

《中國刑法學原理(英文版)》是2018年8月上海財經大學出版社出版的圖書,作者是李睿(Rui Li)。


  • 書名:中國刑法學原理(英文版)
  • 作者:李睿(Rui Li)
  • 出版社:上海財經大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2018年8月
  • 頁數:409 頁
  • 定價:98 元
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787564230562




  Rui Li Ph.D.,Director of Clinic Center, Law School, Shanghai
  University ofFinance and Economics, 2013.
  Lawyer, Beijing Longan Law Firm, Shanghai Office,2008.
  Director of Public Prosecution, Lead Prosecutor, People's Procuratorate of Jing'an District, Shanghai,1996.
  Visiting Scholar, Law School of Chicago University, U.S. 2.017.
  Visiting Scholar, Law School of Sydney University, Aus. 2016.
  Visiting Scholar, Macquarie Uruversity, Aus. 2015.
  Visiting Scholar, Law School of Wisconsin University, U.S. 2009.


Chapter 1 Introduction
Section 1 Summary of the Criminal Law
I Concept of the Criminal Law
II Tasks and functions of the Criminal Law
III System and interpretation of the Criminal Law
Section 2 Basic Principle of the Criminal Law
I The legally-prescribed conviction principle
II The equity principle which applicable to the Criminal Law
III The principle of compatibility of crime, responsibility and punishment
Section 3 Effectiveness of the Criminal Law
I Concept and category of the effectiveness of the Criminal Law
II Effect of space of the Criminal Law
III Effect of time of the Criminal law
Chapter 2 Concept of Crime
Section 1 Definition of Crime
I Outline of the definition of crime
II Definition of crime in the Criminal Law of the PRC
Section 2 Basic Characteristics of Crime
I Crime is a severely and socially harmful behavior that severely endangers society
II Crime is a criminally illegal behavior in violation of the Criminal Law
III Crime is a behavior that shall be given criminal punishment and is culpable of punishment
Chapter 3 Crime Constitution
Section 1 Overview
I Concept of constitution of crime
II Common elements for crime constitution
III Classification of crime constitution
Section 2 Criminal Object
I Concept of criminal object
II Category of criminal object
III Criminal object and crime target
Section 3 Objective Aspect of a Crime
I Overview of objective aspect of a crime
II Harmful behavior
III Harmful result
IV Causal relationship in Criminal Law
V Crime time, location and method
Section 4 Criminal Subject
I Overview of criminal subject
II Age for criminal responsibility
III Capacity for criminal responsibility and other factors influencing capacity for criminal responsibility
IV General subject and special subject
V Unit criminal subject
Section 5 Subjective Aspect of a Crime
I Overview of subjective aspect of a crime
II Criminal intent
III Criminal negligence
IV Purpose of crime and incentive of crime
V Cognition error of Criminal Law
Chapter 4 Cause of Justification
Chapter 5 Ceased Form of Intentional Crime
Chapter 6 Joint Crime
Chapter 7 Crime Number
Chapter 8 Criminal Liability
Chapter 9 Overview of Punishment
Chapter 10 Measurement of Penalty
Chapter 11 Implementation System of the Punishment
Chapter 12 Punishment Eradicatin System
Chapter 13 Overview of Monograph of Criminal Law
Appendix Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China
II Tasks and functions of the Criminal Law
III System and interpretation of the Criminal Law
Section 2 Basic Principle of the Criminal Law
I The legally-prescribed conviction principle
II The equity principle which applicable to the Criminal Law
III The principle of compatibility of crime, responsibility and punishment
Section 3 Effectiveness of the Criminal Law
I Concept and category of the effectiveness of the Criminal Law
II Effect of space of the Criminal Law
III Effect of time of the Criminal law
Chapter 2 Concept of Crime
Section 1 Definition of Crime
I Outline of the definition of crime
II Definition of crime in the Criminal Law of the PRC
Section 2 Basic Characteristics of Crime
I Crime is a severely and socially harmful behavior that severely endangers society
II Crime is a criminally illegal behavior in violation of the Criminal Law
III Crime is a behavior that shall be given criminal punishment and is culpable of punishment
Chapter 3 Crime Constitution
Section 1 Overview
I Concept of constitution of crime
II Common elements for crime constitution
III Classification of crime constitution
Section 2 Criminal Object
I Concept of criminal object
II Category of criminal object
III Criminal object and crime target
Section 3 Objective Aspect of a Crime
I Overview of objective aspect of a crime
II Harmful behavior
III Harmful result
IV Causal relationship in Criminal Law
V Crime time, location and method
Section 4 Criminal Subject
I Overview of criminal subject
II Age for criminal responsibility
III Capacity for criminal responsibility and other factors influencing capacity for criminal responsibility
IV General subject and special subject
V Unit criminal subject
Section 5 Subjective Aspect of a Crime
I Overview of subjective aspect of a crime
II Criminal intent
III Criminal negligence
IV Purpose of crime and incentive of crime
V Cognition error of Criminal Law
Chapter 4 Cause of Justification
Chapter 5 Ceased Form of Intentional Crime
Chapter 6 Joint Crime
Chapter 7 Crime Number
Chapter 8 Criminal Liability
Chapter 9 Overview of Punishment
Chapter 10 Measurement of Penalty
Chapter 11 Implementation System of the Punishment
Chapter 12 Punishment Eradicatin System
Chapter 13 Overview of Monograph of Criminal Law
Appendix Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China


