



  • 中文名:二語習得中的形式意義联結
  • 作者:楊瀅瀅
  • 出版時間:2013年6月
  • 出版社:上海財經大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787564215514
  • 定價:29 元
  • 開本:16 開




Abstract (English)
List of Tables and Figures
List of Abbreviations
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Tense and aspect in English
1.2.1 Tense
1.2.2 Aspect
1.3 Simple past tense in English
1.3.1 Forms
1.3.2 Meanings
1.3.3 Form-meaning construction of the simple past tense
1.4 Chinese past temporality expressions
1.4.1 Pragmatic and lexical devices
1.4.2 Aspectual markers
1.5 Research Motives
1.6 Structure of the book
Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework
2. 1 Introduction
2.2 Construction grammar
2.2.1 Introduction
2.2.2 Construction grammar and generative grammar
2.3 Form-Meaning connections
2.3.1 Form
2.3.2 Meaning
2.3.3 Form-meaning connections
2.3.4 Form-meaning connections in IA and L2 acquisition
2.3.5 Process of form-meaning connections
2.3.6 Factors affecting form-meaning connections
2.4 Associative learning theory
2.4.1 Introduction
2.4.2 Associative learning and language learning
2.4. 3 Factors affecting associative learning
2.5 Implicit learning/knowledge and explicit learning/knowledge
2.5.1 Definitions
2.5.2 The interface issue
2.6 Research questions
2.7 Summary
Chapter 3 Literature Review and Preliminary Studies
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Literature review
3.2.1 Form-oriented studies
3.2.2 Meaning/Concept-oriented studies
3.2.3 Other multi-dimensional studies
3.3 Preliminary studies
3.3.1 Two empirical studies
3.3.2 Two corpus-based studies
3.4 Summary
Chapter 4 Current Studies on Chinese learners' FMCs of the Simple Past
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Methodological concerns
4.3 Methodology
4.4 Studyl-A corpus-based approach
4.4.1 Data collection
4.4.2 Data coding
4.4.3 Data analysis
4.5 Study 2..An empirical study
4.5.1 Methodology and data collection
4.5.2 Data analysis
4.6 Results and discussion
4.6.1 Results and discussion about the FMCs of the simple past tense in
both studies
4.6.2 Factors affecting the FMCs of English simple past tense
4. 7 Summary
Chapter 5 The Role of Explicit Learning in Establishing the FMCs of the
Simple Past Tense
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Implicit learning and explicit learning
5.3 Explicit learning and corrective feedback
5.4 Types of corrective feedback and the literature review
5.4.1 Direct vs. indirect
5.4.2 Direct vs. metalinguistic cue
5.4.3 Focused vs. unfocused
5.5 Research design and methodology
5.6 Data collection
5.7 Data analysis
5.8 Resuhs and discussion
5.9 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Major findings
6.3 Pedagogical implications
6.4 Limitations and future research

