



  • 中文名:中國的軍事戰略(英文版)
  • 作者:中華人民共和國國務院新聞辦公室
  • ISBN:9787119094335
  • 頁數:32頁
  • 定價:12元
  • 出版社:外文出版社
  • 出版時間:2015年1月
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • 開本:大32開


The world today is undergoing unprecedented changes, and China is at a critical stage of reform and development. In their endeavor to realize the Chinese Dream of great national rejuvenation, the Chinese people aspire to join hands with the rest of the world to maintain peace, pursue development and share prosperity.
China's destiny is vitally interrelated with that of the world as a whole. A prosperous and stable world would provide China with opportunities, while China's peaceful development also offers an opportunity for the whole world. China will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development, pursue an independent foreign policy of peace and a national defense policy that is defensive in nature, oppose hegemonism and power politics in all forms, and will never seek hegemony or expansion. China's armed forces will remain a staunch force in maintaining world peace.
Building a strong national defense and powerful armed forces is a strategic task of China's modernization drive and a security guarantee for China's peaceful development. Subordinate to and serving the national strategic goal, China's military strategy is an overarching guidance for blueprinting and directing the building and employment of the country's armed forces.


I. National Security Situation
II. Missions and Strategic Tasks of China's Armed Forces
III. Strategic Guideline of Active Defense
IV. Building and Development of China's Armed Forces
V. Preparation for Military Struggle
VI. Military and Security Cooperation


