- 中文名:上官微
- 外文名:Wei Shangguan
- 國籍:中國
- 民族:漢族
- 出生地:湖南湘潭
- 出生日期:1982年
- 職業:中山大學副教授
- 畢業院校:北京師範大學
- 信仰:無神論
- 主要成就:主要從事土壤地理與製圖、陸面過程模擬、地理信息系統套用
- 代表作品:A Global Soil Dataset for Earth System Modeling
國家自然科學基金面上項目:全球岩石深度的空間估計與其在陸面模擬中的實現(41575072), 負責人。 2016年1月到2019年12月。
Shangguan, W., T. Hengl, J. Mendes de Jesus, H. Yuan, and Y. Dai, 2017: Mapping the global depth to bedrock for land surface modeling. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, In press.
Yuan, H., Y. Dai, R. E. Dickinson, B. Pinty, W. Shangguan, S. Zhang, L. Wang, and S. Zhu, 2017: Reexamination and further development of two-stream canopy radiative transfer models for global land modeling. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, In press.
Hengl, T., M. d. J. J., G. B. M. Heuvelink, R. Gonzalez, K. M., M. , A. Blagotic, W. Shangguan, M. N. Wright, X. Geng, B. Bauer-Marschallinger, M. A. Guevara, R. Vargas, R. A. MacMillan, N. H. Batjes, J. G. B. Leenaars, E. Ribeiro, I. Wheeler, S. Mantel, and B. Kempen, 2017: SoilGrids250m: global gridded soil information based on Machine Learning. PLOS One, In press.
Zhou, T., P. J. Shi, G. S. Jia, Y. J. Dai, X. Zhao, W. Shangguan, L. Du, H. Wu, and Y. Q. Luo, 2015: Age-dependent forest carbon sink: Estimation via inverse modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 120, 2473-2492.
Shangguan, W., P Gong, L Liang, YJ Dai, and K Zhang (2014) Soil Diversity as Affected by Land Use in China: Consequences for Soil Protection, The Scientific World Journal, 2014(IF1.219).
Shangguan, W., Y. Dai, C. García-Gutiérrez, and H. Yuan (2014), Particle-size distribution models for the conversion of Chinese data to FAO/USDA system, The Scientific World Journal, 2014, 11 pages.
Yuan, H., R. E. Dickinson, Y. Dai, M. J. Shaikh, L. Zhou, W. Shangguan, and D. Ji (2014), A 3D Canopy Radiative Transfer Model for Global Climate Modeling: Description, Validation, and Application, Journal of Climate, 27, 1168-1192.
Shangguan, W., Dai, Y., Duan, Q., Liu, B. and Yuan, H., 2014. A Global Soil Dataset for Earth System Modeling. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 6: 249-263(IF4.922).
Yonjiu Dai, Wei Shangguan, Qingyun Duan, Baoyuan Liu, Suhua Fu, and Guoyue Niu, 2013. Development of a China dataset of soil hydraulic parameters using pedotransfer functions for land surface modeling. Journal of Hydrometeorology 14: 869–887(IF3.645).
Shangguan, W., Y. Dai, B. Liu, A. Zhu, Q. Duan, L. Wu, D. Ji, A. Ye, H. Yuan, Q. Zhang, D. Chen, M. Chen, J. Chu, Y. Dou, J. Guo, H. Li, J. Li, L. Liang, X. Liang, H. Liu, S. Liu, C. Miao, and Y. Zhang (2013), A China Data set of Soil Properties for Land Surface Modeling, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 5(2), 212-224(IF4.922).
Ren, D., L. M. Leslie, M. J. Lynch, Q. Duan, Y. Dai, and W. Shangguan, 2013: Why was the Auguest 2010 Zhouqu landslide so powerful. Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 6, 67-79.
Zheng Y. M., Niu Z. G., Gong P., Dai Y. and Shangguan W. Preliminary estimation of the organic carbon pool in China’s wetlands. 2013. Chin Sci Bull, 58: 662-670.
Shangguan, W., Y. Dai, B. Liu, A. Ye, and H. Yuan, 2012. A soil particle-size distribution dataset for regional land and climate modelling in China, Geoderma, 171-172, 85-91(IF2.722).
Yuan,H., Dai, Y., Xiao, Z., Ji, D., Shangguan, W., 2011. Reprocessing the MODIS Leaf Area Index products for land surface and climate modeling. Remote sensing of Environment 115, 1171-1187.
Moeys, J., Wei Shangguan. 2010. Package – Soil texture: Functions for soil texture plot, classification and transformation.
上官微, 戴永久, 2009. 幾種土壤粒徑分布參數模型在稀疏分級數據中的對比研究. 北京師範大學學報: 自然科學版,45: 279-283.
上官微,2012. 土壤距離連線法V1.0. 計算機軟體著作權.
上官微,2012. 土壤類型連線法V1.0. 計算機軟體著作權.
Shangguan, W. (2015) Spatial prediction of depth to bedrock and saprolite using global dsm models. Pedometric 2015. Córdoba, Spain.
Shangguan, W. (2015).Soil information for Earth system modelling in Wageningen conference on applied soil science, Wageningen, The Netherland.
Shangguan, W. (2014). A comprehensive gridded global soil data sets, DAMES 2014, Milano, Italy.
Shangguan, W., 2014. Comparison of aggregation ways on soil property maps, 20th World Congress of Soil Science, Jeju, Korea.
Shangguan, W. et al., 2013. A Global Soil Dataset for Earth System Modeling, GlobalSoilMap Conference 2013, Orleans, France.
Shangguan, W. 2012. An investigation of soil particle-size distribution models for the conversion of soil texture classification from ISSS and Katschinski’s to FAO/USDA System. Paper presented at PEDOFARACT VII Workshop on Scaling in Particulate and Porous Media: Modeling and Use in Predictions. A Coruña, Spain.
Wei shangguan. Land use as a stress factor to soil diversity and its protection in China, in Wageningen conference on applied soil science, 2011: Wageningen, The Netherland.
Wei, Shangguan, and Yongjiu Dai, A conterminous China sand, silt and clay dataset using soil family map and soil profile data for regional modeling, in Pedometric 2009. 2009: Beijing, China.
Wei, Shangguan, Yongjiu Dai, and Aizhong Ye, Global pedodiversity and soil spatial pattern using Shannon’s entropy, in Soil Geography: New Horizons. 2009: Huatulco Santa Cruz, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Yongjiu Dai, Wei Shangguan and Qingyun Duan. A Conterminous China High Resolution Land Dataset for Regional Land Surface Modeling, in AGU Fall Meeting 2009: San Francisco, USA.