



  • 書名:主流英語國際通用教程學習指導書2
  • ISBN:9787301132432
  • 頁數:371
  • 定價:78.00元
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2008-3


《主流英語國際通用教程學習指導書2》是一本實用型綜合教材,具有很強的時代氣息、良好的可讀性和濃重的趣味性。編寫方式新穎,難度排列遵循了“ 循序漸進”和“以學習者為主體”的教學原則。教材里的語言、文化、社會具有鮮明的地方特色,生動、活潑、親切;同時又具有整個英語世界的巨觀與文化特色,把語言教學融入了文化薰陶,使學生扎紮實實地學好英語。


Unit I'm Dreaming of…Leisure,Travel,Dating and Describing Emotions
Lesson 1 What Sports Do You Do?
Lesson 2 Two Students Ta king about Their Professor
Lesson 3 Two Friends Talk ng about Their Holidays
Lesson 4 A Conversation Between Two Girls about Their Dates
Unit 2 Big,Small,Beautiful or Ugly?Des
Lesson 5 A Typical Family
Lesson 6 Obesity
Lesson 7 Talking about Movies
Lesson 8 Architecture and Kinds of Houses and Buildings
Lesson 9 Multiculturalism
Lesson 9 A Police Report
Lesson 10 Differences in American and Australian English
Lesson 11 Differences in American and Australian English
Unit 3 All Creatures Great and Small:Animals,Plants and the Living Environment
Lesson 12 Drought and Water Restrictions in Australia
Lesson 13 Animals, Plants.rand Other Living Things
Lesson 14 A Fable
Unit 4 Say the Words:Arguing,Persuading,Chatting and Apologising to Others
Lesson 15 Making Telephone Calls
Lesson 16 Ladies First
Lesson 17 An Apology Notice
Lesson 18 Maintaining a Conversation
Lesson 19 A Son's Request
Lesson 20 Talking to a Salesperson
Lesson 21 Asking a Workmate for Help
Unit 5 Time to Celebrate!Celebrations,Festivals and Parties
Lesson 22 Preparing for a Graduation Ball
Lesson 23 Say ng Goodbye after a Party
Unit 6 Planes,Trains and Automobiles:Transport,Locations and Directions
Lesson 25 Movement, Transport and Location
Lesson 26 Car Industry in the West
Lesson 27 Train Station
Lesson 28 A Letter Complaining about a Rude Taxi Driver
Unit 7 Back to the Grindstone!Studying and Working at School or at Work
Lesson 29 What Are Schools like in Australia?
Lesson 30 A Meeting Agenda
Lesson 31 A Job Application Cover Letter
Lesson 32 A Campus Tour
Unit 8 Nerdy or Interesting?Money, Technology, Maths and Science
Lesson 33 Different Accounts
Lesson 34 From Couch Potato to Mouse Potato
Lesson 35 A Small Scientific Experiment
Lesson 36 A Hoax Email Alert


