



  • 主演:麥可·帕克斯
  • 片長:89min
  • 對白語言:英語
  • 類型:劇情,西部
  • 製片地區:美國


Dustin and Joe are brothers who are as different as can be: one a confident ladies man and the other shy and insecure. Their parents, retired sheriff, Jake (Michael Parks of Kill Bill) and his wife, Rachel (Olivia Hussey of Romeo and Juliet) have worked hard to carve out a quiet and safe life for themselves and their family. When Abby, the daughter of Jake's best friend Ben (Wes Studi of Dances with Wolves), returns to town for the summer, their lives are disrupted and events set in motion that lead to unimaginable consequences. As brother is turned against brother in a fight for Abby s affection, the town is threatened by out of control wildfires, while Jake and his wife are forced to make a desperate decision that will determine the fate of themselves and their sons. Beautifully crafted and packed with powerful performances, Three Priests is a stark, intense and ultimately heart-wrenching story about loyalty and betrayal, fear and desire, envy and honor, and the fierceness of a mothers love.


◎譯 名 三個神父
◎片 名 Three Priests
◎年 代 2008
◎國 家 美國
◎類 別 劇情/西部
◎語 言 英語
◎IMDB評分 6.2/10 (15 votes)
◎片 長 88 Mins


◎導 演 Jim Comas Cole
◎主 演 麥可·帕克斯 Michael Parks ....Jacob
奧麗維婭·赫西 Olivia Hussey ....Rachel
韋斯·斯塔迪 Wes Studi ....Ben
Alexander Martin ....Dustin
Julia Jones ....Abby
Aaron Duffey ....Joe
James Parks ....Johnny
Stu Brumbaugh ....Johnny's friend
Angela Funk ....Laura
Colter Metcalf ....Jesse
Matt Oberholtzer ....Young Joe
Cameron Pennoyer ....Young Dusty


