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現為IEEE高級會員,IEEE PES濟南分會秘書長,山東電機工程學會副理事長,全國短路電流計算標委會委員,中國電機工程學會、中國電源學會、中國自動化學會專委會委員,CIGRE B5.57工作組、C4/B5.61工作組、IEC SC 8A工作組專家。SCI期刊Int. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst. 編委。主持國家重點研發計畫項目課題1項、國家自然科學基金課題2項、國家電網總部科技項目多項,並參與多項國家973和科技部攻關計畫課題,參與制定國家標準1項。在IEEE Trans. Power Syst.等期刊發表SCI/EI論文50餘篇,申請和授權發明專利30餘項。2018年獲中國電力優秀青年科技人才獎。



  • 中文名:丁磊
  • 國籍中國
  • 籍貫:山東臨沂
  • 出生日期:1980年


2022.1至今 山東大學電氣工程學院院長 黨委副書記
2010.4-2015.8 山東大學電氣工程學院副教授
2009.11-2011.7 英國曼徹斯特大學電氣與電子工程學院 Research Associate
2008.1-2009.11 清華大學電機工程與套用電子技術系博士後/助理研究員




[1]Ding L, Guo Y, Wall P, et al. Identifying the Timing of Controlled Islanding Using a Controlling UEP Based Method[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2018,33(6): 5913-5922
[2]Ding L, Ma Z, Wall P, et al. Graph Spectra Based Controlled Islanding for Low Inertia Power Systems[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2017,32(1): 302-309
[3]Ding L, Guo Y, Wall P. Performance and Suitability Assessment of Controlled Islanding Methods for Online WAMPAC Application[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2017,84: 252-260
[4]Ding L, Wall P, Terzija V. Constrained Spectral Clustering Based Controlled Islanding[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2014,63: 687-694
[5]Ding L, Wall P, Terzija V, et al. Two-Step Spectral Clustering Controlled Islanding Algorithm[J].IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2013,28(1): 75-84.
[6]Faraji R, Ding L, Rahimi T, et al. Application of Soft-Switching Cell with Inherent Redundancy Properties for Enhancing the Reliability of Boost-Based DC-DC Converters[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021,36(11): 12342-12354.
[7]Rahimi T, Ding L, Abadifard A, et al. Unbalanced currents effect on the thermal characteristic and reliability of parallel connected power switches[J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021,26.
[8]Rahimi T, Ding L, Faraji R, et al. Performance Improvement of a Three-Phase Interleaved DC-DC Converter without Requiring Antisaturation Control for Postfault Conditions[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics,2021,36(7): 7378-7383.
[9]Wang X, Ding L, Ma Z, et al. Perturbation-Based Sensitivity Analysis of Slow Coherency with Variable Power System Inertia[J]. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems,2021,36(2):1121-1129.
[10]Kheshti M, Ding L, Askarian-Abyaneh H, et al. Improving frequency regulation of wind-integrated multi-area systems using LFA-fuzzy PID control[J]. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems,2021,31(3).
[11]Faraji R, Ding L, Rahimi T, et al. Efficient Multi-Port Bidirectional Converter with Soft-Switching Capability for Electric Vehicle Applications[J]. IEEE Access,2021,9: 107079-107094.
[12]Rahimi T, Ding L, Kheshti M, et al. Inertia Response Coordination Strategy of Wind Generators and Hybrid Energy Storage and Operation Cost-Based Multi-Objective Optimizing of Frequency Control Parameters[J]. IEEE Access,2021,9: 74684-74702.
[13]Faraji R, Ding L, Rahimi T, et al. Soft-Switched Three-Port DC-DC Converter with Simple Auxiliary Circuit[J]. IEEE Access,2021,9: 66738-66750.
[14]Kheshti M, Ding L, Bao W, et al. Toward Intelligent Inertial Frequency Participation of Wind Farms for the Grid Frequency Control[J].IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics,2020,16(11): 6772-6786.
[15]Bao W, Ding L, Liu Z, et al. Analytically derived fixed termination time for stepwise inertial control of wind turbines—Part I: Analytical derivation[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,2020,121.
[16]Li X, Ding L, Zhu G, et al. Transient Instability Detection Method Based on Multi-source Trajectory Information[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2019,113: 897-905
[17]Kheshti M, Ding L, Nayeripour M,et al. Active Power Support of Wind Turbines for Grid Frequency Events Using a Reliable Power Reference Scheme[J]. Renewable Energy, 2019,139: 1241-1254
[18]Liu P, Zhu G, Ding L, et al. High-voltage ride-through strategy for wind turbine with fully-rated converter based on current operating range[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2022, 141: 108101.
[19]Zhang G, Zhang F, Ding L, et al. Wind Farm Level Coordination for Optimal Inertial Control With a Second-Order Cone Predictive Model[J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,in press.
[20]Bao W, Wu Q, Ding L,et al. A Hierarchical Inertial Control Scheme for Multiple Wind Farms with BESSs Based on ADMM[J]. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy,2021,12(2):751-761.
[21]Bao W, Wu Q, Ding L, et al. Synthetic Inertial Control of Wind Farm with BESS Based on Model Predictive Control[J]. IET Renewable Power Generation,2020,14(13): 2447-2455
[22]Guo Y, Bao W, Ding L, et al. Analytically Derived Fixed Termination Time for Stepwise Inertial Control of Wind Turbines—Part II: Application Strategy[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems,2020,121
[23]Zhang F, Fu A, Ding L, et al. MPC Based Control Strategy for Battery Energy Storage Station in a Grid with High Photovoltaic Power Penetration[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2020,115.
[24]Zhu Z,Hou M,Ding L,et al.Optimal Photovoltaic Array Dynamic Reconfiguration Strategy Based on Direct Power Evaluation[J]. IEEE Access,2020,8: 210267-210276
[25]Zhang F, Fu A, Ding L,et al. Optimal Sizing of ESS for Reducing AGC Payment in a Power System with High PV Penetration[J]. International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2019,110: 809-818
[26]Phadke A.G, Wall P, Ding L, et al. Improving the Performance of Power System Protection Using Wide Area Monitoring Systems[J]. Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2016,4(3): 319-331
[27]Quirós-Tortós J, Wall P, Ding L, et al. Determination of Sectionalising Strategies for Parallel Power System Restoration: A Spectral Clustering-Based Methodology[J]. Electric Power Systems Research, 2014,116: 381-390


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