《中華文化精粹Introduction to Chinese Culture》是2011年北京大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是Chung Mou Si、Yun Cheng Si。
- 書名:《中華文化精粹(英文)》
- 原版名稱:Chung Mou Si,Yun Cheng Si
- ISBN:9787301185285
- 頁數:203
- 定價:56.00元
- 出版社:北京大學出版社
- 出版時間:2011-3
《中華文化精粹(英文)》主要內容簡介:The authors acknowledge their debtto Professor Louise Edwards whocontributed most significantly bymaking inspiring suggestions andwriting the foreword of the book.Our gratitude also goes to Gaik-hoonEvelyn Ng who refined the manuscriptand Pauline Si who helped in theediting. Their valuable commentsand inputs have greatly improvedthe book's readability and are highlyappreciated.