



  • 書名:中學英語讀寫連結
  • 作者:包天仁 編
  • ISBN:9787544132367
  • 頁數:224
  • 定價:15.00元
  • 出版社:瀋陽出版社
  • 出版時間:2009年4月1日




Level One
01 How do You Go to Schoo I or Go to Work?
02 Florence Nightingale
03 Rain
04 Turn on the Light First
05 Dentist and “Patient”
06 Pollutions of Rivers
07 A Mistaken Understanding
08 Wash the Clothes
09 Peter
10 BikeWaysinShanghai
11 Watch TV
12 TW0 Wooden Bowls
13 A Voice from Heaven
14 The Wrong Answer
15 Enough Sleep
16 Misfake
17 Buy a Hat
18 My Key!
19 A Foolish Boy
20 My Father
21 An Honest Person
22 A Mailman' SProblem
23 Two Miserst
24 Who iS a Fool?
25 A Note
26 The Teacher's Tesf Question
27 A Fable
28 Mary's Bidhday Present
29 Let's Go to Travel
30 Get Rid of Bad Habits
Level Two
31 How to FeeI Happy about Yourself?
32 OurValuableWater
33 Germs
34 TwoE-mails
35 A Family MeaI。
36 Pandas
37 ReaI Pain in the Neck
38 The Biggest Livin Land Animal
39 House Rules
40 Project Hope in Birmingham
41 Time
42 A Strange Fish
43 Observing Birds and Making Bird Nests
44 How do People Treat Animals?
45 An Unexpected Hobby
46 Sports Day
47 Who Saved the Mouse?
48 A White Sheep
49 Books
50 Kangaroos
5 1Noise iS HarmfuI to Our Health
52 Don't be Angry So Easily
53 It's aTelevision Set
54 Laughter
55 Pollution
56 The First MOney
57 Jim'S Idea
58 Dreams
59 Lions
60 On Fire
Level Three
61 A Lost Ring
62 Mother's Love
63 The Great Pumpkin Hunt
64 Mark Twain
65 ln HospitaI
66 Dealing with fhe Cold
67 Where is Your Dad?
68 Teenage Fashion
69 A Large Farm
70 All for One Coin
71 Two Thieves
72 Be Kind to Animals
73 I have Lost My Wife
74 Animals Attack
75 Johann Strauss
76 Crime doesn't Pay
77 A Clever Doctor
78 A Strange Flight
79 Big Cities
80 Inventor
81 How to Get to the Airport
82 A Farmer and a Doctor
83 A Bad doctor
84 Make Friends
85 Have a Telephone
86 How Weather Affects Travel
87 We are both Wrongt
88 The Spring Festival
89 Education in China and America
90 The Wrong sized Shirt


