CO2capture process-Experimental and numerical study.Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers,2016, 64:69-78. (IF= 3.849)
(44)Qian Fu, Yasuki Kansha, Chunfeng Song, Yuping Liu, Masanori Ishizuka, Atsushi Tsutsumi*. A cryogenic air separation process based on self-heat recuperation for oxy-combustion plants.Applied Energy, 2016, 162: 1114-1121. (IF= 7.9)
(45)Yun Huang, Wei Xiong, Qiao Liao*,Qian Fu, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu,Comparison of Chlorella vulgaris biomass productivity cultivated in biofilm and suspension from the aspect of light transmission and microalgae affinity to carbon dioxide,Bioresource Technology, 2016, 222, 367-373. (IF=5.807)
(46)Yun Huang, Yahui Sun, Qiang Liao*,Qian Fu, Ao Xia, Xun Zhu. Improvement on light penetrability and microalgae biomass production by periodically pre-harvesting chlorella vulgaris cells with culture medium recycling.Bioresource Technology, 2016, 216:669–676. (IF=5.807)
(47)Hai-Xing Chang, Yun Huang*,Qian Fu, Qiang Liao, Xun Zhu.Kinetic characteristics and modeling of microalgae Chlorella vulgaris growth and CO2biofixation considering the coupled effects of light intensity and dissolved inorganic carbon.Bioresource Technology,2016, 206:231–238.(IF=5.807)
(48)Ya-Hui Sun, Yun Huang*, Qiang Liao,Qian Fu, Xun Zhu.Enhancement of microalgae production by embedding hollow light guides to a flat-plate photobioreactor.Bioresource Technology,2016, 207:31–38. (IF=4.917) (IF=5.807)
(49)Ya-Hui Sun, Yun Huang*, Qiang Liao,Qian Fu, Xun Zhu. Integrating planar waveguides doped with light scattering nanoparticles into a flat-plate photobioreactor to improve light distribution and microalgae growth.Bioresource Technology, 2016, 220:215–224. (IF=5.807)
(50)Yudong Ding, Sha Zhao, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao,Qian Fu, Yun Huang, Dynamic behaviour of the CO2bubble in a bubble column bioreactor for microalgal cultivation.Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2016, 18(7), 2039-2047. (IF= 2.337)
(51)Yang Yang, Dingding Ye*, Qiang Liao*, Pengqing Zhang, Xun Zhu, Jun Li,Qian Fu.Enhanced biofilm distribution and cell performance of microfluidic microbial fuel cells with multiple anolyte inlets.Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2016, 79:406-410. (IF= 7.476)
(52)Qian Fu, Yasuki Kansha, Chunfeng Song, Yuping Liu, Masanori Ishizuka, Atsushi Tsutsumi*,Energy saving in a biodiesel production process based on self-heat recuperation technology.Chemical Engineering Journal,2015, 278: 556–562. (IF=6.735)
(53)Qian Fu, Naoya Fukushima, Haruo Maeda, Kozo Sato, Hajime Kobayashi*. Bioelectrochemical analysis of a hyperthermophilic microbial fuel cell generating electricity at temperatures above 80 degrees C.Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry,2015, 79(7): 1200-1206. (IF= 1.255)
(54)Qian Fu, Yoshihiro Kuramochi, Naoya Fukushima, Haruo Maeda, Kozo Sato, Hajime Kobayashi*. Bioelectrochemical Analyses of the Development of a Thermophilic Biocathode Catalyzing Electromethanogenesis.Environmental Science & Technology,2015, 49(2): 1225-1232. (IF= 6.653)
(55)Chunfeng Song, Yasuki Kansha, Masanori Ishizuka,Qian Fu, Atsushi Tsutsumi*. Conceptual design of a novel pressure swing CO2adsorption process based on self-heat recuperation technology.Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2015,94:20-28. (IF=2.826)
(56)Sha Zhao, Yudong Ding, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao, Yun Huang,Qian Fu, Impact of Microalgae on CO2 Bubble Growth and Detachment in Bubble Column Bioreactor, in: P.S. Varbanov, J.J. Klemes, S.R.W. Alwi, J.Y. Yong, X. Liu (Eds.)Pres15: Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, 2015, pp. 1933-1938.
(57)Yuping Liu, Yasuki Kansha, Masanori Ishizuka,Qian Fu, Atsushi Tsutsumi*. Experimental and simulation investigations on self-heat recuperative fluidized bed dryer for biomass drying with superheated steam.Fuel Processing Technology, 2015,136: 79-86. (IF=3.752)
(58)Qian Fu, Yasuki Kansha, Chunfeng Song, Yuping Liu, Masanori Ishizuka, Atsushi Tsutsumi, An advanced cryogenic air separation process for Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Systems.Energy Procedia, 2014, 61:1673-1676.
(59)Qian Fu, Hajime Kobayashi*, Yoshihiro Kuramochi, Jing Xu, Tatsuki Wakayama, Haruo Maeda, Kozo Sato. Bioelectrochemical analyses of a thermophilic biocathode catalyzing sustainable hydrogen production.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38(35): 15638-15645. (IF= 4.229)
(60)Chunfeng Song, Yasuki Kansha, Masanori Ishizuka,Qian Fu, Atsushi Tsutsumi*, Design of a low-cost CO2capture process based on heat integration technology.Energy Procedia, 2014, 61:365-368
(61)Qian Fu, Hajime Kobayashi*, Hideo Kawaguchi, Tatsuki Wakayama, Haruo Maeda, Kozo Sato. A Thermophilic Gram-Negative Nitrate-Reducing Bacterium, Calditerrivibrio nitroreducens, Exhibiting Electricity Generation Capability.Environmental Science & Technology,2013, 47(21): 12583-12590. (IF= 6.653)
(62)Hajime Kobayashi, Naoki Saito,Qian Fu, Hideo Kawaguchi, Javier Vilcaez, Tatsuki Wakayama, Haruo Maeda, Kozo Sato*. Bio-electrochemical property and phylogenetic diversity of microbial communities associated with bioelectrodes of an electromethanogenic reactor.Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering,2013, 116(1): 114-117. (IF= 2.015)
(63)Qian Fu, Hajime Kobayashi, Hideo Kawaguchi, Javier Vilcaez, Tatsuki Wakayama, Haruo Maeda, Kozo Sato*. Electrochemical and phylogenetic analyses of current-generating microorganisms in a thermophilic microbial fuel cell.Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering,2013, 115(3): 268-271. (IF= 2.015)
(64)Yoshihiro Kuramochi,Qian Fu, Hajime Kobayashi, Masayuki Ikarashi, Tatsuki Wakayama, Hideo Kawaguchi, Javier Vilcaez, Haruo Maeda, Kozo Sato*, Electromethanogenic CO2conversion by subsurface-reservoir microorganisms.Energy Procedia, 2013, 37:7014-20.
(65)Masahiro Hara, Yutaka Onaka, Hajime Kobayashi,Qian Fu, Kawaguchi, Hideo Kawaguchi, Javier Vilcaez, Kozo Sato*, Mechanism of Electromethanogenic Reduction of CO2by a Thermophilic Methanogen.Energy Procedia, 2013, 37:7021-28.
(66)Qian Fu, Jun Li, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao*, DingDing Ye, Liang Zhang, An MFC capable of regenerating the cathodic electron acceptor under sunlight.Science China-technological Science, 2010, 53 (9): 2489-94. (IF=1.113)
(67)Jun Li,Qian Fu, Qiang Liao*, Xun Zhu, Ding-ding Ye, Xin Tian, Persulfate: A self-activated cathodic electron acceptor for microbial fuel cells.Journal of Power Sources, 2009, 194 (1), 269-74. (IF=6.395)
(68)Jun Li,Qian Fu, Xun Zhu*, Qiang Liao, Liang Zhang, Hong Wang, A solar regenerable cathodic electron acceptor for microbial fuel cells.Electrochimica acta, 2010, 55 (7), 2332-2337. (IF=4.798)
(69)Dingding Ye, Xun Zhu, Qiang Liao*, Jun Li,Qian Fu,Two-dimensional two-phase mass transport model for methanol and water crossover in air-breathing direct methanol fuel cells.Journal of Power Sources.2009, 192: 502-14. (IF=5.211)
  1. 1.邀請主題匯報(Invited Keynote Speech)—20th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2017, 8, Tianjin, China.
  2. 2.邀請主題匯報(Invited Keynote Speech)—“Centrifugal Granulating and Heat Recovery Characteristic of Blast Furnace Slag”, 19th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2016, 8, Prague, Czech Republic.
  3. 3.邀請主題匯報(Invited Keynote Speech)—International workshop on algae biofuels and environmental-enhancing energy, July 7, 2016, Beijing, China.
  4. 4.邀請主題匯報(Invited Keynote Speech)—International workshop on algae biofuels and environmental-enhancing energy, December 17, 2015, China Agricultural University, Beijing.
  5. 5.分會主席(Session Chair)—20th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2017, 8, Tianjin, China.
  6. 6.分會主席(Session Chair)——2016 Asian Biohydrogen and Bioproducts Symposium, 2016, 10, Jeju, Korea.
  7. 7.分會主席(Session Chair)---19th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2016, 8, Prague, Czech Republic.
  8. 8.分會主席(Session Chair)---18th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2015, 8, Kuching, Malaysia.
  9. 9.最佳海報評審專家(Best Poster Judge)---19th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for EnergySaving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2016, 8, Prague, Czech Republic.
  10. 10.最佳海報評審專家(Best Poster Judge)---18th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2015, 8, Kuching, Malaysia.
  11. 11.口頭報告(Oral presentation)The 6th International society for microbial electrochemistry and technology, 2017.10, Lisbon, Portugal.
  12. 12.口頭報告(Oral presentation)—2nd Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference and 4th International Workshop on Heat Transfer, 2017.4, Las Vegas, U.S.
  13. 13.口頭報告—2016 Asian Biohydrogen and Bioproducts Symposium, 2016, 10, Jeju, Korea.
  14. 14.口頭報告—2016 Asian Biohydrogen and Bioproducts Symposium, 2016, 10, Jeju, Korea.
  15. 15.口頭報告(Oral presentation)---The 2012 Asian Biohydrogen and Bioproducts Symposium (2012ABBS), Chongqing, 2012.11.
  16. 16.口頭報告(Oral presentation)---17th Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction (PRES), 2014, 8, Prague, Czech Republic.
  17. 17.口頭報告(Oral presentation)---An advanced cryogenic air separation process based on self-heat recuperation for CO2separation. International Conference of Applied Energy, 2014, 5, Taipei, Taiwan.
  18. 18.口頭報告(Oral presentation)-- Electrochemical evidence of direct electron transfer in a thermophilic biocathode capable of CO2reduction. 2013 BioH2, 2013, 8, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  19. 19.口頭報告(Oral presentation)--- Exoelectrogenic ability of thermophilic microorganisms from various environments. American Chemical Society 243th National Meeting & Exposition, 2012. 3, San Diego, CA, U. S.


