



  • 軟體名稱:不眠打波
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:10.49MB
  • 支持版本:iOS4.3.1及以上
這個頻率是包含在自然世界。這似乎是認為頻率給人一種舒適的感覺。 柔和的微風中,蠟燭的火焰,浪聲,在自然的聲音等有頻率。 而Recetly,它是適用於如空調家用電器。 自然的聲音(微風,蠟燭的火焰,波浪聲等)都有這個頻率。 “不眠打波光寶”採用的1 / f波動的“波”的聲音。 此應用程式是粉紅噪聲比其它應用程式的不同。 波聲音不是由程式製成,它是一個真正的波形聲音。 我已經做了一些在日本海灘的波錄音。 如何使用 這是非常簡單。 按下播放按鈕,啟動“不眠打波” 聽聲音和癒合上床睡覺。 不過。你不能僅通過聽聲音的波動節奏 因此,當你聽波節奏,你應該對波呼吸節奏。 聽著海浪的節奏,你應該在同樣的節奏呼吸。 而幾分鐘後,你的身體就會開始感到溫暖。 一旦你的身體溫暖,不用擔心你的呼吸節奏。只聽聲音,你就能自然入睡。 如果您使用的工作間隔“不眠打波”,您可以放寬。 但要小心,不要入睡。 功能 ·體積調整, ·改變時間表。 ·逆轉開關 1 / f噪聲是發揮逆轉,同樣的功能 ·睡眠定時 °時,美麗的圖畫 當我休息時使用“不眠打波”,你看。 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This frequency is included in the natural world. It seems to be thought that the frequency gives a person a comfortable feeling. The soft breeze, the candle flame, the wave sound , etc in the natural sounds have the frequency. And Recetly, it is applied to the household appliances such as air-conditioners. Natural sounds (soft breeze, candle flames, wave sounds, etc.) has this frequency. "不眠打波 Lite" adopts the sound of "the wave" in 1/f fluctuation. This application is different than other pink noise applications. The wave sound is not made by a program, it is a real wave sound. I`ve done some recording of the wave sound at the Japanese beach. how to use It is very simple. Press the play button to start "不眠打波" Listen to the healing sounds and go to bed. However. you can not get the wave rhythm only by listening to the sound So when you listen the wave rhythm, you should breathe on the wave rhythm. While listening to the wave rhythm, you should breathe at the same rhythm. And a few minutes later, your body will begin to feel warm. Once your body is warmed, do not worry about your breathing rhythm. Just listen to the sounds and you will be able to fall asleep naturaly. if you use "不眠打波" on interval of the work, you can be relaxed. But be careful, not to fall asleep. function Volume adjustment, Change timeline . Reverse Switch 1/f noise is played reverse, same functions SleepTimer The beautiful Pictures When I use ”不眠打波” during a break, look.


