中國有句老話,叫“趕時髦”,而現如今,這句話要倒過來了。對於大多數中國人而言,他們的生活其實是在被時尚趕著前進。現在的潮流正以迅雷不及掩耳之勢衝擊人們的生活,之後在一夜間成為你無法拒絕的生活內容。 時髦已經不用去趕,你只要走的稍微慢一點倒有可能被它推著走。時尚,不再是另類的代名詞,更不是高不可攀的生活方式,它就在你身邊。
Backpackers: I walk This Wide World
Blog: A Journey into a Person's Heart
“Card” Consuming: How Much Cash Is in Your Wallet?
Collecting: Symbol of a Flourishing Age
Dancing Then and Now
Falling the Deepest and Soaring the Highest- Extreme Sports for Young People
Group Purchase: "I Am Not Alone"
Growing Up with "Mega Movles"
Guoxue Fever: The Latest Intellectual Fa
"I Love Soap Operas"
Last Images: Watchers of the Old City
Listening to Xiangsheng (Crosstalk) at Tian"
Reviving a Grassroots Performance Art
Living as Avant-garde and Alternative- Residents in Artist Villages
Meeting at Museums