七個作業突破雅思寫作 YY

七個作業突破雅思寫作 YY

《七個作業突破雅思寫作 YY》是 2010年8月1日大連理工大學出版社出版的圖書


  • 書名:七個作業突破雅思寫作 YY
  • ISBN:7561156693, 9787561156698
  • 頁數:280頁
  • 出版社: 大連理工大學出版社
  • 出版時間:第1版 (2010年8月1日)
  • 開本:16
  • 正文語種:簡體中文, 英語




IELTS Writing for Academic and General Training
●Task One 雅思寫作 全面了解 A Guide to IELTS Writing
◎雅思寫作這點事兒 Insight into IELTS Writing
◎考生現狀分析 Usual Problems of Most Candidates
◎考前你應該做的六件事 Full Preparation Is the Best Policy
●Task Two 辭彙複習 打好基礎 Word Building
◎辭彙存摺 Word Bank
◎八類主題辭彙,你都背了嗎? Words Classification Based on Themes
◎常用詞性分類 Range and Variety
◎常用同義詞(短語)表 List of Synonyms
●Task Three 優美句子 脫筆而出 Step-by-Step to Vigorous Writing
◎基本句型基本功夫 Basic Sentence Structures
◎可以說出的秘密──句子拓展方法 The Secret of Complex Sentences
◎雪中送炭的模版句型 Template Sentence Structures
◎錦上添花的亮點句型 What Makes a Difference
●Task Four 華彩篇章 妙用連詞 Principle of Double C—Coherence and Cohesion
◎關連詞,想說愛你容易么?Love IELTS Writing, Love Link Words
◎連詞,讓我慢慢靠近你 Link Words in Model Essays
◎拓展段落,讓我逐漸征服你 Argumentative Devices
●Task Five 縝密邏輯 征服考官 Logic and Linear Thinking
◎中英文邏輯大不同 English Linear Way of Thinking
◎特別關注──考官點評 Special Focus on Examiner’s Comments
◎論證邏輯結構 Writing Makes an Exact Man
◎文章的發展方法 Approaches to Develop an Essay
◎結尾好,一切都美好 All Is Well That Ends Well
◎Report專題 Focus on Report
●Task Six 觀點準備 頭腦風暴 Brainstorming
◎巧借雅思真題,導出話題分類 Topic Pool on Academic and General Training Writing
◎從發散思維圖看雅思作文廬山真面目 An Approach to Collect Ideas
◎素材提煉,溫故而創新 Much Exposure to Topic Pool
升華寫作 名篇背誦 Model Essays
◎科技類題材 Technology
◎科技教育相結合題材 Education and Technology
◎環境題材 Environment
◎媒體類題材 Mass Media
◎老齡化題材Ageing Society
◎文化類題材 Culture
◎國際合作題材International Cooperation
◎工作生活題材 Work and Life
IELTS Writing for TaskⅠ
●Task Seven 圖表書信 格局各異 Academic and General Training Writing for TaskⅠ
學術類圖表作文 Academic Writing for Task I
◎圖表作文面面觀 Comprehensive Understanding of Charts
◎小作文的Opening與Ending Opening and Ending
◎分類範文研習 How to Study Model Essays
◎圖表作文常用辭彙及用法解析 Frequently-Used Vocabulary
◎外刊圖表用語一覽 Usage of Words in Foreign Press
移民類書信作文 General Training Writing for Task I
◎分類書信作文 IELTS Letter Writing
◎拓展練習 Exercises
附錄 Appendix
附錄一 Appendix I
雅思寫作話題全盤分析 Overall Review of Topics
A類真題回放 Topic Review on Academic Writing
G類考題頻率高的題目 Topic Review on General Training Writing
附錄二 Appendix II
常用國際組織名稱 Names of International Organizations


