



  • 書名:中國法治發展報告(No.9·2011)
  • 作者:李林
  • 裝幀:精裝
  • ISBN:9787509720844




Ⅰ 總 報 告
1 2010年中國法治狀況分析與展望 ………………中國社會科學院法學研究所課題組/001
Ⅱ 專題報告全催
2 中國特色社會主義法律體系的形成和完善 ……………………………………李 林/029
3 2010年的中國立法 ……………………………………………………翟國強 孔 昊/046
4 2010年中國經濟、社會和文化權利保障現狀與展望 …………………………趙建文/058
5 反對人口拐賣:進展與挑戰 ……………………………………………………柳華文/071
6 2010年的中國軍事立法 …………………………………………………………陳創東/082
7 香港政制改革方案評介 …………………………………………………………陳欣新/095
8 國外反傾銷與中國企業應訴 ……………………………………………………黃 晉/106
Ⅲ 憲法與行政法治
9 公安微博的發展與展望 …………………………………………………………張 謙/115
10 實施網路實名制的界限及制度構建……………………………………………吳 峻/127
11 中國無煙法治的困境…………………………………雄牛員腳………………黃金榮 楊 柳/141
Ⅳ 刑事法治
12 2010年中國犯罪形勢分析及2011年預測………………………………………靳高風/153
13 中國瀆職侵權犯罪立法與司法實踐……………………………………………楊書文/163
Ⅴ 社會法治
14 《社會保險法》的制度創新與實施的對策建議………………………………謝增毅/176
15 新型農村社會養老保險改革與發展……………………………………………余少祥/187
16 2010年中國醫療糾紛處理法治發展……再檔膠求………………………………………董文勇/201
Ⅵ 國情調研
17 中國政府透明度年度報告(2010)——以政府網站信息公洪炒犁開為視角
18 公職人員財產監督制度調研報告
19 刑事辯護狀況調研報告
20 中國電視廣告監管調研報告
21 中國學術評價機制調研報告——以學術論文評價為視角
22 中國農民土地權利狀況——2010年17省樣本調查
………………………………羅伊·普羅斯特曼 朱可亮 葉劍平 傑夫·瑞丁格/327
Ⅶ 地方法治
23 吉林省涉黑犯罪與打黑除惡調研報告
24 四川電力法治亟待解決的幾個問題…………………………………王希龍 潘 怡/360
25 山東省青州市人民法院的“大調解”機制……………………………………李金鵬/373
26 杭州餘杭法治指數報告………………………………………………法治餘杭課題組/386
Ⅰ General Report
1 The Rule of Law in China in 2010: Analysis and Forecast
................................... Research Team, Law Institute, CASS/001
Ⅱ Special Reports
2 Establishment and Improvement of the Socialist Legal System
with Chinese Characteristics .................................. Li Lin/029
3 Legislative Developments in China in 2010 ..... Zhai Guoqiang, Kong Hao/046
4 Protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in China in 2010:
Current Situation and Forecast .......................... Zhao Jianwen/058
5 Fighting against Human Trafficking: Progresses and Challenges
........................................................... Liu Huawen/071
6 China’s Military Legislation in 2010 ................. Chen Chuangdong/082
7 Political Reform in Hong Kong in 2010 ..................... Chen Xinxin/095
8 Foreign Anti-Dumping Actions and Responses
by Chinese Enterprises ..................................... Huang Jin/106
Ⅲ Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
9 Micro-Blogging by Public Security Organs: Retrospect
and Prospect .............................................. Zhang Qian/115
10 Internet Real Name System: Limits and Institutional
Construction .................................................. Wu Jun/127
11 The Predicament of Smoke-Free Law Making and
Its Enforcement in China ..................... Huang Jinrong, Yang Liu/141
Ⅳ Criminal Law
12 Crimes in China: An Analysis of the Situations in 2010
and a Forecast of the Trend of Development in 2011 ....... Jin Gaofeng/153
13 The Crime of Malfeasance in China: Legislation
and Judicial Practice .................................... Yang Shuwen/163
Ⅴ Social Law
14 Social Insurance Law: Major Institutional Innovations
and Recommendations on Implementation ..................... Xie Zengyi/176
15 “New Rural Old-Age Insurance” Reform and Development .. Yu Shaoxiang/187
16 Development of Rule of Law in the Field of Medical Disputes
Settlement in China in 2010 ............................. Dong Wenyong/201
Ⅵ Field Work
17 Annual Report on Transparency of Government in China (2010):
From the Perspective of Disclosure of Information through
Government Websites
... Research Team on Rule of Law Studies in China, Law Institute, CASS/210
18 Report on the Civil Servants Property Supervision System
... Research Team on Rule of Law Studies in China, Law Institute, CASS/248
19 Report on the Situation of Criminal Defense in China
... Research Team on Rule of Law Studies in China, Law Institute, CASS/261
20 Report on Supervision and Regulation of Television Advertisements
in China
... Research Team on Rule of Law Studies in China, Law Institute, CASS/278
21 Report on Academic Evaluation Mechanism in China:
From the Perspective of Evaluation of Academic Papers
... Research Team on Rule of Law Studies in China, Law Institute, CASS/300
22 Farmers Land Rights in Todays China:
From a Seventeen-Province Survey
.......... Roy Prosterman, Zhu Keliang, Ye Jianping, Jeffrey Riedinger/327
Ⅶ Rule of Law in Different Regions
23 The Fight against Organized Crimes in Jilin Province
............................. Research Team on Targeted Action against
Evil Forces’in Jilin Province/339
24 Several Urgent Issues Relating to the Construction of Electric
Power Legal System in Sichuan Province ........... Wang Xilong, Pan Yi/360
25 Multiparty Mediation Mechanism in the Court of Qingzhou City,
Shandong Province ......................................... Li Jinpeng/373
26 Report on the Rule of Law Index in Yuhang District ,Hangzhou city
............................... Research Team on Rule of Law in Yuhang/386
18 公職人員財產監督制度調研報告
19 刑事辯護狀況調研報告
20 中國電視廣告監管調研報告
21 中國學術評價機制調研報告——以學術論文評價為視角
22 中國農民土地權利狀況——2010年17省樣本調查
………………………………羅伊·普羅斯特曼 朱可亮 葉劍平 傑夫·瑞丁格/327
Ⅶ 地方法治
23 吉林省涉黑犯罪與打黑除惡調研報告
24 四川電力法治亟待解決的幾個問題…………………………………王希龍 潘 怡/360
25 山東省青州市人民法院的“大調解”機制……………………………………李金鵬/373
26 杭州餘杭法治指數報告………………………………………………法治餘杭課題組/386
Ⅰ General Report
1 The Rule of Law in China in 2010: Analysis and Forecast
................................... Research Team, Law Institute, CASS/001
Ⅱ Special Reports
2 Establishment and Improvement of the Socialist Legal System
with Chinese Characteristics .................................. Li Lin/029
3 Legislative Developments in China in 2010 ..... Zhai Guoqiang, Kong Hao/046
4 Protection of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in China in 2010:
Current Situation and Forecast .......................... Zhao Jianwen/058
5 Fighting against Human Trafficking: Progresses and Challenges
........................................................... Liu Huawen/071
6 China’s Military Legislation in 2010 ................. Chen Chuangdong/082
7 Political Reform in Hong Kong in 2010 ..................... Chen Xinxin/095
8 Foreign Anti-Dumping Actions and Responses
by Chinese Enterprises ..................................... Huang Jin/106
Ⅲ Constitutional Law and Administrative Law
9 Micro-Blogging by Public Security Organs: Retrospect
and Prospect .............................................. Zhang Qian/115
10 Internet Real Name System: Limits and Institutional
Construction .................................................. Wu Jun/127
11 The Predicament of Smoke-Free Law Making and
Its Enforcement in China ..................... Huang Jinrong, Yang Liu/141
Ⅳ Criminal Law
12 Crimes in China: An Analysis of the Situations in 2010
and a Forecast of the Trend of Development in 2011 ....... Jin Gaofeng/153
13 The Crime of Malfeasance in China: Legislation
and Judicial Practice .................................... Yang Shuwen/163
Ⅴ Social Law
14 Social Insurance Law: Major Institutional Innovations
and Recommendations on Implementation ..................... Xie Zengyi/176
15 “New Rural Old-Age Insurance” Reform and Development .. Yu Shaoxiang/187
16 Development of Rule of Law in the Field of Medical Disputes
Settlement in China in 2010 ............................. Dong Wenyong/201
Ⅵ Field Work
17 Annual Report on Transparency of Government in China (2010):
From the Perspective of Disclosure of Information through
Government Websites
... Research Team on Rule of Law Studies in China, Law Institute, CASS/210
18 Report on the Civil Servants Property Supervision System
... Research Team on Rule of Law Studies in China, Law Institute, CASS/248
19 Report on the Situation of Criminal Defense in China
... Research Team on Rule of Law Studies in China, Law Institute, CASS/261
20 Report on Supervision and Regulation of Television Advertisements
in China
... Research Team on Rule of Law Studies in China, Law Institute, CASS/278
21 Report on Academic Evaluation Mechanism in China:
From the Perspective of Evaluation of Academic Papers
... Research Team on Rule of Law Studies in China, Law Institute, CASS/300
22 Farmers Land Rights in Todays China:
From a Seventeen-Province Survey
.......... Roy Prosterman, Zhu Keliang, Ye Jianping, Jeffrey Riedinger/327
Ⅶ Rule of Law in Different Regions
23 The Fight against Organized Crimes in Jilin Province
............................. Research Team on Targeted Action against
Evil Forces’in Jilin Province/339
24 Several Urgent Issues Relating to the Construction of Electric
Power Legal System in Sichuan Province ........... Wang Xilong, Pan Yi/360
25 Multiparty Mediation Mechanism in the Court of Qingzhou City,
Shandong Province ......................................... Li Jinpeng/373
26 Report on the Rule of Law Index in Yuhang District ,Hangzhou city
............................... Research Team on Rule of Law in Yuhang/386


