- 軟體名稱:互動字母木琴
- 軟體平台:IOS
- 軟體大小:9.22MB
X是木琴!從我們屢獲殊榮的應用程式的互動字母“,我們切掉一個獨立的幼兒友好的木琴,並釋放它作為一個免費的應用程式! 使用伸援手功能來學習下面的歌曲的主旋律線: 1。一閃一閃小星星 2。豆豆的鹿 3。早上好,你(生日快樂) 4。歡樂頌 5。老麥克唐納有一個農場 6。行,行,行,你的船 7。瑪麗有隻小羔羊 8。鈴兒響叮噹 9。魯道夫的紅鼻子馴鹿 我們希望你享受這個免費的應用程式,如果你這樣做,請檢查應用程式,它來自:互動字母。這個程式開始的“X木琴互動字母,所以它只是一個味道一些Pi'ikea街頭魔術! X is for Xylophone!! From our award winning app 'Interactive Alphabet', we sliced off a standalone toddler friendly Xylophone and are releasing it as a FREE APP! Use the Helping Hand feature to learn the main melody line of the following songs: 1. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 2. Doe a Deer 3. Good morning to You (Happy Birthday) 4. Ode to Joy 5. Old MacDonald had a Farm 6. Row, Row, Row your Boat 7. Mary had a little Lamb 8. Jingle Bells 9. Rudolph the Red nosed Reindeer We hope you enjoy this Free App and if you do, please check out the App it came from: Interactive Alphabet. This app started as the 'X is for Xylophone' in Interactive Alphabet so it's just a taste of some Pi'ikea Street Magic!