亞洲競爭力 2012年度報告(英文版)

亞洲競爭力 2012年度報告(英文版)

《亞洲競爭力 2012年度報告(英文版)》是2012年對外經濟貿易大學出版社出版書籍。


  • 書名:亞洲競爭力 2012年度報告(英文版)
  • ISBN:9787566302878
  • 定價:125.00
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社 
  • 出版時間:2012.3
  • 開本:215mm×278mm/
  • 字數/頁數:220千字/
  • 版次/印次:1/1
  • 叢書名:博鰲亞洲論壇系列


In the past year, influced by the debt crisis of developed economies and high
unemployment, the world economy has experienced significant recession, bringing
great challenge to the improvement of Asian economies and competitiveness of
enterprises. The prices of international bulk commodities are rising sharply and
the import inflation elevates the prices of developing economies, especially
emerging economies. In this way, to fight inflation has become the primary
macroeconomic objective for emerging economies. The tightening monetary policy to
control inflation has further triggered economic recession in numerous developing


Part One Annual Report 2012—Competitiveness of Asian Economies
Chapter 1 Internal and External Environments Affecting the
Competitiveness of Asian
1.1 Global Economy Facing Unprecedented Challenges Again3
1.2 Asian Macro-Economic Environment and Potential Systematic Risks5
Chapter 2 Introduction to Competitiveness Index of Asian Economies9
2.1 Purpose and Philosophy of Evaluation 9
2.2 Introduction to Competitiveness Index of Asian Economies 9
2.3 Introduction to Competitiveness Indices of Asian Economies10
2.4 Adjustment and Explanation of Competitiveness Indices of Asian Economies11
Chapter 3 Evaluation Report of Competitiveness of Asian Economies13
3.1 Evaluated Economies13
3.2 Final Ranking and Sub-item Ranking14
3.3 Analysis of Evaluation Results20
Part Two Annual Report 2012—Competitiveness of Listed Asian Enterprises
Chapter 4 Influence of the World’s Economy on the Competitiveness of
the Listed Asian
4.1 Asian Enterprises Struggling in Slow Economic Recovery in the World29
4.2 Channels Through Which Global Economic Changes Influence the
Competitiveness of Asian
4.3 Strategies for Asian Enterprises to Adapt to the Changes in the
Global Economy34
Chapter 5 Introduction to the Competitiveness Index of the Listed Asian
5.1 Introduction to the Competitiveness Index of the Listed Asian
Enterprises 35
5.2 Introduction to the Competitiveness Indices of the Listed Asian
Chapter 6 Evaluation Report of the Competitiveness of the Listed
Asian Enterprises37
6.1 Selected Listed Asian Enterprises 37
6.2 Evaluation Result and Related Analysis38
6.3 Result and Analysis of Sub-item Evaluation 43
Chapter 7 Competitiveness of Listed Asian Enterprises—Rankings 201145
7.1 Rankings 2011 by Comprehensive Capacity: Listed Asian Enterprises’
Competitiveness (300)45
7.2 Rankings 2011 by Categories: Listed Asian Enterprises’
Competitiveness (4×50)55
7.3 Rankings 2011 by Regions: Listed Asian Enterprises’
Competitiveness (6×50)61
7.4 Rankings 2011 by Industries: Listed Asian Enterprises’
Competitiveness (52 x 10)70


