


  • 作者: 丁士海
  • 出版社:科學出版社
  • ISBN:9787030703804  




第一章 骨學總論 Introduction of the Osteology 1
第一節 骨學概述 General Survey of the Bone 1
一、骨的分類(Classification of the Bone) 3
二、骨的構造(Structure of the Bone) 4
三、骨的發育(Development of the Bone) 6
四、骨的功能(Function of the Bone) 7
五、骨的化學成分和物理特性(Chemical Composition & Physical Property of the Bone) 7
第二節 軀幹骨 Bones of the Trunk 7
一、椎骨(The Vertebrae) 7
二、骶骨(The Sacrum) 11
三、尾骨(The Coccyx) 13
四、肋骨(The Ribs) 13
五、胸骨(The Sternum) 14
六、脊柱(The Vertebral Column) 15
第三節 顱骨 Bones of the Skull 16
一、顱骨上面(Superior Aspect of the Skull) 16
二、顱的側面(Lateral Aspect of the Skull) 17
三、顱的前面(Anterior Aspect of the Skull) 17
四、顱底外面(External Surface of the Cranial Base) 20
五、顱底內面(Internal Surface of the Cranial Base) 21
六、下頜骨(The Mandible) 22
七、新生兒顱骨及其生後變化(Skull at Birth and Its Changes after Birth) 23
第四節 上肢骨 Bones of Upper Limb 24
一、鎖骨(The Clavicle) 24
二、肩胛骨(The Scapula) 24
三、肱骨(The Humerus) 25
四、橈骨(The Radius) 26
五、尺骨(The Ulna) 27
六、手骨(The Bones of Hand) 28
第五節 下肢骨 Bones of the Lower Limb 33
一、髖骨(The Hip Bone) 33
二、股骨(The Femur) 34
三、髕骨(The Patella) 35
四、脛骨(The Tibia) 35
五、腓骨(The Fibula) 36
六、足骨(The Bones of Foot) 37
七、骨盆(The Pelvis) 41
第六節 骨學與法醫骨學的關係 Relationship between Osteology and Forensic Osteology 41
一、法醫骨學的定義(The Definition of the Forensic Osteology) 41
二、法醫骨學在醫學中的地位(The Position of the Forensic Osteology in Medicine) 41
三、法醫骨學研究的內容(The Contents of the Forensic Osteology) 42
參考文獻 43
第二章 骨骼的性別鑑定 Sexual Determination of the Bone 44
第一節 按骨骼的形態鑑定性別 Sexual Determination of the Bone by Morphology 44
一、髖骨的性別差異(Sexual Difference of the Hip Bone) 44
二、骶骨的性別差異(Sexual Difference of the Sacrum) 49
三、骨盆的性別差異(Sexual Difference of the Pelvis) 49
四、顱骨的性別差異(Sexual Difference of the Skull) 50
第二節 按指數鑑定骨骼性別 Sexual Determination of the Bone by Index 52
一、坐恥指數(The Ischium-pubic Index) 52
二、髂骨翼高指數(Index of the Iliac Wing’s Height) 53
三、骶骨底寬指數(Index of the Sacral Base and Breadth) 53
四、坐骨大切跡指數(Index of the Greater Sciatic Notch) 54
五、髖臼恥骨指數(The Acetabulum-pubic Index) 54
六、髖臼恥骨結節指數(Acetabulum Diameter/Pubic Tubercle-acetabular Rim Index) 54
七、 坐骨髖臼高/恥骨聯合上緣至髖臼緣距指數(Ischium-acetabular Height/Pubic Symphysis-acetabular Rim Index) 54
第三節 按判別分析法鑑定骨骼性別 Sexual Determination of the Bones by Discriminant Function Analysis 55
一、顱骨性別的判別分析(Sexual Discriminant Function Analysis of the Skull) 55
二、上肢骨性別的判別分析(Sexual Discriminant Analysis from the Bones of Upper Limb) 60
三、下肢骨性別的判別分析(Sexual Discriminant Analysis from the Bones of Lower Limb) 66
四、全套骨的性別判別分析(Sexual Discriminant Analysis from the Whole Set of Bones) 74
五、胸骨的性別判別分析(Sexual Discriminant Analysis of the Sternum) 74
六、骶骨的性別判別分析(Sexual Discriminant Analysis of the Sacrum) 75
參考文獻 75
第三章 骨骼的年齡鑑定 Age Estimation of the Skeleton 79
第一節 出生前的年齡推斷 Age Estimation before Birth 79
一、胎兒四肢骨(Fetal Bones of the Limbs) 80
二、胎兒顱骨(The Fetal Skull) 81
第二節 出生後的年齡推斷 Age Estimation after Birth 83
一、顱骨骨縫癒合的年齡推斷(Age Estimation from the Synostosis of Cranial Sutures) 83
二、四肢骨的年齡推斷(Age Estimation from the Bones of Limbs) 85
三、肋骨的年齡推斷(Age Estimation from the Costal Bone) 120
四、胸骨的年齡推斷(Age Estimation from the Sternum) 123
五、喉軟骨骨化的年齡推斷(Age Estimation from the Ossification of Laryngeal Cartilages) 124
六、根據牙齒推斷年齡(Age Estimation from the Teeth) 127
七、分子生物學方法推斷年齡(Age Estimation from the Method of Molecular Biology) 133
八、年齡鑑定要點(Focus Points of the Age Estimation from Bones) 133
參考文獻 134
第四章 骨骼推算身高 Stature Estimation from the Bone 138
第一節 推算身高的基本知識 Basic Knowledge of the Calculation of Stature 138
一、相關係數(Coefficient of the Correlation) 138
二、直線回歸方程(Equation of the Linear Regression) 138
三、影響身高的因素(Influential Factors of the Stature) 139
四、由骨推算身高的步驟(Steps of the Calculation of Stature from the Bone) 141
第二節 由四肢骨推算身高 Calculation of Stature from the Bones of Limbs 141
一、由上肢骨推算身高(Calculation of Stature from the Bones of Upper Limb) 142
二、由下肢骨推算身高(Calculation of Stature from the Bones of Lower Limb) 149
第三節 由軀幹骨推算身高 Calculation of Stature from the Bones of Trunk 157
一、由椎骨推算身高(Calculation of Stature from the Vertebrae) 157
二、由胸骨推算身高(Calculation of Stature from the Sternum) 160
三﹑由骶骨推斷身高(Calculation of Stature from the Sacrum) 161
第四節 由顱骨推算身高 Calculation of Stature from the Skull 161
一、由顱圍推算身高(Calculation of Stature from the Cranial Circumference) 162
二、由下頜骨推算身高(Calculation of Stature from the Mandible) 162
第五節 身高的預測 Prediction of the Stature 162
一、 由父母身高推運算元女的身高(Prediction of Children’s Stature from Their Parents’Statures) 162
二、自我身高的預測(Prediction of Stature from Oneself Stature) 163
第六節 我國人的身高 The Statures in Chinese 163
一、我國各省成人平均身高(Average Statures in Chinese by Provinces) 163
二、我國漢族成人平均身高(Average Statures in Chinese Han Nationality) 164
三、我國少數民族成人平均身高(Average Statures in Chinese National Minorities) 165
四、我國少數民族兒童的平均身高(Average Statures in Chinese National Minority’s Children) 167
五、我國未定民族的平均身高(Average Statures in Chinese Uncertain Nationalities) 169
六、 我國漢族城鄉兒童的平均身高(Average Statures in Urban & Village of Han Nationality’s Children) 169
七、成年後分年齡組進行身高的測量(Measurements of the Adult Statures by Age-Group) 170
八、雙生子身高的測量(Measurements of the Stature in Twins) 171
參考文獻 172
第五章 骨骼測量學 The Osteometry 176
第一節 骨測量工具 Instruments of the Osteometry 177
一、徑線測量工具(Instruments of the Measuring Bony Diamenter) 177
二、角度測量工具(Instruments of the Measuring Bony Angle) 178
三、弧、周的測量工具(Instruments of the Measuring Bony Arc and Circumference) 178
四、測骨盤(The Osteometric Board) 179
五、固定骨的工具(Instruments of the Fixing Bone) 179
六、描骨儀器(Instruments of the Drawing Bone) 180
七、身高測量儀(Instruments of the Measuring Stature) 180
八、水準儀(The Level) 181
九、下頜骨測量器(The Mandibulometer) 182
十、測齶器(The Palatometer) 182
十一、縮放尺(The Pantograph) 182
第二節 顱骨的測量 Measurements of the Skull 183
一、顱骨的測點(Measuring Points of the Skull) 183
二、顱骨的測量項目及國人數據(Measuring Items and Chinese Data of the Skull) 189
三、古人類顱骨的測量(Measurements of the Archeo-Skull) 290
第三節 顱骨指數及其分級 Cranial Indices and Their Classification 293
一、顱骨指數(Cranial Indices) 293
二、面指數(Facial Indices) 301
三、眶指數(Orbital Indices) 306
四、鼻指數(Nasal Indices) 309
五、齶指數(Palatal Indices) 312
六、下頜指數(Mandibular Indices) 314
第四節 軀幹骨的測量及指數 Measurements & Indices of the Bones of Trunk 317
一、頸椎的測量(Measurements of the Cervical Vertebrae) 317
二、胸椎的測量(Measurements of the Thoracic Vertebrae) 337
三、腰椎的測量(Measurements of the Lumbar Vertebrae) 345
四、骶骨的測量(Measurements of the Sacrum) 356
五、胸骨的測量(Measurements of the Sternum) 364
六、肋骨的測量(Measurements of the Rib) 367
七、體骨指數及其分類(Indices of the Bones of Trunk & Their Classification) 368
第五節 上肢骨的測量及指數 Measurements & Indices of the Bones of Upper Limb 374
一、鎖骨的測量(Measurements of the Clavicle) 374
二、肩胛骨的測量(Measurements of the Scapula) 378
三、肱骨的測量(Measurements of the Humerus) 385
四、橈骨的測量(Measurements of the Radius) 396
五、尺骨的測量(Measurements of the Ulna) 404
六、手骨的測量(Measurements of the Bones of Hand) 409
七、上肢骨測量要點(Focus Points of the Measuring Bones of Upper Limb) 421
八、上肢骨指數(Indices of the Bones of Upper Limb) 421
第六節 下肢骨的測量及指數 Mesurements and Indices of the Bones of Lower Limb 427
一、骨盆的測量(Measurements of the Pelvis) 427
二、髖骨的測量(Measurements of the Hip Bone) 430
三、股骨的測量(Measurements of the Femur) 439
四、髕骨的測量(Measurements of the Patella) 463
五、脛骨的測量(Measurements of the Tibia) 465
六、腓骨的測量(Measurements of the Fibula) 476
七、足骨的測量(Measurements of the Bones of Foot) 481
八、下肢骨測量要點(Focus Points of the Measuring Bones of Lower Limb) 498
九、下肢骨指數(Indices of the Bones of Lower Limb) 499
十、四肢骨的相互推算(Calculation of the Bone of Limbs Each Other) 512
十一、四肢長骨生物力學的測試(Tests of the Biomechanics of Long Limbs Bones) 513
參考文獻 513
第六章 骨骼的觀察 Observations of Bones 543
第一節 顱骨的觀察 Observations of the Skull 543
一、顱頂形狀(Shapes of the Calvaria) 543
二、顱的側面分型(Types of the Skull from Lateral View) 545
三、顱骨的非對稱性(Asymmetry of the Skull) 546
四、顱骨縫(Cranial Sutures) 546
五、眶區(Region of the Orbit) 553
六、鼻區(Region of the Nose) 566
七、鼻旁竇(Paranasal Sinus) 572
八、顳下區(Infratemporal Area) 576
九、口區(Region of the Mouth) 576
十、顴骨(Zygomatic Bone) 583
十一、顱底(Cranial Base) 585
十二、顱頂(Cranial Calvaria) 591
十三、耳區(Region of the Ear) 592
十四、翼區(Pterion) 601
十五、顱腔(Cranial Cavity) 606
十六、縫間骨(Sutural Bone) 610
十七、下頜骨(Mandible) 613
十八、牙齒(Teeth) 620
十九、古人類顱骨的特徵(Characteristics of the Pleistocene Human Skull) 622
二十、新石器時代人類牙齒(Human Teeth in the Neolithic Age) 625
第二節 軀幹骨的觀察 Observations of the Bones of Trunk 625
一、椎骨(Vertebrae) 625
二、骶骨(Sacrum) 633
三、尾骨(Coccyx) 637
四、胸骨(Sternum) 637
五、肋骨(Rib) 638
第三節 上肢骨的觀察 Observation of the Bones of Upper Limb 639
一、鎖骨(Clavicle) 639
二、肩胛骨(Scapula) 642
三、肱骨(Humerus) 645
四、前臂骨的比較(Comparison of the Bones of Forearm) 648
五、橈骨(Radius) 648
六、尺骨(Ulna) 649
七、腕骨(Carpal Bones) 651
八、掌骨(Metacarpal Bones) 653
九、指骨(Phalanges) 655
十、籽骨(Sesamoid Bones) 656
第四節 下肢骨的觀察 Observation of the Bones of Lower Limb 656
一、髖骨(Hip bone) 656
二、股骨(Femur) 658
三、髕骨(Patella) 660
四、脛骨(Tibia) 661
五、腓骨(Fibula) 664
六、跗骨(Tarsal Bones) 667
七、跖骨(Metatarsal Bones) 671
八、趾骨(Phalanges of Toe) 671
九、足籽骨(Sesamoid Bone of Foot) 673
十、腓腸肌籽骨(Fabella) 673
十一、下肢長骨比較(Comparison of the Bilateral Bones of Lower Limb) 674
參考文獻 675
第七章 骨骼的種族和民族差異 Racial and Ethnic Difference of the Skeleton 694
第一節 世界的人種 Races of the World 694
一、顱骨的種族差異(Racial Difference of the Skull) 696
二、盆骨的種族差異(Racial Difference of the Pelvic Bones) 703
三、四肢骨的種族差異(Racial Difference of the Bones of Limbs) 704
第二節 我國的民族 Chinese Nationalities 708
一、頭部的地區和民族差異(Ethnic and Regional Differences of the Head) 708
二、顱骨的地區和民族差異(Ethnic and Regional Differences of the Skull) 709
三、軀幹骨的地區和民族差異(Ethnic and Regional Differences of the Bones of Trunk) 711
四、上肢骨的地區和民族差異(Ethnic and Regional Differences of the Bones of Upper Limb) 711
五、下肢骨的地區和民族差異(Ethnic and Regional Differences of the Bones of Lower Limb) 714
第三節 牙齒的人種和民族差異 Racial and Ethnic Differences of the Teeth 716
一、牙齒的種族差異(Racial Differences of the Teeth) 716
二、新石器時代人類牙齒(Human Teeth in the Neolithic Age) 716
參考文獻 719
後記 Postscript 724
索引 Index 725


