



  • 作者:魏敏、劉曉濤
  • 出版社:五洲傳播出版社
  • 頁數:232 頁
  • 定價:68.00 元
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787508545271
你知道有個叫八台子的地方,長城與教堂相牛晚淚依偎嗎?端店騙你知道在老牛灣,長城與中華民族的母親河——黃河相交危烏斷融嗎?你知道西水峪水長城上,春天的美景宛如桃花源嗎?烽兩位作者將歷史與現實、人文與風光、正史與傳說、資料與實踐結合在一起,用風趣的語言、精美的圖片、獨特的立意,向我們展盛乃戲欠示了一個不一樣的長宙民刪城,一個更加生動的、有血有肉的長城。 With a total length of 21196.18 kilometers (including 6,259.6 kilometers of artificial walls), the Great Wall represents the wisdom of the Chinese nation developed since ancient times. It has been a mute witness of Chin...(展開全部) 你知道有個叫八台子的地方,長城與教堂相依偎嗎?你知道在老牛灣,長城與中華民族的母親河——黃河相交榜請融嗎?你知道西水峪水長城上,春天的美景宛如桃花源嗎?烽兩位作者將歷史與現實、人文與風光、正史與傳說、資料與實踐結合在一起,用風趣的語言、精淚盛良獄美的圖片、獨特的立意,向我們展示了一個不一樣的長城,一個更加生動的、有血有肉的長城。 With a total length of 21196.18 kilometers (including 6,259.6 kilometers of artificial walls), the Great Wall represents the wisdom of the Chinese nation developed since ancient times. It has been a mute witness of Chinese history stretching back more than two millennia. It is the largest ancient defense pro- ject constructed over the longest span of time. Since there was a historical record of the two Chinese characters Chang Cheng (Great Wall) in the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BCE), the work of building and maintaining it has been a continuous process for well over two thousand years encompass- ing vast areas of north and central China. The Great Wall bears the precious historical memory and national spirit of the Chinese nation. With the passage of time, many sections along its 5,000- km length have been destroyed, although the names remain. Sections of the Great Wall extant today, known almost to all, include Badaling, Shanhaiguan and Jiayuguan. We hope this book can bring readers different experiences of an Earth- based structure visible. The areas bisected by it include deserts and grass- lands, rivers and the remains of enemy towers. May the words recorded here make it possible for readers to gain a better understanding of this world his- torical heritage site.


