Chinese Garlic Perles are using natural garlic cloves. High concentrated garlic oil is taken out under a low temperature. They contain garlic volatile oil is said to be “Golden Plant”now a days. By time being, it will turn into“Platinum Plant”.The other benefits include: Precaution the catch cold, cough, breathing system infected, enhancing circulatory system, hay fever, digestive problems.
Ingredients: Pure Garlic Oil 100%
Function: This medicine has following functions: decreasing serum lipid, delaying senility, stimulating appetite, promoting metabolism, enhancing body resistance and acquiring immunity.
產品編號﹕WT059售價︰每盒128元 (港幣/人民幣) (網上訂購)
永達堂“中華大蒜油丸”產品已透過香港標準及檢定中心(The Hong Kong Standards and Testing Centre Ltd.) 測試報告(Testing Report)為合格產品。