


  • 中文名:丁立松水印版畫選集
  • 外文名:Collection of Ding Lisong's Wood-engraving Prints for Ding's 50 Years' Artistic Career
  • 作者:丁立松
  • 出版日期:2007年1月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787532250783
  • 出版社:上海人民美術出版社
  • 頁數:84 頁
  • 開本:16 開
  • 品牌:上海人民美術出版社







20世紀60年代 1960s
1.漁港八月 Fishing Harbor in August
2.黃海之濱 Shore of Yellow Sea
3.打靶歸途 The Way Home after Shooting Practice
4.曙光初照 First Light of Morning
20世紀70年代 1970s
5.蘆盪雞鳴 Crowing in Reed Marshes
6.星期天 Sunday
7.綠遍灌區 Green be Found all over Irrigating Section
8.銀河生輝 Brightly
9.蘆盪新聲 Reed Marshes
10.機聲隆隆 The Boom of Machine
20世紀80年代 1980s
11.秋晨情趣 Autumn Morning
12.路 Road
13.山谷初醒 Waking Valley
14.泰山觀日 View The Sun in Taishan Mountain
15.太湖月色 The Scene ofTaihu Lake underThe Moon
16.泰山松 The Pine of Taishan Mountaint
17.春酣 Spring in The Air
18.鴨池清秋 Clear Aurumn over The Duck Pond
19.炎夏樂章 Rhythm of A Hot Summer Night
20.牛系列——奔 Running——Cattle Series
21.紫琅展望 Viewing on Zilang Hill
22.曉舞春風 Spring Moring Breeze
23.踏月黃海 Moonlit Yellow Sea
24.黃海初陽 Morning Sun of Yellow Sea
25.雛 Chicks
26.黃海岸上 Bank of Yellow Sea
27.新林 The New Forest
28.秋江飛鴻 The Flying Swan Geese of Autumn River
29.黃海灘上 Seabeach of Yellow Sea
30.鄉音 Local Accent
20世紀90年代 1990s
31.陽光陽光 Sunlight
32.早晨七八點 Early Morning
33.一池春水 Spring Breeze over A Pond
34.煙雨迷茫時 In A Veil of Misty Rain
35.吟苑 Chanting Garden
36.牛系列——搏 Struggling——Cattle Series
37.甜蜜蜜 酸溜溜 Sweet and Acerbities
38.村姑們的天地 The World of Village——Women
39.秋水長天 The Faraway Autumn-Water
40.姑蘇橋畔 The Side of Gusu Bridge
41.石壁生涯 The Career of Stone Wall
42.溫馨 Snug
43.牛系列——肖像 An Image——Cattle Series
44.皓月 Bright Moon
45.窗含悠悠水鄉情 Water-native Scene across the Window
46.曉霧初開 Morning Fog on setting
47.飛雪黃昏 The Twilight with Flying-Snow
48.春華——窗之一 Spring——Window Series 1
49.秋艷——窗之二 Autumn——Window Series 2
50.春——詠荷系列之一 Spring——Chanting Lotus Leaves Series 1
51.夏——詠荷系列之二 Summer——Chanting Lotus Leaves Series 2
52.冬——詠荷系列之四 Winter——Chanting Lotus Leaves Series 4
53.雨——詠荷系列之六 Rain——Chanting Lotus Leaves Series 6
54.潔——詠荷系列之九 Clean——Chanting Lotus Leaves Series 9
55.牛系列——遠古遺蹟 Original Relics——Cattle Series
56.魯迅故居之一 Home of Lu Xun in Shaoxing 1
57.魯迅故居之二 Home of Lu Xun in Shaoxing 2
58.海灘踩貝 Treading The Seashell in Beach
59.牛系列——奮蹄(藏書票) Diligent Gallop(exlibris)
60.春雨江南 Spring Rain of Southern Changjiang Delta
61.水鄉秋光 Autumn Light of Water Native Land
62.廊外晨霧 Morning Fog Outside Verandah
63.岩國城之夏——日本名城風光之二 Summer of Yanguo City——The Scene of Famous City in Japan 2
64.宇和島城之秋——日本名城風光之三 Autumn of Yehe Island——The Scene of Famous City in Japan 3
65.越前大野城之冬——日本名城風光之 Winter of Yueqiandaye City——The Scene of Famous City in Japan 4
21世紀初 Beninning of 21st Century
66.都市風采之一 Graciousness of City 1
67.都市風采之三 Graciousness of City 3
68.牛系列——碎骨 Bonecrushing——Cattle Seri
69.雲霧山莊 Yunwu Villa
70.天接雲濤 Cloud Waves Connecting The Sky
71.雲漫玉屏 Cloud over The Jade-screen
72.眾峰望月 Peaks under the Moonlight
73.華夏故居系列之一 The ChineseAncient Home Series 1
74.華夏故居系列之二 The ChineseAncient Home Series 2
75.華夏故居系列之三 The ChineseAncient Home Series 3
76.華夏故居系列之四 The ChineseAncient Home Series 4
77.感慨華夏系列——龍的傳人 The Moving of Cina Series——Dragon Unborn
78.殘跡系列之一 Vestiges Series 1
79.殘跡系列之二 Vestiges Series 2
80.殘跡系列之三 Vestiges Series 3
81.殘跡系列之四 Vestiges Series 4
82.扇面之一 Fan Series 1
83.扇面之二 Fan Series 2
84.皖南宏村憶象之一 Impression for Wangna Home Village Series 1
85.皖南宏村憶象之二 Impression for Wangna Home Village Series 2


