



  • 中文名:二語習得內容與形式的認知研究
  • 作者:曹志希
  • 出版社:中南大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2013年8月12日
  • 頁數:490 頁
  • 定價:38.00
  • 開本:32 開
  • ISBN:9787548708254
  • 外文名:Second Language Acquisition:Details and Designs
  • 語種:簡體中文


《頸抹櫻去二語習得內容與形式的認知研究》簡介: 運用教育心理語言學和社會認知語言學的方法對二語辭彙習得深度和永兆煉凶廣度頻率效應、辭彙認知多義網路構建場景定位模型、英語語用能力與學習動機相關性、英語虛擬她奔語氣人際關係距離化、中國英語學習者與英語本族語者實施請求企厚您異同、班級規模與英語學習效率相關性、英語精讀教學SCTPPP課程模式套用等問題的研究成果對二語習得研究與外語教學改革具有深刻的現實意義和套用價值。


Chapter One: SLVA Depth and Breadth in a Frequency Effect Analysis
0 Introduction
1 Frequency and Frequency Effects
1.1 Frequency
1.2 Three Dimensions of Frequency
2 Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition (SLVA)
2.1 Breadth of L2 Vocabulary Knowledge
2.2 Depth of L2 Vocabulary Knowledge
3 SLVA Frequency Effects Framework
3.1 Frequency Effects in SLA
3.2 A tentative Framework
3.3 Variables for Investigation
4 A Frequency Effect Experiment
4.1 Participants
4.2 Instrumentation
4.3 Procedures
4.4 Scoring
4.5 Data Analysis
5 Findings and Discussions
5.1 Frequency Level Effects
5.2 Word Exposure Effects
Chapter Two: Words and their Cognitive Polysemic Networks in the Scene-oriented Model
1 Introduction
2 Polysemy
2.1 Polysemy Studies Abroad
2.2 Polysemy Studies in China
2.3 Understanding Polysemy
2.4 Summary
3 Theoretical Basis of Polysemous 開(Kai)
3.1 Categorization
3.2 Prototype Theory
3.3 Mechanisms of Meaning Extension
3.4 Polysemic Network
4 Polysemic Network of 開(Kai) : A Scene-oriented
4.1 Protoscene as the Starting Point
4.2 The Polysemic Network of 開(Kai)
4.3 Summary
5 Conclusion
Chapter Three: English Pragmatic Competence and Learning Motivation in Correlation
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Thesis
1.3 Framework of the Thesis
2 Survey of SEMs' Pragmatic Competence
2.1 Design of the Survey
2.2 Results and Analysis
3 Factors Affecting SEMs' Pragmatic Competence
3.1 Categories of SEMs' Pragmatic Competence
3.2 Factors for SEMs' Pragmatic Competence
4 Correlation between SEMs' Pragmatic Competence
and Learning Motivation
4.1 Survey Design of SEMs' Learning Motivation
4.2 Results and Analysis
4.3 SEMs' Pragmatic Competence and Learning Motivation in Correlation
4.4 hnplications
5 Conclusion
Chapter Four: Chinese and Native Speakers of English Differing in Performing Requests
0 Introduction
1 Request as a Speech Act
1.1 Category for Evaluation
1.2 Classification and Strategy
2 Research Design
2.1 Purposes
2.2 Participants
2.3 Instrumentation
2.4 Data Collection
3 Results and Discussions
3.1 Differences in Forms of Request
3.2 Differences in Modifications of Request
3.3 Differences in Strategies of Request
4 Conclusion
Chapter Five: Subjunctive Mood and Human Relation Distaneiation
1 Introduction
1.1 The Questionable Situation
1.2 Purpose of the Research
1.3 Significance of the Research
1.4 Organization of the Thesis
2 Subjunctive Mood Categories
2.1 Classification of Subjunctive Mood
2.2 Contemporary Grammarians' Attitudes towards Subjunctive Mood
2.3 Employment of Subjunctive Mood
3 Subjunctive Mood and Distanciation
3.1 Temporal Distance and Psychological Distance
3.2 Subjunctive Mood Analysis Model
3.3 Subjunctive Distanciation
4 Distanciation in Experiment
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Research Questions
4.3 Research Methods
4.4 Procedure
4.5 Results and Discussions
5 Distanciation Pedagogics and Conclusion
5.1 Close Distanciation
5.2 Remote Distanciation
5.3 Conclusion
Chapter Six: Class Size and English Learning Efficiency in Correlation
1 The Proposition of the Issue
1.1 Definition: an Issue of Perspective
1.2 Class Size Issue and English Learning Efficiency
1.3 Significance of the Issue
2 State of the Art
2.1 China's Realities
2.2 Studies in China
2.3 Studies Abroad
3 Mediating Factors of ELT Efficiency
3.1 Children's General Cognitive Stages
3.2 Specific Cognitive Differences
3.3 Class Size and Teaching Methods
4 Size-Efficiency Investigation
4.1 Design of the Survey
4.2 Results and Analysis
4.3 Implications
5 Conclusion
Chapter Seven: English Intensive Reading and SCTPPP in Application
1 Introduction
2 Idea-Conflicts about College English Intensive
Reading Instruction
2.1 Centerin on Learners
2.2 Utility of Computer Resources
2.3 Task Issues in CEIR Instruction
2.4 Process of Learning
3 Feasibility of the SCTPPP Instruction Model
3.1 Definition of SCTPPP
3.2 Theoretical Basis of SCTPPP
3.3 Practicability of the SCTPPP Instruction Model
4 SCTPPP for Experimentation
4.1 Experimental Conditions
4.2 Hypothetical Questions
4.3 Subjects
4.4 Instruments of the Research
4.5 Instructional Arrangements
4.6 Data Collection
4.7 Results Analysis and Discussion
5 Conclusion
2.4 Summary
3 Theoretical Basis of Polysemous 開(Kai)
3.1 Categorization
3.2 Prototype Theory
3.3 Mechanisms of Meaning Extension
3.4 Polysemic Network
4 Polysemic Network of 開(Kai) : A Scene-oriented
4.1 Protoscene as the Starting Point
4.2 The Polysemic Network of 開(Kai)
4.3 Summary
5 Conclusion
Chapter Three: English Pragmatic Competence and Learning Motivation in Correlation
1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
1.2 Purpose and Significance of the Thesis
1.3 Framework of the Thesis
2 Survey of SEMs' Pragmatic Competence
2.1 Design of the Survey
2.2 Results and Analysis
3 Factors Affecting SEMs' Pragmatic Competence
3.1 Categories of SEMs' Pragmatic Competence
3.2 Factors for SEMs' Pragmatic Competence
4 Correlation between SEMs' Pragmatic Competence
and Learning Motivation
4.1 Survey Design of SEMs' Learning Motivation
4.2 Results and Analysis
4.3 SEMs' Pragmatic Competence and Learning Motivation in Correlation
4.4 hnplications
5 Conclusion
Chapter Four: Chinese and Native Speakers of English Differing in Performing Requests
0 Introduction
1 Request as a Speech Act
1.1 Category for Evaluation
1.2 Classification and Strategy
2 Research Design
2.1 Purposes
2.2 Participants
2.3 Instrumentation
2.4 Data Collection
3 Results and Discussions
3.1 Differences in Forms of Request
3.2 Differences in Modifications of Request
3.3 Differences in Strategies of Request
4 Conclusion
Chapter Five: Subjunctive Mood and Human Relation Distaneiation
1 Introduction
1.1 The Questionable Situation
1.2 Purpose of the Research
1.3 Significance of the Research
1.4 Organization of the Thesis
2 Subjunctive Mood Categories
2.1 Classification of Subjunctive Mood
2.2 Contemporary Grammarians' Attitudes towards Subjunctive Mood
2.3 Employment of Subjunctive Mood
3 Subjunctive Mood and Distanciation
3.1 Temporal Distance and Psychological Distance
3.2 Subjunctive Mood Analysis Model
3.3 Subjunctive Distanciation
4 Distanciation in Experiment
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Research Questions
4.3 Research Methods
4.4 Procedure
4.5 Results and Discussions
5 Distanciation Pedagogics and Conclusion
5.1 Close Distanciation
5.2 Remote Distanciation
5.3 Conclusion
Chapter Six: Class Size and English Learning Efficiency in Correlation
1 The Proposition of the Issue
1.1 Definition: an Issue of Perspective
1.2 Class Size Issue and English Learning Efficiency
1.3 Significance of the Issue
2 State of the Art
2.1 China's Realities
2.2 Studies in China
2.3 Studies Abroad
3 Mediating Factors of ELT Efficiency
3.1 Children's General Cognitive Stages
3.2 Specific Cognitive Differences
3.3 Class Size and Teaching Methods
4 Size-Efficiency Investigation
4.1 Design of the Survey
4.2 Results and Analysis
4.3 Implications
5 Conclusion
Chapter Seven: English Intensive Reading and SCTPPP in Application
1 Introduction
2 Idea-Conflicts about College English Intensive
Reading Instruction
2.1 Centerin on Learners
2.2 Utility of Computer Resources
2.3 Task Issues in CEIR Instruction
2.4 Process of Learning
3 Feasibility of the SCTPPP Instruction Model
3.1 Definition of SCTPPP
3.2 Theoretical Basis of SCTPPP
3.3 Practicability of the SCTPPP Instruction Model
4 SCTPPP for Experimentation
4.1 Experimental Conditions
4.2 Hypothetical Questions
4.3 Subjects
4.4 Instruments of the Research
4.5 Instructional Arrangements
4.6 Data Collection
4.7 Results Analysis and Discussion
5 Conclusion

