上海洪柯自動化儀表有限公司(Shanghai A.K. Instruments Co., Ltd)是一家集科研製造、系統設計、工程成套為一體的綜合性實業公司。
- 中文名:上海洪柯自動化儀表有限公司
- 外文名:Shanghai A.K. Instruments Co., Ltd
- 始建於:1999年
- 性質:綜合性實業公司
上海洪柯自動化儀表有限公司(簡稱SHAKIC)始建於1999年,公司依託上海高等院校、自動化儀表研究所等科研機構,致力於液體流量計、氣體流量計、蒸汽流量計、油類溶劑類流量計等流量儀表的研製和生產,尤其對於高溫高壓高粘度多相流流體的計量方面獨樹一幟。 上海洪柯自動化儀表有限公司主要產品有電磁流量計、熱式氣體質量流量計、渦街流量計、楔形流量計、威力巴流量計、渦街流量計、質量流量計、微小流量計、橢圓齒輪流量計、超音波氣體流量計、智慧型流量積算控制儀表、天然氣流量積算儀等多種產品,適用於電力、化工、環保、紡織、冶金、製藥、食品、水處理、航天、軍工等行業。此外,本公司還引進、代理銷售國外著名儀表公司產品,如美國液體超音波流量計、德國超音波液位計、德國科里奧利質量流量計等,以及水分析儀表,如Ph、ORP、COD、SS等。目前本公司擁有客戶近10000家,遍及全國30多個省市,並出口朝鮮、德國、法國、以色列、沙特、南非、蘇丹、越南、菲律賓等國家。
上海洪柯自動化儀表有限公司(Shanghai A.K. Instruments Co., Ltd)秉承“質量第一、用戶第一、服務第一”的理念,竭誠期望與國內外各界人士廣泛合作,共同發展。
Shanghai A.K. Instruments Co., Ltd established in 1999 is a comprehensive industrial company congregating scientific research, systematic designs, engineering settings, import & export trading. Depending on colleges and universities, and research institute, we bend ourselves to development and manufacture about liquid flowmeters, air flowmeters, steam flowmeters, oil and solvent flowmeters.
Our main product contain magnetic flowmeters, low-flow sensors, oval flowmeters, thermal gas mass flowmeters, ultrasonic flowmeters, ultrasonic gas flowmeters, flow controllers and so on, that be applied to power plant, chemical industry, environmental protection, textile industry, Iron & Steel, pharmacy, food production, water treatment, aerospace, military industry and other relevant industries. Besides, we act as an agent of foreign brands of famous instrument manufactures to sell such as ultrasonic liquid flowmeter/level, Coriolis mass flowmeter, and water analysis meters, for example Ph, ORP, COD,SS.
Up to now we serve about 300 customers, and export to France, Israel, South Africa, Sudan, Vietnam, Philippines, etc.
We insist on " quality first, consumer first, service first", expect honestly to cooperate with domestic and Overseas people of all walks of life, and develop together.