



  • 中文名:中國重要農業文化遺產影像志
  • 作者:高揚
  • 出版社:中國攝影出版社
  • ISBN:9787517908777


本書彙編了原農業部發布的中國重要農業文化遺產,共39 項(其中含全球重要農業文化遺產15 項),按照地域分布圖文並茂地展現了各重要農業文化遺產的景觀特色、產品特點、氣候條件和耕作技術,以及相關民俗文化活動等,以影像志的形式展現了中華民族傳統文明風貌和傳統文明發展歷程,將極大地提高公眾的農業文化遺產保護意識,成為我國農業文化向世界展示的一扇窗,助力新時代鄉村振興發展戰略。


目 錄
前言:新的遺產類型,新的保護範式 8
PREFACE:New Type of Heritage, New Paradigm of Conservation
華北地區/ North China 28
目 錄
天津市/ Tianjin Municipality
皇家棗園的代表—天津濱海崔莊古冬棗園 30
A Representative of Royal Jujube Orchard—Cuizhuang Ancient Winter Jujube Orchard
河北省 / Hebei Province
傳統漏斗架葡萄栽培體系—河北宣化城市傳統葡萄園 38
Traditional Funnel Rack Viticulture System—Urban Agricultural Heritage of Xuanhua Grape Gardens
北方林糧間作典型模式—河北寬城傳統板栗栽培系統 48
Typical Intercropping Mode of Forest and Crops in North China—Kuancheng Traditional Chestnut Cultivation
北方梯田與石頭文化的集成—河北涉縣旱作梯田系統 56
Integration of Terraced Fields and Stone Culture in North China—Shexian Dryland Farming Terraces System
內蒙古自治區/ Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
世界旱作農業源頭—內蒙古敖漢旱作農業系統 66
The Birthplace of the World's Dryland Farming—Aohan Dryland Farming System
蒙古族遊牧文化的縮影—內蒙古阿魯科爾沁草原遊牧系統 78
The Epitome of Mongolian Nomadic Culture—Aru Horqin Grassland Nomadic System
東北地區/ Northeast China 88
華東地區/ East China 106
遼寧省/ Liaoning Province
南果梨母株所在地—遼寧鞍山南果梨栽培系統 90
The Location of the Mother Plant of Nanguo Pear—Anshan Nanguo Pear Cultivation System
傳統林參共作模式—遼寧寬甸柱參傳統栽培體系 98
The Traditional Forest-ginseng Integrated Model—Kuandian Pillar Ginseng Cultivation System
江蘇省/ Jiangsu Province
沼澤窪地土地利用模式—江蘇興化垛田傳統農業系統 108
The Land Use Patterns in Swamp and Lowland Areas—Xinghua Duotian Traditional Agrosystem
浙江省/ Zhejiang Province
傳統稻魚共生農業生產模式—浙江青田稻魚共生系統 120
A Traditional Rice-fish Symbiotic Agricultural Production Model—Qingtian Rice-Fish Culture System
陡坡山地高效農林生產體系—浙江紹興會稽山古香榧群 130
The High-efficiency Agroforestry Production System Applied for Slopes—Shaoxing Kuaijishan Ancient
Chinese Torreya
傳統茶禪文化代表—浙江杭州西湖龍井茶文化系統 138
A Representative of Traditional Tea-zen Culture—Hangzhou West Lake Longjing Tea Culture System
低洼地區傑出的生態農業模式—浙江湖州桑基魚塘系統 146
An Outstanding Ecological Agriculture Model in Low-lying Areas—Huzhou Mulberry-dyke & Fish-pond System
世界香菇起源地—浙江慶元香菇文化系統 156
The Origin of the World's Shiitake Mushroom—Qingyuan Shiitake Mushroom Culture System
華中地區/ Central China 224
福建省/ Fujian Province
濕地山地立體農業生產體系—福建福州茉莉花與茶文化系統 170
The Stereoscopic Agricultural Production System in Wetlands and Mountainous Areas—Fuzhou Jasmine
and Tea Culture System
竹林、村莊、梯田、水系綜合利用模式—福建尤溪聯合梯田 178
A Comprehensive Utilization Model of Bamboo Forests, Villages, Terraces and Rivers System—Youxi Lianhe
烏龍茶發源地—福建安溪鐵觀音茶文化系統 188
The Birthplace of Oolong Tea—Anxi Tie Guanyin Tea Culture System
江西省/ Jiangxi Province
世界人工栽培稻源頭—江西萬年稻作文化系統 196
The Manual Rice Cultivation Place in the World—Wannian Traditional Rice Culture System
最大的客家梯田—江西崇義客家梯田系統 206
The Largest Hakka Terraces—Chongyi Hakka Terraces
山東省/ Shandong Province
沙地生態治理與經濟發展的典範—山東夏津黃河故道古桑樹群 214
A Representative of Ecological Management and Economic Development in Sandy Land—Traditional
Mulberry System in Xiajin's Ancient Yellow River Course
湖北省/ Hubei Province
磚茶之源—湖北羊樓洞磚茶文化系統 226
The Origin of Brick Tea—Yangloudong Brick Tea Culture System
湖南省/ Hunan Province
南方稻作文化與苗瑤山地漁獵文化融合體系—湖南新化紫鵲界梯田 236
The Fusion System of Southern Rice Culture and Miao-Yao Montanic Fishing & Hunting Culture—Xinhua
Ziquejie Terraces
華南地區/ South China 256
西南地區/ Southwest China 276
世界原始稻作文化的“活化石”—湖南新晃侗藏紅米種植系統 248
The "Living Fossil" of the World's Original Rice Culture—Xinhuang Red Rice Planting System of Dong Nationality
廣東省/ Guangdong Province
嶺南茶文化代表—廣東潮安鳳凰單樅茶文化系統 258
A Representative of Lingnan Tea Culture—Chao'an Phoenix Single Cluster Tea Culture System
廣西壯族自治區/ Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
壯瑤人民農耕文明的結晶—廣西龍勝龍脊梯田農業系統 268
The Crystallization of Farming Civilization of Zhuang and Yao Nationalities—Longsheng Longji Terraces
四川省/ Sichuan Province
川西北山地藥用植物文化的代表—四川江油辛夷花傳統栽培體系 278
A Representative of Typical Alpine Traditional Chinese Medicine in Northwest Sichuan—Jiangyou Traditional
Magnolia Cultivation System
雲南省/ Yunnan Province
山區稻作梯田的典型代表—雲南紅河哈尼稻作梯田系統 286
The Perfect Example of Mountainous Rice Terraces—Honghe Hani Rice Terraces System
世界茶樹原產地和茶馬古道起點—雲南普洱古茶園與茶文化系統 298
The Origin of Tea Planting and Starting Point of Ancient Tea Horse Road—Pu'er Traditional Tea Agrosystem
傳統核桃與農作物套作農耕模式—雲南漾濞核桃—作物複合系統 310
The Traditional Intercropping Pattern of Walnut and Crops—Yangbi Walnut-Crop Complex System
雲南壯族稻作文化的代表—雲南廣南八寶稻作生態系統 318
A Representative of Rice Culture of Yunnan Zhuang Nationality—Guangnan Babao Rice Farming Ecosystem
3000 年水旱輪作的“活化石”—雲南劍川稻麥複種系統 326
The "Living Fossil" of 3000-year-old Crop Rotation—Jianchuan Rice-Wheat Multiple Cropping System
西北地區/ Northwest China 344
貴州省/ Guizhou Province
傳統稻魚鴨共生農業生產模式—貴州從江侗鄉稻魚鴨系統 334
Traditional Rice-fish-duck Symbiotic Agricultural Production Mode—Congjiang Dong's Rice-Fish-Duck
陝西省/ Shaanxi Province
乾旱地區山地高效農林生產體系—陝西佳縣古棗園 346
High-efficiency Agroforestry Production System in Arid Areas—Jiaxian Traditional Chinese Jujube Garden
甘肅省/ Gansu Province
古梨樹存量最多的梨樹栽培體系—甘肅皋蘭什川古梨園 354
Pear Tree Cultivation System with the most Stock of Ancient Pear Trees—Gaolan Shichuan Ancient Pear
農、林、牧循環複合生產體系—甘肅迭部扎尕那農林牧複合系統 362
Cyclic Agriculture-Forestry-Animal Husbandry Composite System—Diebu Zagana Agriculture-Forestry-
Animal Husbandry Composite System
“千年藥鄉”的傑出代表—甘肅岷縣當歸種植系統 370
An Outstanding Representative of Millennium Medicine Township—Minxian Angelica Planting System
寧夏回族自治區/ Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region
獨特環境、獨特品種、獨特技藝—寧夏靈武長棗種植系統 378
Unique Environment, Variety and Artistry—Lingwu Long Jujube Planting System
新疆維吾爾自治區/ Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
大型地下農業水利灌溉工程—新疆吐魯番坎兒井農業系統 386
Large-Scale Underground Agricultural Irrigation Project—Turpan Karez Agricultural System
哈密地域文化與財富的標誌—新疆哈密市哈密瓜栽培與貢瓜文化系統 394
Symbol of Regional Culture and Wealth of Hami City—Hami Melon Cultivation and Tribute Melon Culture
附錄/ APPENDIX 402
中國重要農業文化遺產名單 402
List of China Nationally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems
中國的全球重要農業文化遺產名單 408
List of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems of China
註:本書所涉遺產包括了原農業部發布的第一、二批中國重要農業文化遺產,共39 項。
Note: This book covers the first and second batches of 39 China-NIAH sites released by Ministry of
Agriculture, which is called Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs now.




