- 書名:世界文學經典讀本:化身博士·誘拐
- 作者:史蒂文生 (Robert Louis Steveson)
- 出版日期:2014年1月1日
- 語種:簡體中文, 英語
- ISBN:9787511718365
- 外文名:Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Kidnapped
- 出版社:中央編譯出版社
- 頁數:252頁
- 開本:32
- 品牌:中央編譯出版社
史蒂文生(Robert Louis Stevenson,1850-1894),英國作家。史蒂文生出生於愛丁堡,祖父和父親都是知名的建築工程師,作家早年也進入愛丁堡大學攻讀土木工程,不久改學法律。史蒂文生在大學讀書期間即開始寫作,其成名作則是出版於1883年的《金銀島》。此後又出版了《誘拐》、《化身博士》、《魔瓶》等一批具有強烈的異國情調和傳奇色彩的作品,深受青少年讀者的喜愛。
Strange Ease of Dr.Jekull and Mr.Hyde
Story of the Door
Search for Mr.Hyde
Dr.Jekyll was Quite at Ease
The Carew Murder Case
Incident of the Letter
Remarkable Incident of Dr.Lanyon
Incident at the Window
The Last Night
Dr.Lanyon's Narrative
Hastie Lanyon Henry Jekyll's Full Statcmcnt of the Case
Preface to the Biographical Edition
Chapter 1 I Set off upon My Journev to the House of Shaws
Chaptcr 2 I Comc to My Journey's End
Chapter 3 I Makc Acquaintance of My Uncle
Chaptcr 4 I Run a Great Danger in the House of Shaws
Chapter 5 I Go to the Queen's Ferry
Chapter 6 What Befell at the Queen's Ferry
Chaptcr 7 I Go to Sea in the Brig "Covenant" of Dysart
Chapter 8 The Round—House
Chaptcr 9 The Man with the Belt of Gold
Chapter 10 The Siege of the Round—Housp
Chapter 23 Cluny's Cage
Chapter 24 The Flight in the Heather: the Quarrel
Chapter 25 In Balquhidder
Chapter 26 End of the Flight: We Pass the Fortl
Chapter 27 I Come to Mr.Rankeillor
Chapter 28 I Go in Quest of My Inheritance
Chapter 29 I Come into My Kingdom
ChaDter 30 Good—hvp
Story of the Door
Search for Mr.Hyde
Dr.Jekyll was Quite at Ease
The Carew Murder Case
Incident of the Letter
Remarkable Incident of Dr.Lanyon
Incident at the Window
The Last Night
Dr.Lanyon's Narrative
Hastie Lanyon Henry Jekyll's Full Statcmcnt of the Case
Preface to the Biographical Edition
Chapter 1 I Set off upon My Journev to the House of Shaws
Chaptcr 2 I Comc to My Journey's End
Chapter 3 I Makc Acquaintance of My Uncle
Chaptcr 4 I Run a Great Danger in the House of Shaws
Chapter 5 I Go to the Queen's Ferry
Chapter 6 What Befell at the Queen's Ferry
Chaptcr 7 I Go to Sea in the Brig "Covenant" of Dysart
Chapter 8 The Round—House
Chaptcr 9 The Man with the Belt of Gold
Chapter 10 The Siege of the Round—Housp
Chapter 23 Cluny's Cage
Chapter 24 The Flight in the Heather: the Quarrel
Chapter 25 In Balquhidder
Chapter 26 End of the Flight: We Pass the Fortl
Chapter 27 I Come to Mr.Rankeillor
Chapter 28 I Go in Quest of My Inheritance
Chapter 29 I Come into My Kingdom
ChaDter 30 Good—hvp