中韓國際整形美容學會,英文全稱: China & South Korea International Association of Plastics and Aesthetics,英文簡寫:CSK-IAPA或IAPA。中韓國際整形美容學會是在中韓兩國政府相關部門的支持下,由中韓兩國在整形美容外科醫學與醫療美容產業領域的學術組織、專家、學者以及行業經營管理者、醫學科學技術工作者們自願組成的學術性、公益性、非營利性的,旨在為推進中韓兩國在醫療美容行業、整形美容外科醫學、醫療美容資源以及醫療美容人才培養等領域的相互交流與合作而成立的國際性學術組織。是聯繫中韓兩國在醫療美容產業合作、整形美容外科醫學學術交流、醫學技術與科研合作、醫學工作者和行業工作者相互交流以及為雙方政府相關職能部門提供產業合作與發展信息支持的國際性組織平台。是促進中韓兩國在醫療美容產業、整形美容外科醫學、技術、科研、學術交流以及人才培養等領域發展的重要社會力量。
Consultant:by social related department leaders and experts, the medical school leadership and have a deep research of medical professor as an expert.
A, general assembly
General assembly consists of this association is composed, in principle all members held at least once a year. Members assembly represents all member's will and interests, inside the organization has the absolute right and learn inside the other organizations and individuals must obey the general meeting. Members of congress with the articles of association of the explanation and modified rights, it is responsible for the council involvement, organization work report of the review the vote, responsible for the change and cadres of the association of removal work.
Second, the council
The council is association routinedirector institutions, presided over organization daily work, council President, vice presidents, each (place, group) department (place, group) long composition, by the general assembly is responsible, to organize the internal other departments and employees must obey the council of leadership. The council has the power of the organization's major plans, schemes review and vote on, The organization's cadres to assessment, rewards and punishment, and removal, when necessary, the articles of the proposed changes to the organization of the bill, and submit to the 17th national congress voting member. The council member conference in session, actively outward contact, raising activities organized fund, expand organizational development space.
Third, President of
President by incoming President nomination, adopted in general meeting generation, for the organization's of course routinedirector, management council work. President directly on the general assembly is responsible, accept organizations at all levels and personal supervision of homemade each work, each department for guidance, coordination and coordination. Representative council approval various plans, schemes. President has nominated junior leadership of power by the council through effective.
Four, vice President
For the President's must supplement, when President absent when exercising power, peacetime responsible for association President daily work of leadership, assist activities unfolds, for association activities responsible.
Five,The secretariat
Responsible for association personnel file management and discipline supervision, completes the work the review meeting record. Assist the council organizing and planning activities.
Six, the functional departments
Office:shall be responsible for the organization and arrangement learn to internal various meeting, learning and important activity, do learn everyday meeting record. In conjunction with the council leadership to organize and coordinate institute of important meetings and major activities,
Drafting learn to work plan, summarize and report, minutes, notice and related reports the material, responsible for all departments to learn the name report issued by the council, the contents of the documents and words of audit. Processing council document,
Responsible for internal documents, confidential letters society's registration, transceiver, send noted, CuiBan custody and work;
Accept masses letters and visits from and upper department forwarded the masses letters,
Supervise and check the superior council leader important resolutions and decisions and making important decisions, the important work plan for the implementation of,
According to the party center work and requirements in information research, to collect and arrangement of the Chinese communist party committee work staff opinions and Suggestions, provide information for the party committee decision-making basis,
Responsible for the society, learn to each department office of seals use management work,
Completes various callings professional committee of daily work,
Complete council and board the leadership turns over the handling other jobs.
The propaganda department, responsible for the publicity work and large activities before, medium-term propaganda, show association appearance, completes the promotion.
External communications:responsible for various activities, including external connection with other relevant organizations, units and other organizations establish contacts for activities to raise sponsorship, apply for fund etc.
Academic otherwise SSRD:collecting all kinds of population related information, including all over policies and regulations, and academic theory, research papers and latest information activities concerning the main participants.
Project development:responsible for international and domestic medical academic, research conference program and medical health public welfare activity project development and cooperation.
Network information department:responsible for association homepage making and maintenance, timely online promotion association dynamic, completes the network resources development, establish between members and interact with outside contact.
The secretariat:responsible for association personnel file management and discipline supervision, completes the work the review meeting record. Assist the council organizing and planning activities.
The finance department:responsible for membership dues and activities, fund management, strengthen the financial records, reflect the financial position. Puts forward reasonable use advice.