編號 | AMS-88-01 |
拉丁菌名 | Alcaligenes ketogenes sp. nov. Yin et Cai |
中文菌名巴辨贈頌 | 不吸水鏈黴菌梧州亞種 |
定名人 | 閻遜初 張國偉 董德鑫 |
Nomencla | Yin Guanglin and Cai Miaoying |
發表文章 | 不達慨滲船吸水鏈黴菌的一個新亞種 |
Article | A New Species of Alcaligenes |
作者 | 董德鑫 劉樹良 胡永蘭 程國芬 張愛玲 |
Author | Yin Guanglin, Cao Guifang, Liang Gaiqin, and Cai Miaoying |
作者單位 | 遼寧省微生物研究所, 朝陽 122000 |
摘要 | 在篩選 農用抗生素產生菌的工作中, 於1978年從廣西梧州地區土 樣中分離得到一株菌, 編號為11371. 該菌株產生對真菌 有較強抑制作用的抗生素.套用該菌株的發酵液防治蘋果 樹臭企霸腐爛病的田間試驗結果表明, 其防冶效果可達90%左右, 並已通過了防冶效果的鑑定. 該菌經形態學, 培養特徵, 生理生化特徵,細胞壁化學組成以及DNA中G+C的克分子含 量測定, 被鑑定為不吸水鏈霉茵的一個新亞種, 定名為不 吸水鏈黴菌梧州亞種(Streptomyces ahgroscopicus subsp. wuzhoensis n. subsp. Yan, Zhang & Dong). |
Abstract | Strain E54 isolated from soil is gramnegative coccal rods. It differs from related species of Pseudomonas, Alcaligenes in morphological,physiological and biochemical characteristics. Main characteristics of strain E54 are non-flagelled, oxidase positive, nitrate reduced but not denitrified,arginine dihydrolase positive but no urease and tryptohan deaminase, litmus milk alkaline and reduced, starch and gelatin not hydrolyzed.Utiltzes glucose, fructose, galactose, ribose, xylose, arginine and 2,3-butanediol et al. as carbon sources; but do not use mannose, lactose,surcose, starch, sorbose, betaine, malonate, acetate, propionate et al. G+C content of DNA is 68.65 mol% (Tm). By the DNA-DNA hybridizationexpriments in vitro, this strain is closed to Alcaligenes. Thus we consides this strain as a new species of Alcaligenes. On the base of production of 2-keto-D-gluconic acid, it is named as Alcaligenes ketogenes sp. nov. Yin et Cai. |
關鍵字 | 鏈黴菌屬, 不吸水鏈黴菌, 不吸水鏈黴菌梧州亞 種 |
Key | |
期刊 | 微生物學報 28(1):85-87, 1988. |
Publication | Acta Microbiologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 28(1):pp.6-11, 1988. |
分享省市 | 廣西省烏漿潤梧州市 |
Place | |
採集地 | 郊區農田土壤 |
Environment | soil |
海撥高度 | |
生態環境剃盼 | 亞熱帶訂企踏季風氣候農田 |
寄主 | 農田土壤 |
Habitat | soil |
Host | soil |
採集臘定精人 | 董德鑫 劉樹良 胡永蘭 程國芬 張愛玲 |
Isolation Person | Yin Guanglin, Cao Guifang, and Liang Gaiqin |
採集時間 | |
保存單位 | 遼寧省微生物研究所, 朝陽 122000 |
Preservation Unit | Group of Bacteriology Taxonomy, Department of Bacterial Taxonomy, Institute of Microbiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China |
描述 | |
等模式 | |
Speciman No. | No.E54 |
全文 | |
Note | The strain producing 2-keto-D-gluconic acid, it is important former to synthesize ascorbic acid. |
備註 | 該菌可產生抗生素, 對白色 假絲酵母AS 2.538, 產金青黴 AS 3.546 有較強抑制作用 , 對革蘭氏陽性菌有一定抑制作用.該菌的發酵液防治苹 果樹腐爛病有較好的效果. |