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  • 中文名:中西文化之鑑
  • 作者:劉英傑
  • 出版社:復旦大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2020年5月
  • 頁數:252 頁
  • 定價:38 元
  • 開本:32 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787309148244


劉英傑,女,副教授,赤峰學院外國語學院院長,外研社《大學英語快速閱讀》副主編。主要研究領域為英漢翻譯、中西文化比較。主持自治區級科研項目2項,在省部級學術期刊上發表論文近20篇。另已出版著作2部:《英漢翻譯基礎 》《中西文化對比》。


Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Theory of Global Village of McLuhan
1.2 Huntington's Theory — the Clash of Civilizations
1.3 Fei Xiaotong and His Theory of Cultural Consciousness
1.4 Significance of Comparison Between Chinese Culture and Western Culture
1.5 What Is Culture
1.6 Levels of Culture
1.7 Characteristics of Culture
1.8 Range of Comparison of This Book
Chapter 2 Origins of Chinese Culture and Western Culture
2.1 Starting Point
2.2 Origin of Chinese Culture
2.3 Social Structure and Economic Type
2.4 Origin of Western Culture
Chapter 3 Contrast Between Chinese and Western Religious Cultures
3.1 Chinese Ancient Religions
3.2 Christianity and Its Thought
3.3 Contrast Between Eastern and Western Religions
Chapter 4 Contrast Between Chinese and Western Literatures
4.1 Survey of Chinese Literature
4.2 Evolution of Western Literature
4.3 Contrast Between Features of Chinese and Western Literatures
Chapter 5 Contrast Between Chinese Art and Western Art
5.1 What Is Art
5.2 Chinese Traditional Artistic Achievements
5.3 Achievements of Western Art
5.4 Differences in Artistic Styles
Chapter 6 Comparison Between Chinese and Western Festivals and Customs
6.1 Chinese Traditional Festivals
6.2 Western Festivals
6.3 Taboo Customs
Chapter 7 Contrast Between Chinese and Western Values
7.1 Definition of Values
7.2 Differences Between Chinese and Western Values
Chapter 8 Comparison Between Chinese and Western Thinking Modes and Language Differences
8.1 Relationship Between Language and Thinking
8.2 Comparison Between Chinese and Western Modes of
Thinking and Language Differences
8.3 English and Chinese Idioms and Ways of Thinking
8.4 Cultural Exchange and Language Integration


