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  • 中文名:交通工程總論
  • 作者:楊孝寬、賀玉龍
  • 出版社:人民交通出版社
  • ISBN:9787114082979


本書為高等學校雙語教學教材。全書共分8章,第1章簡要介紹了交通工程學的發展史以及定義、研究範圍和目標;第2章包含交通工程中常用的基本概念包括:機動性和可達性,道路分類,連續流和間斷流以及駕駛員和車輛的特性;第3章討論了流量、速度、密度以及三者之間的關係;第4章詳細介紹了地點速度、出行時間和延誤的特性;第5章講述了統計學在交通工程中的套用;第6章討論了道路通行能力,主要介紹了高速公路基本路段和雙車道通行能力的計算;第7章描述了交叉口設計的基本過程;第8 章介紹交通控制設備。 本書可作為高等院校交通工程、交通運輸、土木工程等專業本科生雙語教學用教材,也可供從事交通工程研究的專業技術人員參考。


Chapter 1 Introduction1.1 Definition, scope and goal1.2 Traffic system1.3 Background of development of traffic engineering1.4 Respoibility and liability ( professional ethics )1.5 Traportation legislation1.6 Characteristics of traffic engineering and challenges thattraffic enginee face1.7 Explanation of some technical terms1.8 ReferencesChapter 2 Basic Concepts and Components in Traffic Engineering2.1 Mobility veus accessibility2.2 Classification of roadways2.3 Uninterrupted and interrupted flows2.4 Perception-Reaction Time (PRT)2.5 Visual acuity Static veus dynamic2.6 Walking speed2.7 Vehicle characteristics2.8 Geometric characteristics of roadways2.9 Traffic control devices 2.9.1 Traffic sig 2.9.2 Traffic markings 2.9.3 Traffic signalsChapter 3 Volume, Deity Speed Studies3.1 Definition of volumes3.2 Definition of speed3.3 Deity3.4 Relatiohip among volume, speed and deity3.5 Derivation of flow-speed and flow-deity relatiohips3.6 Finding capacity from basic speed-flow-deity curvesChapter 4 Spot Speed, Travel Time, and Delay Studies4.1 Spot speed studies4.2 Travel time studies4.3 Delay studiesChapter 5 Statistics and Application in Traffic Engineering5.1 Some basic concepts5.2 Distribution of traffic flow 5.2.1 Poisson distribution 5.2.2 Binomial distribution 5.2.3 Exponential distribution5.3 MIMI1 system-- queuing theory application5.4 Chi-square (x2) goodness-of-fit testChapter 6 Highway Capacity Analysis6.1 Capacity, level of service and other related concepts 6.1.1 Definition of capacity 6.1.2 Concept of level of service and measure of effectiveness 6.1.3 Other related concepts 6.1.4 Facto affecting capacity LOS ( base conditio ) 6.1.5 Facto affecting the free-flow speed 6.1.6 Samples for free-flow speed estimation6.2 Two types of analysis 6.2.1 Steps for operational analysis 6.2.2 Example for operational analysis 6.2.3 Steps for design analysis 6.2.4 Example for design analysis6.3 Capacity analysis for two-lane highway 6.3.1 Classification of two-lane highway 6.3.2 Capacity of two-lane highway 6.3.3 LOS for two-lane highway 6.3.4 FFS for two-lane highway 6.3.5 Operation analysis for two-lane highway6.4 Capacity LOS analysis for weaving, merging, anddiverging on freeways and multilane highways 6.4.1 Basic knowledge 6.4.2 Capacity of weaving area 6.4.3 Level of service criteria 6.4.4 Analysis of weaving areas 6.4.5 Analysis of merge and diverge areasChapter 7 Fundamentals of Inteection Design7.1 Introduction to inteection control 7.1.1 Types of inteection 7.1.2 Hierarchy of at-grade inteection control 7.1.3 Capacity analysis of TWSC inteection7.2 Basic principles and steps of inteection signalization 7.2.1 Terms and definitio 7.2.2 Saturation flow rate, lost times and capacity 7.2.3 The critical lane and time budget 7.2.4 Concept of left-turn and right-turn equivalence 7.2.5 Delay as a measure of effectiveness7.3 Fundamentals of signal timing and design 7.3.1 Development of phase plan 7.3.2 Determination of vehicular signal paramete 7.3.3 Determination of pedestrian signal paramete7.4 Computer software related to inteection signal timingChapter 8 Traffic Control Devices8.1 Definition and categories of traffic control devices8.2 Introduction of MUTCD 8.2.1 History and background of MUTCD 8.2.2 General principles of the MUTCD 8.2.3 Contents of the MUTCD8.3 Traffic markings 8.3.1 Longitudinal markings 8.3.2 Travee markings 8.3.3 Object marke and delineato 8.3.4 Word and symbol markings8.4 Traffic sig 8.4.1 Regulatory sig 8.4.2 Warning sig 8.4.3 Guide sig8.5 Traffic signals 8.5.1 Characteristics of traffic signals 8.5.2 Traffic signals warranty 8.5.3 Pedestrian signals 8.5.4 Other traffic signalsGlossaryReferences


楊孝寬:現任北京工業大學教授,2001年獲得美國南佛羅里達大學博士學位,從事交通工程領域工作近30年,2004年開始雙語課程教學。 賀玉龍:現任北京工業大學副教授,2003年獲得北京工業大學博士學位,1996年留校任教並於2007年開始從事雙語課程教學工作。


