



  • 中文名:仇璘
  • 國籍中國
  • 畢業院校:名古屋大學(博士)
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:數學
  • 職稱:副教授


1998年4月- 2001年3月 日本名古屋大學 博士
(Graduate School of Human Informatics,Nagoya University, Japan)


2001年4月- 2003年4月 日本學術振興協會 博士後 Postdoctoral fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
2003年5月開始 上海交通大學理學院數學系


Numerical analysis and its application to mathematical modelling. Aiming the application and development towards computational science and engineering as well as mathematical modelling, the research of numerical algorithms for systems of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and related problems. Current research topics are:
  1. Discrete variable solution of delay-differential equations and its stability
  2. Numerical analysis of dynamics systems
  3. Applied mathematics and scientific/engineering computing
  4. Numerical methods for singular perturbation systems and others relevant to the above.


(1)Hou,L., Ding,H. Qiu, L,The High Performance Computing on the Crash-safety Analysis,HPCA2009,Springer-Verlag,Berlin Heidelburg 2010 LNCS 5938,169-176,2010.
(2)Lei Hou, LinQiu,Computation and asymptotic analysis in the non-Newtonian impact problem,ACTA Math. Applic. Sinica25-1, (2009), 117-126.
(3)Hou,L., Li,H. Qiu, L.,Stochastic analysis on the visco-elastic impact problem,Proc. CEAM09 (I), Italy, (ISTP).Nov.23-Dec.8, 2009.
(4) L.Qiu, Stability of Runge-Kutta method for the neutral delay differential system, Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University, 2006, vol 40:39-41.
(5)L. Qiu and T. Mitsui, Predator-prey dynamics with delay when prey dispersing in n-patch environment, Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 20-1, (2003) 37-49
(6)G.R. Wang and L. Qiu, Leverrier-Chebyshev algorithm for the singular pencils, Linear Algebra and its Application, 345, (2002) 1-8
(7) L. Qiu and T. Mitsui, Stability of the Radau IA and Lobatto IIIC methods for neutral delay differential system, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 137-2, (2001) 279-293
(8) L. Qiu, T. Mitsui and J.X. Kuang, Unique solvability of nonlinear systems arising in the multiderivative block methodJapan of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 18-3, ( 2001) 647-656
(9) H. J. Tian, J.X. Kuang and L. Qiu, The stability of linear multistep methods for systems of neutral differential equations, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 19-2, (2001) 125-130
(10) L. Qiu, T. Mitsui and J.X. Kuang, The numerical stability of the q-method for delay differential equations with many variable delays, J. of Computational Mathematics, 17-5, (1999) 523-532
(11) B. Yang, L. Qiu and T. Mitsui, GPG-stability of Runge-Kutta methods for generalized delay differential systems, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 37-7, (1999) 89-9712 L. Qiu, B. Yang and J.X. Kuang, The NGP-stability of Runge-Kutta methods for system of neutral delay differential equations, Numer. Math., 81, (1999) 451-459
(13) G.R. Wang and L. Qiu, Some new applications of the block-Cayley-Hamilton theorem, J. of Shanghai Teacher’s University, 27-1, (1998) 8-15
(14) B. Yang and L. Qiu, The GPML- stability of Runge-Kutta methods for differential system with many delays, J. of Shanghai Teacher’s University, (Natural Sciences), 26-2, (1997) 9-18
(15) L. Qiu and J.X. Kuang, On the LD-suitability of the nonlinear systems in MDBMs, J. of Shanghai Teacher’s University, 25-4, (1996) 6-11.


(1) 1998年6月,日本Bentenjima, 27th Symposium on Numerical Analysis
(2) 1998年9月,日本東京,早稻田大學,Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
(3) 1999年8月,澳大利亞,Queensland University, The International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations
(4) 2000年6月,比利時,Katholieke Universiteit,The International Congress on Computational and Applied Mathematics
(5) 2001年7月,加拿大,溫哥華,The International Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential Equations
(6) 2002年,義大利,Vietri sul Mare,Topics in Biomathematics and Related Computational Problems at the Beginning of the Third Millennium.


