2011.01-2013.12 東北師範大學數學與統計學院 博士後
2010.07-2015.09 吉林大學數學學院 講師
- Xue Ding, The Convergence of Sample Eigenvectors of a Spiked Population Model. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods. 2015.09 .(SCI)
2.Xue Ding, On some spectral properties of large block Laplacian random matrices. Statist. Probab. Lett. 99 (2015), 61–69..(SCI)
3.Xue Ding, On some spectral properties of large self-dual dilute quaternion random matrices. Linear Multilinear Algebra 63 (2015), no. 9, 1737–1749 .(SCI)
4.Xue Ding, Spectral analysis of large block random matrices with rectangular blocks. Lith. Math. J. 54 (2014), no. 2, 115–126..(SCI)
5.Zhidong Bai and Xue Ding, Estimation of spiked eigenvalues in spiked models. Random Matrices: Theory and Applications. 1(2) (2012). DOI: 10.1142/S2010326311500110.
6.Xue Ding and Tiefeng Jiang, Spectral distributions of adjacency and Laplacian matrices of random graphs. The Annals of Applied Probability. 20(6) (2010). 2086-2117.(SCI)
-2015.12 負責人
高維條件下樣本協方差陣特徵向量研究, 教育部博士點新教師基金 2013.01-2015.12 負責人
高維樣本協方差陣特徵分析及統計套用 吉林省科技廳青年科研基金 2014.01- 2016.12 負責人
大維Spike協方差模型理論研究與統計推斷 吉林大學基本科研業務費 2012.01
2013.12 負責人