



  • 中文名:中國符號學研究:第5輯
  • 外文名:Chinese Semiotic Studies,Volume 5
  • 作者:王永祥
  • 出版日期:2011年9月1日
  • 語種:英語, 簡體中文
  • ISBN:9787565103889 
  • 出版社:南京師範大學出版社
  • 頁數:286 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • 定價:52.00


An Official Publication of the International Semiotic Research Institute of Nanjing Normal University and the Chinese Semiotic Research Center of the Chinese Association of Linguistic Semiotics.


Part One
Semiotic Conference Information
The 11th World Congress of Semiotics Call for Papers
A Brief Introduction to Zhuanglin Hu, President of the Chinese Association of Linguistic Semiotics (CALS)
Part Two
New Theories and Applications of Semiotics
On the Cross-cultural Semiotic Turn
Youzheng Li (China)
The Ennunded Body. Spinoza, Descartes, and the Philosophy of Cognition - A Critical Note
Per Aage Brandt (U. S. A.)
The Convergence of Signs in Flannery O' Connor's "Parker's Back"
Hsiu-chih Tsai (Taiwan, China)
Philosophical Aspects of Semiotics
Abraham Solomonick (Israel)
A Semiotic Study of the Idiosyncratic " CHI + NP" Construction in Chinese
Xueliang Xiong (China)
Rituals and Routines: A Semiotic Inquiry
Massimo Leone (Italy)
Cognitive Semiotics and Cognitive Linguistics
Hong Guo (China)
Philosophy and the Borders of Semiotics: from Aristotle to Husserl Charalampos Magoulas (Greece)
The Occurrence of Thinking and Symbols
Xiaoying Dong (China)
Corporeality, Culture and Nonverbal Semiotics of Ethics and Etiquette
Grigory E. Kreydlin (Russia)
Part Three
Special Section for Peircean Semiotics and the Philosophy of
Introduction to Peircean Senuotics and the Philosophy of Inquiry
Charls Pearson (U, S. A.)
Theory of the Dialogical Sign
Charls Pearson (U. S. A.)
Part Four
Patt Five
Special Section for Cognitive Semiotics


