

《中國民族教育發展報告(2017·內蒙古卷·英文版)》是2017年12月1日社會科學文獻出版社出版的圖書,作者是Chen Zhongyong、Sodobilig、Uretogtahu 等。


  • 中文名:中國民族教育發展報告(2017·內蒙古卷·英文版)
  • 作者:Chen Zhongyong、Sodobilig、Uretogtahu 等
  • 出版社:社會科學文獻出版社
  • 定價:298 元 
  • ISBN:9787520119894
  • 字數:485千字


《中國民族教育發展報告(2017內蒙古卷 英文版)/民族教育藍皮書》是《內蒙古民族教育發展報告(2017)》一書的英文版。全書由總報告、專題篇、匪灶講族別篇、調研篇、案例篇和附錄組成。總報告以精煉的語言全面闡述內蒙古自治區民族教育事業發展的歷程和現狀,展示民族教育事業取得的重大成就,指出發展中存在的問題及今後的工作方向。專題篇和族別篇全方位、多角度地就民族教育事業的某一側面進行具體探討,具體內容涉及學前教育、雙語教育、少數民族高層次人才培養、民疊汗盛族職業技術教等嫌墓判。此外,書中還對內蒙古自欠霉漏臘治區船朽嫌去達斡爾族、鄂溫克族、鄂倫春族的教育發展狀況進行了解析;對蒙古學研究及人才培養、民族美術教育研究智庫等問題予以闡洪院發並提出建議。


I General Report
B.1 Adhering to the Path of Scientific Development that Brings Together Quality, Performance and Unique Characteristics
——A Report on the Development of Ethnic Education in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Re, on
II Sub Reports
B.2 A Report on the Development of Ethnic Preschool Education in Inner Mongolia
B.3 The Current State and Suggestions for the Development of Ethnic Vocational Education in Inner Mongolia
B.拔己歡4 The Current State, Problems, and Suggestions for Developing Bilingual Education in Inner Mongolia
III Special Reports
B.5 The Programme for Training Inner Mongolian Ethnic Minorities to a High Professional Level and Suggestions on Its Development
B.6 Fostering Ethnic Education via Developing Research in Mongolian Studies and Professional Development
IV Education of "Three Ethnic Minorities"
B.7 A Report on the Development of Daur Ethnic Education
B.8 A Report on the Development of Evenki Ethnic Education
B.9 A Report on the Development of Oroqen Ethnic Education
V Education with Special Features
8.10 The History, Current State, and Prospects for Inner Mongolian Ethnic Fine Arts Education
8.11 The History, Current State, and Prospects for Inner Mongolian Ethnic Music and Dance Education
8.12 The History, Current State, and Prospects for Inner Mongolian Ethnic Physical Education
VI Case Studies
B.13 An Investigative Report on Ethnic Primary Schools in Inner Mongolia
——A Case Study of Horqin Left Back Banner Mongolian Experimental Primary School in Tongliao City
B.14 An Investigative Report on Ethnic Middle Schools in Inner Mongolia
——A Case Study of Horqin Right Wing Front Banner Cha'ersen Middle School in Hinggan league
B.15 A Report on the Development of Xilingol Vocational College
VII Appendix
B.16 A Chronicle of Ethnic Education Events in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (1947-2016)
B.17 Acknowledgements
B.7 A Report on the Development of Daur Ethnic Education
B.8 A Report on the Development of Evenki Ethnic Education
B.9 A Report on the Development of Oroqen Ethnic Education
V Education with Special Features
8.10 The History, Current State, and Prospects for Inner Mongolian Ethnic Fine Arts Education
8.11 The History, Current State, and Prospects for Inner Mongolian Ethnic Music and Dance Education
8.12 The History, Current State, and Prospects for Inner Mongolian Ethnic Physical Education
VI Case Studies
B.13 An Investigative Report on Ethnic Primary Schools in Inner Mongolia
——A Case Study of Horqin Left Back Banner Mongolian Experimental Primary School in Tongliao City
B.14 An Investigative Report on Ethnic Middle Schools in Inner Mongolia
——A Case Study of Horqin Right Wing Front Banner Cha'ersen Middle School in Hinggan league
B.15 A Report on the Development of Xilingol Vocational College
VII Appendix
B.16 A Chronicle of Ethnic Education Events in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (1947-2016)
B.17 Acknowledgements


