作為數據科學的倡導者,2009年發表了題為“Data Explosion, Data Nature and Dataology”的數據科學研究論文,並出版了第一本數據科學專著《數據學》(《Dataology and Data Science》),嘗試對數據科學進行了系統化的探討和描述,包括:定義數據界,指出數據界中人類面臨的主要問題,提出了數據界的一些科學問題:數據界有多大、數據以什麼方式增長、數據如何傳播、數據的真實性如何判斷、數據增長對人類的影響等;給出了數據科學的定義及其研究內容,數據科學與自然科學和社會科學之間的關係。並於2013年承擔了國內首個數據科學理論研究課題——上海市科委“數據科學基礎理論和學科體系研究”課題。在國際數據科學學術交流促進中具有重要的地位,創辦了“International Workshop on Dataology and Data Science”和“International conference on Data Science”。
1.Yun Xiong, Yizhou Zhang, Xiangnan Kong, Yangyong Zhu. NetCycle+: A Framework for Collective Evolution Inference in Dynamic Heterogeneous Networks[J]. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 2018, 30(8), 1547-1560.(CCF A類)
2.Zhang Y, Xiong Y, Kong X, et al. Deep Collective Classification in Heterogeneous Information Networks [C]. WWW, 2018: 399-408.(CCF A類)
10.Jiang Q, Peng X, Wang H, et al. Understanding systematic and collaborative code changes by mining evolutionary trajectory patterns[J]. Journal of Software: Evolution & Process, 2017, 29(3): 1840-1861.(CCF B類)
11.Lin Y, Meng G, Xue Y, et al. Mining implicit design templates for actionable code reuse[C]. ASE, 2017:394-404.(CCF A類)
12.Qian W, Peng X, Yu Y, et al.O2O service composition with social collaboration [C]. ASE, 2017: 451-461.(CCF A類)
13.Sun G, Xiong Y, Zhu Y. How the passengers flow in complex metro networks ? [C]. International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (SSDBM). 2017:23.(CCF C類)
14.Wang J, Peng X, Xing Z, et al. Contextual Recommendation of Relevant Program Elements in an Interactive Feature Location Process[C]. SCAM, 2017: 61-70.(CCF C類)
15.Wang X, Zhang W, Wang Z, et al. Eunomia: Scaling concurrent search trees under contention using HTM[C]. ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP), 2017:385-399.(CCF A類)
16.Wei H, Yang C, Yu Q. Efficient graph-based search for object detection[J]. Information Sciences, 2017, 385-386:395-414.(CCF B類)
17.Yu Q, Wei H, Yang C. Local part chamfer matching for shape-based object detection[J]. Pattern Recognition, 2017, 65:82-96.(CCF B類)
18.Zhang W, Ji X, Song B, et al. VarCatcher: A framework for tackling performance variability of parallel workloads on multi-core[J]. IEEE Transactions on Parallel & Distributed Systems, 2017, 28(4):1215-1228.(CCF A類)
19.Zhang Y, Xiong Y, Liu X, et al. Meta-path graphical lasso for learning heterogeneous connectivities[C]. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM), 2017: .642-650.(CCF B類)
20.Zhang Y, Xiong Y, Kong X, et al. Learning Node Embeddings in Interaction Graphs[C]// ACM on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. ACM, 2017:397-406.(CCF B類)
21.Zheng J, Peng X, Yang J, et al. CollaDroid: Automatic augmentation of android application with lightweight interactive collaboration[C]. ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), 2017:2462-2474.(CCF A類)
《EEG Signal Analysis and Classification:Techniques and Applications》