



  • 軟體名稱:中國醫院儀
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:2.03MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.0及以上
有大問題尋找醫療保健中心在中國,不能找到急診中心附近的你 直接計費網路的列表你的保險手冊太長 從不知道最近的醫療中心在中國 沒有問題了!QB醫療是唯一一個和量身定製的應用程式對外國人民生活在中國找出最適當的醫療保健中心,周圍有合適的服務! 特點: ——只有一個單一的水龍頭,發現附近的醫療中心 ——收集超過400個醫療保健中心在中國,他們中的大多數可以提供英語和直接結算服務 ——覆蓋所有直接計費網路列表超過10個主要醫療保險提供者,包括MSH,信諾,英國等。 ——覆蓋在中國20多個城市 ——一個水龍頭直接調用一個選定的供應商做預約 ——找到一個醫療保健中心通過使用城市/專業/類型或醫院的名字作為一個搜尋詞在搜尋選項卡 ——你可以享受和管理由一些供應商和優惠券所有您需要做的只是表明,優惠券代碼到供應商 ——你可以品位供應商在你的治療,還可以看到他人的評級 ——我們的約會管理工具可以幫助你設定的提醒你約會 ——你可以找到中國地址的供應商在詳細信息,你可以拿給計程車司機幫你到達那裡 你還在等什麼呢今天下載應用程式和告別你的保險手冊! Have big problem on finding the medical care center in China Can not locate the urgent care center nearby you The list of direct billing network of your insurance manual is too long for you Never know where the nearest medical care center is in China No Problem Now! QB Healthcare is the only one and tailor made APP for foreign people living in China to find out the most appropriate medical care center around to have the right service! Features: -- Just one single tap to find out the nearby medical care center -- Collect more than 400 medical care centers around China, most of them can provide English and direct billing services -- Cover all direct billing network lists of more than 10 major medical insurance provider, including MSH, Cigna, Bupa etc. -- Cover more than 20 cities in China -- One tap to directly call a selected vendor to make appointment -- Find a medical care center by using the city/specialty/type or hospital name as a search word in the Search tab -- You can enjoy and manage coupons by some vendors and all you need to do is just to show the coupon code to vendor -- You can grade the vendor after your treatment and also you can see the ratings by others -- Our appointment management tool can help you set the reminder for your appointment -- You can find the Chinese address of the vendor in detailed information and you can show it to Taxi driver to help you get there What are you waiting for Download the app today and say goodbye to your insurance manual!


