


  • 書名:世界文化史(英文版)
  • 作者:張曉立
  • ISBN:9787566311153
  • 定價:48.00
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2014.9
  • 開本:185mm×260mm /
  • 版次/印次:1/1
  • 字數/頁數:618千字/


History is not merely an open account of the past records about what has happened or what has not happened in a given period of time. It is a dynamic and fluid picture composed of vivid people and interesting events that have made history what it has appeared today. There is no exception to any type of history including cultural history. This reader, which can be taken as a textbook for the global cultural history is a bold and sagacious attempt to present learners with a panoramic view, review and analytical evaluation of what has happened in the past in history that has made the world what it is now today against the cultural background. If, broadly defined, culture means a way of life, the whole human history of civilization is a history of cultural ideas and behavior.


Introduction: Axial Age, the Golden Age of Human Wisdom1
Unit One A Long and Hot Debate about the Birth of the World9
Unit Two Two Views Concerning Cultural Studies17
Section One: Cultural Relativism17
Section Two: Cultural Imperialism21
Unit Three Cultural Traditions and Roots29
Section One: Theology29
Section Two: Philosophy34
Section Three: Science47
Unit Four Time and History in the Context of Culture57
Section One: Ancient History of the World57
Section Two: The Middle Ages65
Section Three: Modern History75
Section Four: Contemporary Time86
Unit Five Compositions and Elements of Culture99
Section One: Faith, a Spiritual Pillar of a Person99
Section Two: Language, An Important Element of Culture104
Section Three: Mythology, an Area of Human Imagination117
Section Four: Institution124
Section Five: Norms, Code of Conduct for Human Society132
Unit Six Powerful and Pervasive Ideas139
Section One: Colonialism, a Propelling Force of the West139
Section Two: Capitalism, a Magic Power of the West147
Section Three: Communism, the Highest Ideal of Mankind158
Section Four: Constitutionalism, the Idea of Rule of Law166
Section Five: Nationalism, a Theoretic Foundation of Nation-State172
Unit Seven Great Ideas Spread Through Great Books183
Section One: Analects, a Collection of Wisdom of China183
Section Two: The Bible, the Holy Scripture in the World189
Section Three: Quran, the Holy Scripture of Islam197
Section Four: Buddhist Texts207
Unit Eight An Eventful Human History219
Section One: The Roman Empire219
Section Two: Heliocentricism233
Section Three: The Crusades242
Section Four: Mongol Conquests253
Section Five: Columbus and His Significant Voyages257
Section Six: The Ottoman Empire265
Section Seven: The Founding of the United States of America275
Section Eight: The Opium Wars287
Section Nine: The United Nations, an Instrument for Peace295
Unit Nine Milestone Figures For Human History307
Section One: Abraham, Father of Three Major Religions307
Section Two: Jesus Christ, God for Christians313
Section Three: Muhammad, Prophet of Muslims322
Section Four: Shakyamuni, the Buddha of Buddhist Adherents331
Section Five: Confucius, a Holy Figure of Traditional China340
Section Six: Socrates, Founding Father of Western Philosophy350
Section Seven: Sir Isaac Newton, a Towering Scientist360
Section Eight: Karl Marx, a Profound Thinker Who Changed the World370
Section Nine: Albert Einstein, a Modern Isaac Newton378
Unit Ten A Study of Civilizational History of the World387
Section One: The Ancient Egyptian Civilization390
Section Two: The Andes Civilization391
Section Three: Ancient Chinese Civilization391
Section Four: Minoan Civilization392
Section Five: Sumer Civilization393
Section Six: Maya Civilization394
Section Seven: History of Ancient India396
Section Eight: Hittites, Ancient Anatolian People397
Section Nine: Ancient Greek Civilization398
Section Ten: The Western or Occidental Civilization399
Section Eleven: The Eastern Orthodox Church Civilization400
Section Twelve: Far Eastern Civilization Ring401
Section Thirteen: Orthodox Christian Civilization402
Section Fourteen: The Ancient Persian Civilization403
Section Fifteen: Islamic Civilization At its Golden Age404
Section Sixteen: Hindu Civilization405
Section Seventeen: The Mexica406
Section Eighteen: Yucatec Maya Civilization407
Section Nineteen: Ancient Babylonian Civilization407
Unit Eleven A Possible Form of a Future Global Culture409
Section One: Cultural Implications of Cultural Diversity409
Section Two: Cultural, Social and Political Implications of UNESCO
Universal Declaralion on Cultural Diversity416


