博古通今,瞭然於胸/ 1
第一周 緒論(Introduction) /2
一、中醫診斷學發展簡史(A Brief History of the Development of Diagnostics in Traditional Chinese Medicine)/2
二、中醫診斷學的原理及原則(Theory and Principle of Diagnostics in Traditional Chinese Medicine)/3
三、中醫診斷學的主要內容(Main Content of Diagnostics in Traditional Chinese Medicine)/4
授之以漁,四診合參/ 7
第二周 望診(Inspection) /8
一、全身望診(General Inspection)/8
二、局部望診(Local Inspection)/18
三、望排出物(Inspection of Excreta)/40
四、望舌(Inspection of Tongue)/42
小兒指紋(Inspection of Infantile Fingerprint)/67
第三周 聞診(Auscultation and Olfaction) /71
第四周 問診(Inquiry) /82
一、問診概述(Sketch of Inquiry)/82
二、問現在症(Inquiry of Presenting Complaint)/86
第五周 脈診(Pulse-taking)/105
一、脈診概述(Sketch of Pulsetaking)/105
二、正常脈象(Normal Pulse)/111
三、異常脈象(Abnormal Pulse)/113
四、婦人脈與小兒脈(Pulse of Women and Children)/132
提綱挈領,思辨清晰/ 137
八綱辨證( Syndrome Differentiation of Eight Principles) /138
一、八綱基本證候(Basic Syndrome of Eight Principles)/138
二、八綱證候間的關係(Relationship of Eight Principles Symptom)/144
三、八綱辨證的意義(Significance of Eight Principles Syndrome Differentiation)/148
靈活變通,辨證思考/ 149
第七周 病因辨證(Syndrome D-i fferentiation of Etiology)/150
一、病因辨證概述(Sketch of Etiological Syndrome Differentiation)/150
二、辨六淫證候(Syndrome Differentiation of Six Climate Exopathogens)/151
三、辨七情證候(Syndrome Differentiation of Seven Emotions)/156
四、辨飲食、勞逸、房勞證候(Syndrome Differentiation of Diet,Labor and Sexual Overstrain)/160
五、辨外傷證候(Syndrome Differentiation of Traumatic Injury)/162
第八周 氣血津液辨證(Syndrome Differentiation of Qi, Blood and Body Fluid) /165
一、氣血辨證(Syndrome Differentiation of Qi and Blood)/165
二、津液辨證(Syndrome Differentiation of Body Fluid)/173
第九周 臟腑辨證(Syndrome D-i fferentiation of Zang-Fu Viscera) /177
一、辨心病證候(Syndrome Differentiation of Heart Disease)/177
二、辨肺病證候(Syndrome Differentiation of Lung Disease)/180
三、辨脾病證候(Syndrome Differentiation of Spleen Disease)/183
四、辨肝病證候(Syndrome Differentiation of Liver Disease)/185
五、辨腎病證候(Syndrome Differentiation of Kidney Disease)/188
六、辨腑病證候(Syndrome Differentiation of Fu-Organ Disease)/190
七、辨臟腑兼病證候(Syndrome Differentiation of Zang-Fu Concurrent Disease)/193
第十周 經絡辨證( Syndrome Differentiation of Chan- nel Theory) /197
一、辨十二經脈病證 (Syndrome Differentiation of Twelve Regular Channels)/197
二、 辨奇經八脈病證(Syndrome Differentiation of Eight Extra Channels)/203
第十一周 六經辨證(Syndrome D-i fferentiation of Six Chan- nels Theory) /206
一、辨六經病證(Syndrome Differentiation of Six Channels)/206
二、六經病證的傳變(Transmission of Six Channels)/216
衛氣營血辨證(Syn- drome Differentiation of Weifen,Qifen,Yingfen and Xuefen) /219
一、衛分證(Weifen Syndrome)/219
二、氣分證(Qifen Syndrome)/220
三、營分證(Yingfen Syndrome)/221
四、血分證(Xuefen Syndrome)/222
五、衛氣營血證的傳變(Transmission of Wei-Qi-Ying-Xue)/224
第十三周 三焦辨證( Syndrome Differentiation of San- jiao Theory) /225
一、上焦病證(Syndrome of Upper Energizer)/225
二、中焦病證(Syndrome of Middle Energizer)/226
三、下焦病證(Syndrome of Lower Energizer)/228
殊途同歸,直指本源/ 231
第十四周 診斷(Diagnosis) /232
一、診斷方法(Diagnostic Method)/232
二、主症診斷(Diagnosis of Major Symptoms)/233
三、證候診斷(Diagnosis of Syndrome)/234
四、疾病診斷(Diagnosis of Disease)/236
第十五周 病案(Case) /238