

《類文明與文化讀本·人類的想像與創造》是2008年外語教學與研究出版社出版的圖書,作者是顧曰國(Mary J.Willes) 。


  • 書名:人類文明與文化讀本·人類的想像與創造
  • 作者:(英國)顧曰國(Mary J.Willes) 叢書主編:陳乃芳 藍純
  • ISBN:9787560051642
  • 頁數:347頁
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 出版時間:第1版 (2008年9月1日)
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:16


《人類的想像與創造(第2卷)》內容簡介:一個成熟的英語學習者能夠用英語進行廣泛的閱讀並從中收穫知識和快樂。讓我們為知識和快樂而閱讀,而不僅僅是為學好英語而閱讀。 “人類文明與文化讀本“(READ INTO HUMAN CIVILIZATION AND CULTURE)是針對高校英語專業學生和同等程度的英語學習者開發的一套閱讀文庫,可以用作泛讀課教材.也可以用作課外閱讀材料。與一般泛讀教材不同的是.本套讀本著眼於讓讀者通過英語的視角來了解上下數千年人類所創造的文明、文化以及所遭遇的挑戰和危機。


Table of Contents
General Introduction to Read into Human Civilization and Culture
Introduction to Human's Imagination and Recreation
Part 1 A Survey of Arts, Theater and Literature
Unit 1 A Survey of Arts
Text A General Concepts for the Work of Arts
Text B Specialized Concepts for the Work of Arts
Unit 2 Introduction to the Study of Theater Arts
Text A Dramatic Arts and Theater Presentation
Text B Theaters in the West: Change and Development
Text C What Shakespeare the Dramatist Has to Say About Acting
Unit 3 Introduction to the Study of Literature
Text A What Do We Mean When We Speak of Literature?
Text B The Book—— Still Precious Lifeblood of a Master Spirit
Text C Love Disappointed: Poems from Various Times and Places on a Common Aspect of Human Experience
Part 2 Religion and Arts
Unit 4 Art in the Service of Religion
Text A People Make Meaning from Their Experiences
Text B Religious Festivals and Ceremonies
Text C Artistic Tradition and the Social Order
Unit 5 Conflict and Contradiction in the Relation Between Religion and Arts
Text A Arts as a Dimension of Religion
Text B1 Dispute over Icons
Text B2 The Impact of Puritanism
Unit 6 Communicating Ideology Through Drama, Religious Myth and Legend
Text A The English Mystery Plays
Text B The Medieval Miracle Plays
Part 3 Music and Western Culture
Unit 7 Music and Musicians
Text A An Introduction to the Music Culture of the West
Text B The Great Musicians of the Classical and Romantic Tradition in Western Music
Unit 8 Opera and Ballet
Text A A Brief History of Opera
Text B The Development of Ballet: Classical to Modem
Text C Opera in Five Acts
Unit 9 Popular Music and Popular Culture
Text A Popular Music
Text B The Development of Music and Popular Culture
Part 4 Sculpture and Architecture
Unit 10 A General Survey of Sculpture
Text A Understanding Sculpture
Text B Sculpture: A Glorious Past
Text C Sculpture: Far and Wide
Unit 11 A General Survey of Architecture
Text A Architecture: The Ancient World
Text B Architecture: The Medieval World
Text C Architecture: More Recent Times
Unit 12 East and West: Two Case Studies
Text A Aspects of the Architecture and Sculpture of India
Text B Hidden Gems Among the Gothic Spires of Yale
Part 5 Sports and Culture
Unit 13 Among the Sports We Have
Text A Basketball
Text B Boxing
Text C Soccer
Unit 14 Sports as an Industry
Text A The Olympic Games
Text B Sports Industry
Text C The World Cup
Unit 15 The Other Side of Sports
Text A Forget the Footie, Check out the Technology
Text B Seconds out, Round Two of My Life
Text C Mother of All Climbdowns
Part 6 Trends in Modern Arts
Unit 16 Modernism and Modern Arts
Text A Modem Art
Text B Modem Dance
Unit 17 The Role of Feminism
Text A Women in Art
Text B Self-portrait by Gwen John
Text C The Fortunes of Women Painters and Their Work.
Unit 18 Advertising and Art
Text A Advertising
Text B Early Advertising Art from A. and E Pears Ltd
Key to Questions

