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  • 中文名:什麼是分析性思維
  • 作者:(美)埃爾德(Linda Elder),(美)保羅(Richard Paul) 著
  • 出版時間:2016年
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • ISBN:9787513574709




Part I: Understanding the Basic Theory of Analysis........................1
This section provides the foundational theory essential to analysis. It delineates the eight basic
structures present in all thinking.
Why a Guide on Analytic Thinking?..........1
Why the Analysis of Thinking Is Important..........2
To Analyze Thinking We Must Learn to Identify and Question Its Elemental Structures.........4
To Evaluate Thinking, We Must Understand and Apply Intellectual Standards..........5
35 Dimensions of Critical Thought..........7
A Checklist for Reasoning..........9
Part 2: Getting Started—Some First Steps. ..........11
This section enumerates the most important foundational moves in analysis.
Think About Purpose..........11
State the Question..........12
Gather Information..........13
Watch Your Inferences..........14
Check Your Assumptions..........15
Clarify Your Concepts..........16
Understand Your Point of View..........17
Think Through the Implications..........18
Part 3: Using Analysis to Figure Out the Logic of Anything..........19
This section provides a range of sample analyses (as well as templates for analysis).
The Figuring Mind...........19
Figuring Out the Logic of Things..........20
Analyzing Problems..........23
Analyzing the Logic of an Article, Essay or Chapter..........25
Analyzing the Logic of a Textbook..........29
Evaluating an Author's Reasoning..........30
Analyzing the Logic of a Subject..........31
Part 4: Taking Your Understanding to a Deeper level..........40
This section explains the elements more comprehensively, differentiating skilled from unskilled
Analyzing and Assessing..........40
Distinguishing Between Inferences and Assumptions..........48


