




《Journal of Chinese Economics》(中國經濟學刊)是北京第二外國語學院在此前發行多年的電子網刊基礎上形成的英文版學術集刊,依託學組拳恥乎校雄厚的翻危訂講譯實力和店蜜悼,將國內研究中國經濟的論文鑽兆獄選輯翻譯向海內外發行。書中開設經濟理論、經濟形勢分析與預測、金融財政研究等欄目,致力於面向英文讀者介紹當頁刪愉代中國經濟發展情況。


·Research Articles·
La bor Market Reform and Urban Married Women’s Labor Supply in China during 1993-2006:
Have Women’s Wage Elasticities Changed during China’s Transition to a Free Market
Economy?【騙屑放Chung-Ping A. Loh, Mary Beal-Hodges and Harriet Stranahan】/1
Managerial Risk Taking, Idiosyncratic Risk and Long-term Performance
【Tingting Zhou, Jie Huang】/24
PBOC Should Practice Simple Central Banking to Help RMB Internationalization
【Yuksel Gormez, Shenglin Ben】/42
The Impact of FDI on the Structure Upgrading of the Host Country’s Manufacturing Industry:
Evidence from China【Jinghua Han, Zhaoyang Yue and Sulan Qian】/58
Marketing in the United States and in Russia: Effects of Intercultural Differences on Strategy
Formulation【采檔Konstantin B. Kostin, Ronald J. Adams and A. Coskun Samli】/94
Remittances In.ow and Real Exchange Rate:A Case Study of Pakistan Economy
【Zeeshan Khan, Shahid Ali and Shah Khalid】/107
Transmission Effects of International Media Sentiment on RMB International Level
【Wensheng Dai】/120
Tourism-bank Collaboration: Mode Analysis and Path Choice
【Yufei Bai, Zejing Li and Xiaoyu Du】/132
Call for Papers and Author Guidelines/140
【Yufei Bai, Zejing Li and Xiaoyu Du】/132
Call for Papers and Author Guidelines/140


