



  • 書名:中國水利發展報告
  • 作者:中國水利發展報告編委會
  • 出版日期:2012年12月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • 出版社:中國水利水電出版社
  • 頁數:89頁
  • 開本:16


中國水利發展報告編委會編著的《中國水利發展報告(2012)(英文版)》簡介:China Water Development Report 2012 is intended to present a detailed description of development and characteristics of China's water sector in 2011 through introducing major policies, development, reforms, practices, and highlights, especially the latest progress in water sector reform and development. Relevant analysis in the Report also reveals the development trend in 2012.
外文名:China Water Development Report 2012 Editorial Board of China Water Development R


Thoroughly Implementing the Decisions and Deployment of the Central Government and Comprehensively Promoting A Leap
Forward in Water Conservancy Development--the Speech at the National Conference of Water Directors 2012
Harnessing Taihu Lake According to Law and Promoting All round Development of Water Conservancy in Taihu Lake Basin
An Interpretation of the Regulation on the Management of Taihu Lake Basin
Comprehensive Planning and Top level Design for Water Sector Reform and Development
Progress in Water Conservancy Planning in 2011
A Summary of Flood Control, Drought Relief and Disaster Mitigation in 2011
Progress in Rural Drinking Water Safety Program in 2011
Progress in the Construction of South-to-North Water Diversion Project in 2011
Progress in Water Resource Conservation and Protection in 2011
Progress in Farmland Water Conservancy in 2011
Progress in Soil and Water Conservation in 2011
Progress in Rural Hydropower in 2011
Progress in Accelerating Water Conservancy Reform Pilot Work in 2011
Progress in Water Science and Technology in 2011
Summary of International Exchange and Cooperation on Water Conservancy
Major Water Conservancy Development Indices for 2010


