中國字3d壁紙是一款壁紙美化類軟體,支持Android 2.2。
- 套用名稱:中國字3d壁紙
- 套用平台:mobile
- 套用版本:1.3
- 運行環境:Android 2.2
- 套用類型:壁紙美化類
According to legend,Chinese characters were invented by Cangjie (c。2650 BC),a bureaucrat under the legendary Yellow Emperor。There are quite a few variations of the legend。One of them tells that Cangjie was hunting on Mount Yangxu in modern Shanxi when he saw a tortoise whose veins caught his curiosity。Inspired by the possibility of a logical relation of those veins,he studied the animals of the world,the landscape of the earth,and the stars in the sky,and invented a symbolic system called zì (字) — the first Chinese characters。It was said that on the day the characters were born,Chinese people heard the devil mourning and saw crops falling like rain,as it marked a second beginning of the world。