



  • 書名:中學英語命題演講範文精選
  • ISBN:9787562828389, 7562828385
  • 頁數:168頁
  • 出版社:華東理工大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2010年8月1日
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:32




Part 1 Youth Dream青春夢想
Unit 1 I Have a Dream我有一個夢想
Unit 2 My Dream我的夢想
Unit 3 Going Abroad出國
Unit 4 Is Money the Road to Happiness?金錢是通向幸福之路嗎?
Unit 5 Never,Never Give Up永不放棄
Part 2 Reading and Learning讀書學習
Unit 6 Books論讀書
Unit 7 Love and Learning戀愛與學習
Unit 8 Study and Rest學習與休息
Unit 9 Diligence論勤奮
Unit 10 My Attitude Towards Scores分數之我見
Part 3 School Life校園生活
Unit l1 Taking Part in School Activities參加校園活動
Unit 12 Competition and Cooperation競爭與合作
Unit 13 The Importance of Early Rising早起的重要性
Unit 14 Schoolbags Are Getting Heavier書包越來越重
Unit 15 The Advantages and Disadvantages of
Surfing the Internet上網的利弊
Part 4 Environmental Protection環境保護
Unit 16 We Only Have One Earth我們只有一個地球
Unit 17 Protection of Forests保護森林
Unit 18 Protection Of Water Sources保護水資源
Unit 19 Saying Goodbye to Plastic Bags告別塑膠袋
Unit 20 Human and Nature人類與自然
Part 5 Travel World旅遊天地
Unit 21 My Trip to Beijing我的北京之旅
Unit 22 Hangzhou,a Paradise on Earth人間天堂——杭州
Unit 23 Welcome to Qingdao青島歡迎您
Unit 24 Ways to Travel in Shanghai上海之旅出行攻略
Unit 25 Tianjin天津
Part 6 Movie Review影視評論
Unit 26 Miracle on 34th.Street 34街的奇蹟
Unit 27 Forrest Gump阿甘正傳
Unit 28 The Day after Tomorrow後天
Unit 29 Life is Beautiful美麗人生
Unit 30 Chicken Run小雞快跑
Part 7 Social Life社會生活
Unit 31 Security Problems in Public Places公共場所的安全問題
Unit 32 Private Cars in China私家車在中國
Unit 33 Internet Harmony網路和諧
Unit 34 Virtues美德
Unit 35 Technology Is Changing Our Lives科技正改變我們的生活
Part 8 Understanding Life感悟人生
Unit 36 Micke2 Mouse’S Phi~osoph2~米老鼠的哲學
Unit 37 Love VS.Life愛與生命
Unit 38 The Coffee or The Cup咖啡或杯子
Unit 39 Welcome Failure迎接失敗
Unit 40 Learn from the People Around You向你周圍的人學習
Appendix Eng]lish Proverbs 200


